Glorifying Resellers: Teens to Adults

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This statement right here champ. What don't you get about reselling shoes?
When you find the part that says "I don't like resellers", then quote me. Your original assumption/statement was "Why don't you like resellers?". Don't change it to "What don't you get about reselling shoes" after you actually READ my post. Unless you're ready to admit you assumed before actually knowing (A tendency of women). Then we can move on to the next question.
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How many people do you see on here mention anything about resellers and money?


I point out re-sellers because they buy something that other people want, without intending to wear it, only to specifically sell it to those same people for a higher price. 9/10 I can get the shoes I want. In fact, the only time i've missed out on shoes is when I haven't been able to make it to the mall. I have a job, and i'm good at saving money, so I could very easily go and spend say $600 on a pair of Royal 1's right now, so the idea that I couldn't afford them is silly. I simply don't want to pay that price.

So your issue is them buying shoes to sell that other want to wear? Who's fault is that? The resellers for taking the time and making the effort to get their pair or the guy who wants to wear them that didn't?

Like I said the only reason for someone to dislike a reseller is A/they have something you want B/you blame them for the price increases or C/envy the money they make. What else could their possibly be?

Um, Re-sellers take the time and effort to get their pairs, that they wish to sell at a greater price. They have no intention of wearing the shoe whatsoever, whereas numerous others do wish to purchase and use them for what they were intended for.

A and B are spot on, as I literally just laid out for you in my last post son. Plus the fact, as I also just said above, in that they purchase a shoe without any intent to actually wear it, thereby keeping it out of the hands of those that do. Hell they don't even intend to keep it at all.
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When you find the part that says "I don't like resellers", then quote me. Your original assumption/statement was "Why don't you like resellers?". Don't change it to "What don't you get about reselling shoes" after you actually READ my post. Unless you're ready to admit you assumed before actually knowing (A tendency of women). Then we can move on to the next question.

You can dance around all you want. You can insult all you want champ. That's the move of a person with no comeback or response. You can't give one reason why you dislike resellers other than to simply dislike them. Your just a Hater plain and simple.
Um, Re-sellers take the time and effort to get their pairs, that they wish to sell at a greater price. They have no intention of wearing the shoe whatsoever, whereas numerous others do wish to purchase and use them for what they were intended for.

A and B are spot on, as I literally just laid out for you in my last post son. Plus the fact, as I also just said above, in that they purchase a shoe without any intent to actually wear it, thereby keeping it out of the hands of those that do. Hell they don't even intend to keep it at all.

I respect where your coming from. Thanks for the reply without the insults. Glad we can have a healthy convo.
You can dance around all you want. You can insult all you want champ. That's the move of a person with no comeback or response. You can't give one reason why you dislike resellers other than to simply dislike them. Your just a Hater plain and simple.
I basically won, so I'm done replying to you lol. I already made you look uninformed.
I basically won, so I'm done replying to you lol. I already made you look uninformed.

That's what I thought. Still not man enough to give ONE reason for disliking resellers because you know in your heart your a hater. You had to resort to insults and now running from the thread because you have no response and can't answer a simple question as to why you dislike them. Man up and stand your ground cuz. Quick to call someone a woman but look at you. Lol
So your issue is them buying shoes to sell that other want to wear? Who's fault is that? The resellers for taking the time and making the effort to get their pair or the guy who wants to wear them that didn't?

Like I said the only reason for someone to dislike a reseller is A/they have something you want B/you blame them for the price increases or C/envy the money they make. What else could their possibly be?

LOL does anyone really envy how much money they make? I have a good job so the only people I envy are actors and athletes who make a crapload of money for having fun.

It's simple, most people don't like resellers because they're buying up shoes that they actually want to wear, and selling them off at higher prices. What's so difficult to understand about that?

And stop with this "putting in work" BS. Resellers have to enter raffles and wait in line like everybody else. Acting like it's slave labor lmfao. Not many care what these guys are making. Most care that they make it harder to get something they want.

Resellers demanding respect now? Hahahaha
LOL does anyone really envy how much money they make? I have a good job so the only people I envy are actors and athletes who make a crapload of money for having fun.

It's simple, most people don't like resellers because they're buying up shoes that they actually want to wear, and selling them off at higher prices. What's so difficult to understand about that?

And stop with this "putting in work" BS. Resellers have to enter raffles and wait in line like everybody else. Acting like it's slave labor lmfao. Not many care what these guys are making. Most care that they make it harder to get something they want.

Resellers demanding respect now? Hahahaha

Maybe my definition of hating is wrong but isn't disliking someone because they have something you want hating? NEWS FLASH they never make enough shoes for everyone who wants them, some shoes are really limited and not everyone has access to fly out of state for every release like that. Reseller in those cases are needed are they not and last this hobby is EXPENSIVE. If your a serious collector and can't afford high resell then your in the wrong hobby. Times have changed and resellers aren't going anywhere as long as there's money to be made. Adapt or complain.

