Girl raped during Homecoming Dance

Originally Posted by GTEK

Here's the thing....
Just as bad as this world is where 15+ plus guys can rape and beat a 15 year old girl...
It is as bad as where a 15 year girl can be taken in under the wrong influence
and willing to let 15+ guys gang-bang and beat it up till shes unconscious.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by GTEK

Here's the thing....
Just as bad as this world is where 15+ plus guys can rape and beat a 15 year old girl...
It is as bad as where a 15 year girl can be taken in under the wrong influence
and willing to let 15+ guys gang-bang and beat it up till shes unconscious.

May sound like a reach to somepeople.
But I've seen N's lead smutts to do alot of things in my short lifetime.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by GTEK

Here's the thing....
Just as bad as this world is where 15+ plus guys can rape and beat a 15 year old girl...
It is as bad as where a 15 year girl can be taken in under the wrong influence
and willing to let 15+ guys gang-bang and beat it up till shes unconscious.

Unfortunately, this is not a reach.
Wouldn't have happened if the girl didn't follow them, or drank some alcohol

Still though, this is horrible for all sides of the crime scene.
Yo I surprised like people haven't talked or gossiped at that school as yet about what happened.

For so many people witnessing something like that and it making National News then you'd expect someone wanting to be infront of the camera and startgiving their POV of the story.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Here's the thing....
Just as bad as this world is where 15+ plus guys can rape and beat a 15 year old girl...
It is as bad as where a 15 year girl can be taken in under the wrong influence
and willing to let 15+ guys gang-bang and beat it up till shes unconscious.


As usual the media will take it's default approach and take the females perspective.
So the wording and the and facts my be displayed bias-ly.
Not caring or being worried in the interview because you know the chick was down for it.....
maybe worded as being admitive and not ashamed/concerned.
Of course dudes would take pictures...that's what those type of cats do, wouldn't be surprised if there was a tape.
I'll just be waiting for further info and of course the verdict....
either way this situation as a whole is just SMH.

It doesn't matter if she wanted it because dudes who were over 18 were involved.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Wouldn't have happened if the girl didn't follow them, or drank some alcohol

Still though, this is horrible for all sides of the crime scene.

a lot of religious nuts use that same way of thinking
Why couldn't she just wait at the school til her dad came?

She was asking for trouble when she decided to hang out with those nutcases.
She could have EASILY waited at the school...but nooooo...I'm going to hang out with my drunk friends and get wasted. I mean, who would be that dumb to dothat? Quite a risk taker. I guess the dance wasn't "poppin" enough for her.
Wth are some ex-students and 21 y/o's doing drinking in a dark alley at a highschool on a friday night? Is this really how it is for some people in theRich?
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

She could have EASILY waited at the school...but nooooo...I'm going to hang out with my drunk friends and get wasted. I mean, who would be that dumb to do that? Quite a risk taker. I guess the dance wasn't "poppin" enough for her.
most kids are

you sounding a lot like moral orel
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

She could have EASILY waited at the school...but nooooo...I'm going to hang out with my drunk friends and get wasted. I mean, who would be that dumb to do that? Quite a risk taker. I guess the dance wasn't "poppin" enough for her.
most kids are

you sounding a lot like moral orel

I'm sayin tho, I know plenty of girls at my school who are responsible.

I blame the parents

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

enphan let it go..

and sometimes no matter how great parents are kids do what they wanna do...
This is the biggest cop out for lazy parenting. I hate when people say this.

These kids have no sense of value, consequences, and regard for other human life and you're going to tell me they were like that right out of the gate?


no i'm telling you that at some point they decide they don't have to/want to listen to their parents...

of course thats not the case with all people who do bad things but you can't say that ALL those people had bad parents either...
I think you're missing the point.

Obviously there's a point where kids decide to think and do things on their own but good parenting ensures that your kid will make better decisions inlife.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

enphan let it go..

and sometimes no matter how great parents are kids do what they wanna do...
This is the biggest cop out for lazy parenting. I hate when people say this.

These kids have no sense of value, consequences, and regard for other human life and you're going to tell me they were like that right out of the gate?


no i'm telling you that at some point they decide they don't have to/want to listen to their parents...

of course thats not the case with all people who do bad things but you can't say that ALL those people had bad parents either...
I think you're missing the point.

Obviously there's a point where kids decide to think and do things on their own but good parenting ensures that your kid will make better decisions in life.

Parenting is EVERYTHING.

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

this story has bs written all over it
you know damn well homegirl wanted to get ran on

and get beaten?

some girls like to be treated that way
unless i see a pic of the girl with bruises and blood coming out her nose
then she knew what was gunna happen....there aint nuthin but hoodrats in richmond
homegirl wanted to get pounded plain an simple she coulda easilly walked away
she probably heard there was a party around the corner and she was looking for some D
it aint like they forced the drinks into her mouth

she slipped up got a train ran on her and now she screaming rape just like the other
broad with the 5 black homies.....

