Girl raped during Homecoming Dance

you keep talking about "risky behavior"

was she in a comprimising position?


does that make her even .000000000001 percent to blame? not at all.

I'd like to think in our, scratch that, ANY society, a girl, no matter what position, wouldn't be gangraped...anywhere...especially in public...

she's not to blame.

I'm not saying you're less intelligent, I don't even know you...

your argument is just kind of.....ridiculous.

I mean, even at 19 I wasn't THAT ridiculous, but my perspective has changed drastically. I assure you, your views on who is to blame will change.

what's your ethnicity, btw?
bLaZ3n wrote:
My Logic...

If you go to a party with mad gang bangers, lol... you dam well in da back of ya head.. some $+%% gunna have 2nite.. if u not thinkin dat $+%% den something is wrong wit u.. If someone starts shooting, stabbing, or someone is robbed.. ur gunna be like dam.. i should not have been there.. (even though the criminals are the one to blame, because they are committing the acts[obviously!])

If your a young girl, and your drinking with ppl other than you.. then you dam well know some $+%% gunna happen.. becuz you will be taken advantage of.. which is why most girls i know, don't go partying by themselves.. (even though the criminals are the one to blame, because they are committing the acts[obviously!])

There is certain town next to mine that i would not find myself in after a certain time, because i know something will happen to myself.. I would personally blame myself, for being stupid and putting myself in that situation.. so I stay as far from it as possible.. (even though the criminals are the one to blame, because they are committing the acts[obviously!])

young just let it're not gonna change anyone's mind but i can almost guarantee yours will change...

I am Black.. (has nothing to do wit anything)

Yes, I am talking about "risky behavior" isn't that wat this girl did? Bottom line.. doesn't matter how young she is.. she should not haveput herself in that situation.. Any 15 year old drinkin wit grown men is getting smutted out in da first place.. so my assumption would be dat.. she had"consensual" sex wit a couple of them.. then more keep coming and she said "no" and it wouldn't stop..

I Agree..
"I'd like to think in our, scratch that, ANY society, a girl, no matter what position, wouldn't be gangraped...anywhere...especially in public..."
15 year old with all dudes 1st sign
15 year old drinking with all dudes around 2 sign
next anythings possible, most likely there are going to get fresh with her. But instead of them listening to her no, they just went all the way in.

we dont really know what happen, but im pretty sure she didnt want that to happen. And isnt it illegal to touch her in the first place with them or that oneguy being 18?
where you from?

just because she "put herself in that situation" doesn't make her guilty because, point blank, that situation shouldn't take place....

there should have been no chance for her to be gangraped.

she...agreed to have sex...with a couple of them...the ones that robbed her or the ones that beat her?

look, she was gangraped. nothing she did was cause for her to be gangraped. she is a victm. I'm gonna stop going back and forth with you now.

I am from New York..

I understand what you are saying. Your coming at me like, Im saying that the she deserved to get gangraped or the people doing it should not be blamed.

The people who raped her, robbed her, and watched her get raped should all be punished.

But, she has to take some responsibility for putting herself in that situation, and I am pretty dam sure thather parents are also saying the same thing.."Why were you with those older boys??".. If she was like any other 15 year old, she would be at homereading Harry Potter or watching High School Musical..
But no, shewanted to be cool.. she wanted to be da girl dat went to school da nex day and bragged about having sex wit older guys.. But, then it got out of hand and lookwat happened..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Shes stupid for putting herself in that situation.

Blud she's 15.. and was convinced by her peer, again the only other 15 year old, to come kick it. Like for real? She's a kid.

Honestly though, I know exactly the kind of girl yall are talking about. I'm from Oakland, was wintess to/aware of one or two lesser situations than thisin high school, witnessed many more actual trains ran on true @#%+%.

But painting her with that brush with out knowing anything? besides the fact that she's from one of the worst hoods in America? All the evidence reads theopposite of what happened out in NY at Hofstra. I'm just sayin.

