Girl raped during Homecoming Dance

Damn I dont know how any of you are even trying to justify these animals actions. Honestly I hope that nor cal jails are like socal jails. Cause in Socal theywould be running trains on these fools in jails. Even convicted murderers see a rapist as the lowest of the low.
How is this at all the girls fault? Was she putting herself in a bad situation? Maybe, but I've put myself in plenty of situations before where Iwouldn't consider myself responsible for something terrible that happened to me. If I'm walking home at night and someone mugs me, beats the crap outof me, and steals my wallet, am I responsible for this happeneing because I was walking home instead of driving? No! Some of you seem to think that somehow,the person who got mugged in that hypothetical situation is responsible. The logic doesn't make sense.
I still can't believe all this happened. I'm from Richmond and graduated from the school. Class of '02. I remember my first period English classwas right next to where the girl got raped. I think everyone involved should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Including the onlookers whodidn't call the cops and just stood there taking pics or filming it all.
Another douche arrested, notice the age of this one:
Another suspect was arrested today in the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside Richmond High School's homecoming dance, police said.

The 21-year-old Richmond man, whose name was not immediately released, was arrested without incident at about 6:30 a.m. by the Richmond police SWAT team, Lt. Mark Gagan said. He was being held in lieu of $1.2 million bail on suspicion of rape in concert, penetration with a foreign object and sexual battery.

The arrest brings to six the number of people in custody in connection with the Oct. 24 assault. A seventh suspect has been released.

Five young men have been charged with a litany of felonies that could expose them to life in prison if convicted.

"The people we've arrested represent the most significant role players in the gang rape," Gagan said. "We're still analyzing the physical evidence and taking witness statements, so this investigation is far from over."

One suspect arrested Thursday, Jose Carlos Montano, 18, of San Pablo has been charged with rape in concert with force and penetration with a foreign object. He is to appear in Contra Costa County Superior Court in Richmond this afternoon. His bail was set at $1.3 million.

Three juveniles arrested earlier have been charged as adults: Cody Ray Smith, 15, of San Pablo; Marcelles James Peter, 17, of Pinole; and Ari Abdallah Morales, 16, of San Pablo. They all face felony counts of rape in concert and penetration with a foreign object. Morales also is charged with felony robbery for allegedly stealing the girl's jewelry.

Manuel Ortega, 19, of Richmond is charged with rape in concert, robbery and assault causing great bodily injury. He is being held on $1.2 million bail.

Smith has pleaded not guilty. The others have not entered pleas.

Authorities say the defendants are among as many as 10 young men who raped the girl over two hours in a courtyard on the campus, while others watched and took photos with cell phones.

Gagan, a former sexual-assault investigator, said of all the cases he has seen, "nothing compares to the brutality and viciousness of this crime."

E-mail Henry K. Lee at [email protected].
Like what the %$@! was they thinking? Did they think they wasn't gonna get caught not to mention she was 15 and what the hell do they mean foreign object?U mean go tell me they used sticks or vodka bottles to penetrate her..........SMFH
at first, i suspected it was just a consensual train gone wrong but these dudes are some true syobkcuf.
[h1]911 tape released in Richmond gang rape[/h1]Police have released a recording of the 911 call by a girl who reported sightings of a drunken, naked female student on the Richmond High School campus

[Listen to the 911 call] (KTVU)

The Oct. 24 call appears to be the first report to authorities about the brutal gang rape during the school's homecoming dance.

A shaken young woman, who identified herself as "Maggie," told the operator that the naked teen was spotted lying in a darkened courtyard. She said she hadn't seen the victim herself, but students who saw her didn't want to "call the cops, so we decided to call."

Officers found the victim semi-conscious and brought her to the hospital. Police initially said she was 15, but corrected that Thursday to 16.

Six suspects have been arrested in the gang rape. One has pleaded not guilty, and five other have not entered pleas in the case.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

[h1]911 tape released in Richmond gang rape[/h1]Police have released a recording of the 911 call by a girl who reported sightings of a drunken, naked female student on the Richmond High School campus

[Listen to the 911 call] (KTVU)

The Oct. 24 call appears to be the first report to authorities about the brutal gang rape during the school's homecoming dance.

A shaken young woman, who identified herself as "Maggie," told the operator that the naked teen was spotted lying in a darkened courtyard. She said she hadn't seen the victim herself, but students who saw her didn't want to "call the cops, so we decided to call."

Officers found the victim semi-conscious and brought her to the hospital. Police initially said she was 15, but corrected that Thursday to 16.

Six suspects have been arrested in the gang rape. One has pleaded not guilty, and five other have not entered pleas in the case.

If she was 16 at the time, they can prosecute all those bystanders that didn't call 911. I hope they get every last one of these pieces of stank.
One of the dudes that participated in the rape was in one of my classes last year.
Originally Posted by aThievinGenIus

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by aThievinGenIus

in that situation she should already know what that would lead to. and the fact that that her father never came says alot. she knew what time it was but she wasnt ready for all that.
i still feel very sorry for her tho

Dude, you need to stop posting. If you are over the age of 12, I feel sorry for you.

Time to try out the block button in this thread. Anyone of you arguing that this is remotely ok or that she "wanted" it are straight out of touch with reality.
are you from richmond?


