Girl Problems VOL. BROS OVER ****?

Dec 26, 2007
I don't really post much around here but I am facing a very tough situation right now. So fellow Nters give me some advice. I got this friend, who likesthis girl but she ain't feeling him at all. They went out a few times but no spark. So now me and this girl is hanging out a lot and I think I'mstarting to catch some feelings for her. My friend keeps telling me that he is not feeling at anymore but he is obviously lying. So NT should I continuetrying to get at this girl and risk losing my friendship?

-Friend likes girl, but she don't like him.
-Risk my friendship with him by trying to get with her.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by NJstress03

chicks come and go dude. it aint worth it. a few months you'll probably wish you never met her
It's ALWAYS another one out there. ALWAYS. Or if you're as lame as I think you are, I heardthis girl named Palmela Handerson is available.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by NJstress03

chicks come and go dude. it aint worth it. a few months you'll probably wish you never met her

either that or you will forget who she is and he will never forget what you did.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

NJstress03 wrote:

chicks come and go dude. it aint worth it. a few months you'll probably wish you never met her
It's ALWAYS another one out there. ALWAYS. Or if you're as lame as I think you are, I heard this girl named Palmela Handerson is available.

or manuela.
Don't do your homeboy like that. yall gotta be close if you care enough to think about the situation instead of just pursuing.. just hit it once twice thentry and put ya boy on...
she dont even look all that great(no hate tho homes)
but to echo everyone else in this thread, you'll be on that Carl Thomas steez in a few months
I was looking for her arm to but I didn't want to ask in case she really was missing an arm.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

NJstress03 wrote:

chicks come and go dude. it aint worth it. a few months you'll probably wish you never met her
It's ALWAYS another one out there. ALWAYS. Or if you're as lame as I think you are, I heard this girl named Palmela Handerson is available.

or manuela.
Or Hanita.

Op keep it movin pimpin.
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