glasses+colored contact = good look?


Nov 6, 2007
cuz i wanted to get some colored contacts but i dont look right without glasses so i was planning to get some non rx contacts to where under my glasses.
yay or nay?
Depending, what color you are and what color the contatcs are. You dont wanna look like a hood rat.
You know what's cool?

Being yourself.

Colored contacts are not a good look in the first place. I've busted u-turns on girls who have colored contacts.
No, you'll look silly.

And they're really bad for your eyes if you wear them more than occasionally.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

No, you'll look silly.

And they're really bad for your eyes if you wear them more than occasionally.

Do they actually tint your vision to the color of the lens? Or do you just look through a tiny hole in the middle like with those "blind"contacts?
colored contacts on dudes is real suspect. (the cats who have colored contacts will come in this thread and get real salty
might as well color coordinate your purse and heels with them while you're at it.

its the outer rim thats colored on contacts... and colored contacts on dudes look a lil "how you doin" and on girls it jus looks stupid
Do they actually tint your vision to the color of the lens? Or do you just look through a tiny hole in the middle like with those "blind" contacts?

Depends on the brand - some are completely colored, some have a hole in the middle and some have an iris pattern on them that has a gap in the centre.
Originally Posted by vcof2005

Depending, what color you are and what color the contatcs are. You dont wanna look like a hood rat.
smart man, or you could do it and look like this
You're cool remember?

It's way too much work. Wear one or the other. I rather get clear ones, much cheaper.
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