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

If you go to a party with mad gang bangers, lol... you dam well in da back of ya head.. some $+%% gunna have 2nite.. if u not thinkin dat $+%% den something is wrong wit u.. If someone starts shooting, stabbing, or someone is robbed.. ur gunna be like dam.. i should not have been there.. (even though the criminals are the one to blame, because they are committing the acts[obviously!])

Unfortunately, in a lot of parts of the bay area, most people can't live their lives without seeing the bolded regularly. SMH, I didn't think it was relevant but i see what enphan was gettin at, where are yall from?

i know something will happen to myself.. I would personally blame myself, for being stupid and putting myself in that situation.. so I stay as far from it as possible..

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But you're how many years old?[/color]

For real I don't think yall know how ridiculous you sound.

Originally Posted by breaux
Say he don't go to cal poly...
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

But, she has to take some responsibility for putting herself in that situation, and I am pretty dam sure that her parents are also saying the same thing.."Why were you with those older boys??".. If she was like any other 15 year old, she would be at home reading Harry Potter or watching High School Musical..
But no, she wanted to be cool.. she wanted to be da girl dat went to school da nex day and bragged about having sex wit older guys.. But, then it got out of hand and look wat happened..
For starters I HIGHLY doubt that her parents areasking her why was she there or why did she drink. If you knew anything about rape victims you would know that they tend to blame themselves for what happenedto them. Therefore, asking those questions would only reassure the fears they have of it being their fault.

Secondly how naive are you to think that normal 15 year old girls are at home reading Harry Potter or watching High School Musical? The fact of the matter iskids are growing up fast these days. Hell I grew up too fast. The point is more and more kids are having sex, doing drugs, etc. all at a younger age. I'mnot saying ALL kids are doing it but you act like it is unheard of.

Furthermore, you don't know her personally and don't know whether or not she is good kid or not. You do not know whether she wanted to have sex witheven one of those guys. So to assume she may have done it to become more popular is ignorant. Regardless you can say what you want about her accepting alcoholbut that is no excuse for anyone to violate her. Drinking may have been poor judgement but that's because she is young. There have been plenty of studiesthat show that teens do not have the front part of their brain properly developed, which means they don't always make the smartest choices.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol, your views will change with age.

I laugh at my ideals @ 19 now that I'm 25.

you're still not young enough to be thinking like this..

your moms gets robbed at the grocery store buying yall dinner, that's her fault?

you're bugging.
i'm 26, but i was thinking the exact same thing.

i said it before a lot of moral orel types in here.
I still can't believe this happened over here, but I'm not surprised it happened at Richmond High and that not one person helped her.
Originally Posted by THE FAME


Are they sure it wasn't a train gone wrong?

I mean c'mon.
train gone wrong. wth is wrong with you innercitypeople

So if a girl accidentally gets too drunk, a real man would help her get to a safe place, a sucka would take advantage. and all you clowns saying its herfault. dont you all have mothers and sisters etc.
Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

bLaZ3n wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

LazyJ10 wrote:
The 21 year old has been released thus far.

cuz he snitched on everybody else.

I want to hear what the girl/jumpoff has to say.
...rationale for calling her a jumpoff?

She went drinking hard liquor with a group of guys? = jumpoff

So if I go out drinking with a group of guys...I deserve to get raped?

All I'm saying, is that she could have been a good girl and waited for daddy at school, but noooo...she chose to drink with "adult"kids....that's not where she should have been. Does she deserve to get raped? no. But she was askin for trouble hangin out with those "adults"and kids.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

bLaZ3n wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

LazyJ10 wrote:
The 21 year old has been released thus far.

cuz he snitched on everybody else.

I want to hear what the girl/jumpoff has to say.
...rationale for calling her a jumpoff?
She went drinking hard liquor with a group of guys? = jumpoff

So if I go out drinking with a group of guys...I deserve to get raped?

