Give some healthy tips.


While it’s true that brown rice contains more nutrients, the difference is rather negligible to begin with and becomes even more so when you factor in the antinutrients.

While it’s true that brown rice is lower on the glycemic index, it’s not that much lower, and the glycemic index is small beer anyway in the grand scheme of being fit and healthy.

Muscle for life?

Do you have a more reputable source?

Also, where does it say white rice is BETTER for you?
Honestly - forget about ALL of this. People that eat super healthy die all the time.

-Eat a reasonable portion size
-Move your body daily

That’s it. Unless your goals are aesthetic or performance for sports there is nothing else you need to do to live a long healthy life, as determined by your genetics.

The anxiety and stress from overplanning your life is as bad for you as any gains you’ll get. Loneliness is what kills people. If you truly want a healthy life find things and communities that interest you and become firmly rooted in them (church, education, etc)

I love how you somehow associated the seeking of healthy eating automatically coming with stress and anxiety.

As if one that carefully plans and manages his/her consumption just falls victim to those things.

You are better than that
I’m not automatically associating it - there are studies that demonstrate this mind and body connection.

The mind creates such strong physical reactions. People that eat a very specific way and have strong beliefs they have to eat this way can feel physically ill when eating something “unhealthy”.
Post those studies that associate stress/anxiety with those that attempt to est healthy . Post your evidence tha supports that claim

The same way it is dangerous to tell someone that you have a cure for cancsr, it is dangerous to tell someone NOT to "focus so much on eating healthy" due to the likelihood of them becoming mentally unstable.
Drinking Green Tea and drinking MORE water had a immediate impact on multiple things. After I committed to both, I started thinking about other ways to improve my health. I just gotta work on sleeping better and reducing my sugar. My Dr. Said my sugar level is a bit too high. If I do have a craving, I go dark Chocolate. Also, I eat more alternative proteins instead of always going to meat.
I had to teach myself to like black coffee, but it has paid dividends. Saved me some money too at coffee shops
Skinless fried chicken
Ya'll sleeping on Apple Cider Vinegar. I take a tablespoon every morning before breakfast. Never get sick anymore, I'm super regular and I can't remember the last time I had any type of heartburn.

You gotta make sure you get it "with the Mother" though. Go for a brand like Bragg's.
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