But investigators said Tuesday that they now believe that as many as 10 assailants, ranging in age from 15 to their early 20s, committed a "slew of crimes" against the girl, including raping her and stealing her jewelry.
I have a friend who actually goes to richmond high and she said that it was consenual(Sp?) until she wanted to stop and they didn't, and that's how thewhole rape thing came about.
Train gone wrong. Sad story. These guys do need to serve time, my theory is this: chick meets up with dudes, drinks, agrees to a train, more people show upduring, she refuses and wants to stop, dudes get mad and beat her. And from what I heard she was found Concious(sp) crying And shaking under the table.
i swear the hofstra chick ruined it for other women in these types of situations.

does it seem there MAY be more to the story then what the media or the majority of us know, of course. however even if she did participate in drinking and evenif she agreed to have sex with one or two of the dudes there that does not make it right for the other 8 or 9+ dudes who did so w/out her consent. that'dbe RAPE regardless of the context w/ which the event started. and even if she agreed to have sex with 1,000,000 dudes the min she says no and for it to stop itmust stop (!!!) or it is rape.

and for those saying she has to be a lie simply due to the large amout of people who were in the area (watching..?) that is plain stupid. i mean you do knowthere is a large fetish community for those who simply like to be watched? not so un-common as it would seem. i mean its basically live version of porn.seriously i have been to a party or two and seen couples going at it w/ little privacy or care for who may be around. i have done that myself when i was drunkwhen i was w/ my ex at a party. didnt care who could see; it happens, not something to be proud of but those things happen.

i dont have sisters but a large amount of my cousins are girls and i was raised by women so i guess i see it in a little more of a horrific light then some.bottom line is when the police arrived at the scene and found her she was at the very least was in a state of panic and shock. not the day after with camerasto see and a boyfriend to account too, she had to be found! she couldnt even find the strength emotionally or physically to go find a payphone to call herparents for a ride yet she WANTED this? be serious. add to that she was beaten and robbed. the thought that one dude let alone 10+ could do this andwatch...words dont express it.
Originally Posted by MrSoLeFrEsH

i swear the hofstra chick ruined it for other women in these types of situations.

does it seem there MAY be more to the story then what the media or the majority of us know, of course. however even if she did participate in drinking and even if she agreed to have sex with one or two of the dudes there that does not make it right for the other 8 or 9+ dudes who did so w/out her consent. that'd be RAPE regardless of the context w/ which the event started. and even if she agreed to have sex with 1,000,000 dudes the min she says no and for it to stop it must stop (!!!) or it is rape.

and for those saying she has to be a lie simply due to the large amout of people who were in the area (watching..?) that is plain stupid. i mean you do know there is a large fetish community for those who simply like to be watched? not so un-common as it would seem. i mean its basically live version of porn. seriously i have been to a party or two and seen couples going at it w/ little privacy or care for who may be around. i have done that myself when i was drunk when i was w/ my ex at a party. didnt care who could see; it happens, not something to be proud of but those things happen.

i dont have sisters but a large amount of my cousins are girls and i was raised by women so i guess i see it in a little more of a horrific light then some. bottom line is when the police arrived at the scene and found her she was at the very least was in a state of panic and shock. not the day after with cameras to see and a boyfriend to account too, she had to be found! she couldnt even find the strength emotionally or physically to go find a payphone to call her parents for a ride yet she WANTED this? be serious. add to that she was beaten and robbed. the thought that one dude let alone 10+ could do this and watch...words dont express it.

Co-signing on everything you said,especially the part I bolded.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by MrSoLeFrEsH

i swear the hofstra chick ruined it for other women in these types of situations.

does it seem there MAY be more to the story then what the media or the majority of us know, of course. however even if she did participate in drinking and even if she agreed to have sex with one or two of the dudes there that does not make it right for the other 8 or 9+ dudes who did so w/out her consent. that'd be RAPE regardless of the context w/ which the event started. and even if she agreed to have sex with 1,000,000 dudes the min she says no and for it to stop it must stop (!!!) or it is rape.

and for those saying she has to be a lie simply due to the large amout of people who were in the area (watching..?) that is plain stupid. i mean you do know there is a large fetish community for those who simply like to be watched? not so un-common as it would seem. i mean its basically live version of porn. seriously i have been to a party or two and seen couples going at it w/ little privacy or care for who may be around. i have done that myself when i was drunk when i was w/ my ex at a party. didnt care who could see; it happens, not something to be proud of but those things happen.

i dont have sisters but a large amount of my cousins are girls and i was raised by women so i guess i see it in a little more of a horrific light then some. bottom line is when the police arrived at the scene and found her she was at the very least was in a state of panic and shock. not the day after with cameras to see and a boyfriend to account too, she had to be found! she couldnt even find the strength emotionally or physically to go find a payphone to call her parents for a ride yet she WANTED this? be serious. add to that she was beaten and robbed. the thought that one dude let alone 10+ could do this and watch...words dont express it.

Co-signing on everything you said,especially the part I bolded.

Not really, 10,000 Nos and a yes is a yes
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