All I'm saying, is that she could have been a good girl and waited for daddy at school, but noooo...she chose to drink with "adult" kids....that's not where she should have been. Does she deserve to get raped? no. But she was askin for trouble hangin out with those "adults" and kids.

sad world we live in where interacting with people is "askin for trouble"

especially considering i'm sure they were more than friendly and inviting to get her to come over....

lol @ asking for trouble.

swear i pray everyday i don't ever have a daughter...imma end up in jail...
This is some crazy stuff hopefully the whole truth comes out and this dont turn into this girl "crying" rape and i hop shes able to somewhat getherself better psychologically
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

bLaZ3n wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

LazyJ10 wrote:
The 21 year old has been released thus far.

cuz he snitched on everybody else.

I want to hear what the girl/jumpoff has to say.
...rationale for calling her a jumpoff?
She went drinking hard liquor with a group of guys? = jumpoff

So if I go out drinking with a group of guys...I deserve to get raped?

All I'm saying, is that she could have been a good girl and waited for daddy at school, but noooo...she chose to drink with "adult" kids....that's not where she should have been. Does she deserve to get raped? no. But she was askin for trouble hangin out with those "adults" and kids.

sad world we live in where interacting with people is "askin for trouble"

especially considering i'm sure they were more than friendly and inviting to get her to come over....

lol @ asking for trouble.

swear i pray everyday i don't ever have a daughter...imma end up in jail...

These aren't regular people, these are lowlife teenagers who are drinking underage.

I have friends like this, and they get into trouble...stealing cars, selling drugs and everything.

I really need to hear her side of the story though...i'm makin judgements off of news stories and rumors from friends who know people from that school.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

SaywhatYawant wrote:
bLaZ3n wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

LazyJ10 wrote:
The 21 year old has been released thus far.

cuz he snitched on everybody else.

I want to hear what the girl/jumpoff has to say.
...rationale for calling her a jumpoff?
She went drinking hard liquor with a group of guys? = jumpoff

So if I go out drinking with a group of guys...I deserve to get raped?

All I'm saying, is that she could have been a good girl and waited for daddy at school, but noooo...she chose to drink with "adult" kids....that's not where she should have been. Does she deserve to get raped? no. But she was askin for trouble hangin out with those "adults" and kids.

sad world we live in where interacting with people is "askin for trouble"

especially considering i'm sure they were more than friendly and inviting to get her to come over....

lol @ asking for trouble.

swear i pray everyday i don't ever have a daughter...imma end up in jail...

These aren't regular people, these are lowlife teenagers who are drinking underage.

I have friends like this, and they get into trouble...stealing cars, selling drugs and everything.

I really need to hear her side of the story though...i'm makin judgements off of news stories and rumors from friends who know people from that school.

So I think you should be quite then....going off of rumors is stupid
Only thing i heard, is that she's a bad girl.

Other than that, the stuff about the teens underage drinking and hanging out where they shouldn't be, is facts from local newspapers.

I have the right to say what i feel, so i'm not going to be "quite"
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Only thing i heard, is that she's a bad girl.

Other than that, the stuff about the teens underage drinking and hanging out where they shouldn't be, is facts from local newspapers.

I have the right to say what i feel, so i'm not going to be "quite"
So "BAD" girls deserve to get raped? Teenagers drink...thats what most teenagers do! No way is that justification for getting raped!
Only got to page 5 but you dudes going back and forth about it just being a train and others acting like shorty had to be innocent are both bugging. No way inhell a rape, as in grabbing shorty out of nowhere and throwing her down and going in is going to be watched by 15 dudes, unless these 15 dudes are all rollingtogether. Sounds like shorty chose to hang with these dudes and probably even chose to let a few of them smash then it got out of hand and she tried to backdown, and I mean a bunch of adults having sex with a minor? You know dudes is wild to beging with so they don't seen like the type to stop when shorty saysits gone to far. The thing is shorty is only 15, so even though she probably is some skank she still a kid, and a bunch of adults having sex with a minor isrape regardless of the situation.
lol @ she was a bad girl

ya'll are........saddening.

who honestly defends gang rapists?
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