What does being from Ritchmond have to do with anything. Crazy how you are blaming everyone else except for the actual rapists.
"Train gone wrong" ?!?! what the hell does that even mean??! Is that apparently where a woman agrees to sexual acts with multiple men but thendecides at a certain point that she wants to stop but is forced against her will by the very same men to finish anyway? I believe that's still rape.

Those guys are awful human beings. I felt so enraged while reading the articles, especially the latest lengthy one.

damn dude, bad situation

the girl probably wont ever recover from this, but hopefully she can live out the rest of her life
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by aThievinGenIus

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by aThievinGenIus

in that situation she should already know what that would lead to. and the fact that that her father never came says alot. she knew what time it was but she wasnt ready for all that.
i still feel very sorry for her tho

Dude, you need to stop posting. If you are over the age of 12, I feel sorry for you.

Time to try out the block button in this thread. Anyone of you arguing that this is remotely ok or that she "wanted" it are straight out of touch with reality.
are you from richmond?


What does being from Ritchmond have to do with anything. Crazy how you are blaming everyone else except for the actual rapists.
just like the person who qouted me before, you are speaking out of context.
I dont fully blame the girl for being raped but she really should have known better.
its certain people you should not hang out with,and its certain places you should not be.
im not saying "oh well she was raped", beacause she had no idea she was going to beaten and violated like that
im saying it could have most likely been avoided imo.
[h1]Richmond rape victim feels betrayed by attacker[/h1]
A Richmond High School student recovering from a gang rape has told police that she was betrayed that night by one of her attackers, whom she considered a trusted friend, the lead investigator in the case said Thursday.

Richmond police Sgt. Lori Curran spoke emotionally of the ordeal endured by the girl being referred to as Jane Doe, saying that the 16-year-old is in awe of the good wishes and gifts she has received as she recovers from the Oct. 23 attack outside a homecoming dance at the high school.

"The outpouring of support and love for Jane Doe is remarkable. In the 19 years that I have been here, I don't believe I've ever seen anything quite like this," Curran said.

"When she hears about what people have e-mailed about her and what people have said about her at public rallies, the letters that she's receiving," Curran said, "more often than not she has clutched her heart and just is in awe that these people are really doing this for her."

While the victim is overwhelmed with the support, Curran said, she was also left "very saddened" by what happened. "She is a young girl who's impressionable, and, I think, wonders if this is really what the world is really like."

Curran said the girl thought of one of her attackers as a trusted friend, and was acquainted with several others from her neighborhood. Their treachery has added to her pain and trauma, she said.

"She did feel betrayed that the one she knew and trusted would let this happen to her," Curran said. "She had a sense of trust from the others she recognized from the neighborhood."

Now, Curran said, the teenager hopes to move forward.

"Quite honestly, she's voiced several times that she just wants to put this behind her," Curran said. "She wants to heal around it. Ideally, as a 16-year-old, she just wants to forget about what has happened. Unfortunately, she can't, because her emotional healing is still in the recovery process." (The victim previously had been reported to be 15 years old.)

Six alleged attackers face charges, while a seventh suspect has been released pending DNA evidence testing. The three juvenile suspects - all charged as adults - appeared in court Thursday. Marcelles James Peter, 17, Ari Abdallah Morales, 16, and Cody Ray Smith, 15, made brief appearances at a hearing that was continued until next week. Three adults are being held in the case, Elvis Torrentes, 21, Manuel Ortega, 19, and Jose Carlos Montano, 18.

"I think we're satisfied with people we do have in custody, we are satisfied with what their involvement is," Curran said. "There are still a few people we need to talk to, but as far as the participants, we have pretty much captured them all."

Curran said that victims sometimes become uncooperative, but Jane Doe has continued to provide what information she can glean from the flashbacks and nightmares she is suffering. "She doesn't shut down when we talk about painful things."

Also Thursday, Richmond police released the 911 call from a woman who reported a girl naked and passed out in the rear of the school. The caller said other people had seen the girl but did not want to call authorities.

The call, which came at 11:50 p.m., prompted a police response to the assault, which took place over a 2 1/2-hour period while as many as a dozen others watched.

Curran said the community has also been instrumental in building the case.

She said that that response has been in part because of the age of the victim.

"I think that because of Jane Doe's age ... they're so affected by it. Everybody has a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter; everybody has a relative that they can think of as Jane Doe."

E-mail Jaxon Van Derbeken at [email protected].
Capital punishment needs to be imposed for these situations, and these animals need to be made an example.

"Guilty until proven innocent" has it's reasons to work.
Half this thread is me calling people idiots for saying it was a train gone wrong.

I hope they spend every moment locked up being scared of rape.
if there is one thing a cannot stomach its rape. kill those kids and whatever POS parents spawned them slowly. DEAD SRS
sad and im very sorry about the victim.

It's just a lot of people make silly decisions under the influence of alcohol and that was what i originally thought.

and according to the bias men's reproductive organs don't function if they're too drunk to the point where they'd get raped. :rolleyes

and not to take anything away from this thread but... - Hofstra

(I didn't have these on deck for the record I pulled these from another forum where this very discussion was just taking place)
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