Prelude Kobe pack wasn't available in all 50 states. Without resellers a lot of people would have never got them. Here's a idea for all those who dislike resellers. Get together and make signs, then go stand out front of Flightclub and protest. Complaining on here is useless. Stand up and do something. Everyone has a problem but no one is doing a thing but complaining.
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Maybe my definition of hating is wrong but isn't disliking someone because they have something you want hating? NEWS FLASH they never make enough shoes for everyone who wants them, some shoes are really limited and not everyone has access to fly out of state for every release like that. Reseller in those cases are needed are they not and last this hobby is EXPENSIVE. If your a serious collector and can't afford high resell then your in the wrong hobby. Times have changed and resellers aren't going anywhere as long as there's money to be made. Adapt or complain.

Prelude Kobe pack wasn't available in all 50 states. Without resellers a lot of people would have never got them. Here's a idea for all those who dislike resellers. Get together and make signs, then go stand out front of Flightclub and protest. Complaining on here is useless. Stand up and do something. Everyone has a problem but no one is doing a thing but complaining.

Dislike/hate I don't give a rats *** what you call it. Am I not allowed to not like or hate something? Guess what, it's an internet forum where people voice their opinions on certain topics. So you're going to get all types of different responses.

At the end of the day, it isn't that serious. If I'm not a "serious collector" because I refuse to pay ridiculous resell prices, then so be it. I buy what I like and if I don't get it, I just move on. Sneakers aren't life and there's always another one coming out. I have no problems sticking to retail prices.

So no, I don't care that much about sneakers to protest resellers lol. That's stupid. But you can damn well bet I will voice my opinion and troll when it comes up. Especially now since resellers care oh so much about what we think of them. It's not like we're stopping yall from doing what you do. Go sell them shoes playa
I'm not a reseller and don't mind paying resell because I can afford it. I caught flack for paying retail for the Bakin because "it sends the wrong message about accepting Nikes price increase" smh. You have the right to cry and moan though, so have at it bruh.

If you think resellers care about what you think your delusional. Your a idiot if you could for example buy 2 pair of DB foams for retail and not resell one for $500 or $600. Who doesn't like money? We must have a lot of millionaires on NT or well off folks. I make great money but I wouldn't turn down a extra few hundred if given the chance. Can't stand this fake moral system folks have for shoes. As if Nike should give those who "really want them to wear" first dibs. If folks had these great jobs they claim and didn't care you'd have all the shoes you wanted anyway and wouldn't miss out on anything right? Resellers wouldn't be a issue at all. Lol
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Without resellers there is no since of urgency to buy sneakers.. It would be a perfect world
A 14 yr old with 11 k worth of sneakers and an 18 yr old who doesn't consider basically 100 grand life changing money...WTF is wrong with people. I mean I'm only 23 but when I was 14 the dude with the best shoes in school, private school at that, had like the newest Kobe's at the time, and that fools parents owned a chain or restaurants. No way I would keep Yeezys even with Kanye's sig for $100,000. I would probably sell a damn kidney for that much
laugh.gif off my damn college student loans
I mean I'm only 23 but when I was 14 the dude with the best shoes in school, private school at that, had like the newest Kobe's at the time, and that fools parents owned a chain or restaurants. 
I'm missing the message? lol
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I'm trying to say that the dude with the most money in school didn't have a 11 thousand dollar collection, just a few pairs of $120 kobe's or whatever. It's just a lot of money worth of shoes for a 14 yr old regular kid to have, unless his parents are totally loaded
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SUBURAN WHITE KIDS=CULTURE VULTURES...They always have been & all ways will be...They find a sub culture water it down & kill it..The sneaker culture is a joke now its not even fun or exclusive anymore...
SUBURAN WHITE KIDS=CULTURE VULTURES...They always have been & all ways will be...They find a sub culture water it down & kill it..The sneaker culture is a joke now its not even fun or exclusive anymore...
"Who virtually have no memory of Michael Jordan" LMFAO so they basically resell them because someone told them Jordans are "fancy"? They don't even know who Jordan actually is? Saw this earlier at work and died.

Repped. Im sick of rich white trash kids who use their parents money to buy sneakers and try to be in the "in" crowd. Theres a pale af kid I know who has a pretty big Jordan collection (bought by his parents, of course), but has never balled a day in his life. Smfh sh*t like that gets me tight.
so because this kid is "pale af" and his parents are wealthy and he doesn't play basketball...he's not allowed to wear jordans? and you care enough about what he's doing to actually get mad about it? 
so because this kid is "pale af" and his parents are wealthy and he doesn't play basketball...he's not allowed to wear jordans? and you care enough about what he's doing to actually get mad about it? 
I personally could care less about the race, ethnicity, financial social class, of a individual that collects,or wears Js. I do however feel if you dont play hoops, and/or havent devoted a big majority of your time to being involved in some sort of athletics ; then you shouldnt be wearing Js. Yea they maybe a style ,but 1st and foremost theyre created by a athlete for athletes..
SUBURAN WHITE KIDS=CULTURE VULTURES...They always have been & all ways will be...They find a sub culture water it down & kill it..The sneaker culture is a joke now its not even fun or exclusive anymore...

What about black, Hispanic kids that have their parents buy them jays just because they saw on ig and they don't have any recollection of Jordan in his era? That was an unfair assumption to make.
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