Girl raped during Homecoming Dance

Originally Posted by Marv Machamp

People seen this taking place and didn't stop it.
This is horrible. Doesn't matter how this started or escalated. What matters is that a young girl was left unconscious after being repeatedly violated bymultiple savages.

Picture this being someone you know or care about instead of finding rationalizations to such an heinous act.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

The bottom line is they got a minor drunk and took advantage of her.

Regardless of whether or not you guys may think it was consensual.

The act was despicable and without justification and result in severe consequences for the perpetrators.

Nothing more has to be said.
Originally Posted by cOlorWay

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

The bottom line is they got a minor drunk and took advantage of her.

Regardless of whether or not you guys may think it was consensual.

The act was despicable and without justification and result in severe consequences for the perpetrators.

Nothing more has to be said.

Why do a lot of you think it's fake because of 15 people watching? Keep in mind, these are HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. They're all stupid and willing to doanything to preserve their coolness--including not snitching on people and participating (peer pressure) in whatever hooligan behavior they'represented with. I'm definitely not saying that should be a fair defense for them, but it's very, VERY believable. Personally, I agree with the deathpenalty for this one. If these "people" did something so awful to a person, ruining her life beyond belief, they deserve to be killed immediately.
Originally Posted by negetive00plxco

Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Maybe she all of sudden she felt the need to back out....

Sex with 15+ horny @^# teenagers would be enough to leave any teenage chick unconscious..
dudes could have just OD'ed.
Im not saying that's what happened but stop being so damn narrow-minded.
Chick scream rape and you automatically throw people behind bars without 2nd guessing.
Yeah, that's called rape. Sex with an unconscious chick is permissible to you?

@ the "narrow-minded" comment. She didn't scream rape, it was pretty obvious when she was in CRITICAL CONDITION getting AIRLIFTED to the HOSPITAL.

Rollies are def poorly used these days.

That's assuming she was not unconscious from the start fam.

I'll just sit back and watch this unravel like the rest of the cases. Hence CNN chick who got exposed with the Vid.
If it went down how they "claim" it did....then

But this shhh sounds mad iffy.
15 people is a @%^ of people to just be standing around watching a RAPE.
Hundreds of people stood around and watched as the holocaust was going on in their towns...but that probably didn't happen either
You fail miserably at relevant analogies.
Yall right but it just baffles me how bad kids (some) are these days. I mean even the worse kids I know including myself I guess are saints compared to thesestories we hear these days. Just sick.
The one's involved will pay the price.......whether it's in court or in life.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

don't sound like a rape to me.

seems like they're still trying to find out all the details, but they're already calling it a rape?
I don't wanna jump the ship...but that's what I'm saying....
15 dudes just standing watching a rape?

With willing participants just walking in and joining?

Im sayin.
Originally Posted by Cubs Davinci

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

don't sound like a rape to me.

seems like they're still trying to find out all the details, but they're already calling it a rape?
I don't wanna jump the ship...but that's what I'm saying....
15 dudes just standing watching a rape?

With willing participants just walking in and joining?

Im sayin.
Yeah, but what about the fact that she was in critical condition and "brutally assaulted"?

Rape is kind of a given when shes hanging onto life by a thread.
This happened literally two blocks away from my parents house
That part of the school where it happened is real dark at night and in the cuts
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