Glorifying Resellers: Teens to Adults

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I personally could care less about the race, ethnicity, financial social class, of a individual that collects,or wears Js. I do however feel if you dont play hoops, and/or havent devoted a big majority of your time to being involved in some sort of athletics ; then you shouldnt be wearing Js. Yea they maybe a style ,but 1st and foremost theyre created by a athlete for athletes
I don't think there is anyone who should or shouldn't be wearing J's. If you like a shoe and your willing to spend your money on it, I don't see what the problem is.
I'm trying to say that the dude with the most money in school didn't have a 11 thousand dollar collection, just a few pairs of $120 kobe's or whatever. It's just a lot of money worth of shoes for a 14 yr old regular kid to have, unless his parents are totally loaded
Oh, OK. Well, that's just good parenting lol, most of these kids with rich/upper middle class families are spoiled. Primarily white kids. All of my friends that are Black and parents are middle class/upper middle class wouldn't give them ish lmao. I remember always asking my boy how he's broke when BOTH of his parents are nurses and they live in a huge house. Just found it odd, being that I'm low class. We both can't be broke. lol

I remember growing up, you were lucky to get TWO new pairs of kicks for the new school year. You either got a pair of white uptowns or black, cause both colors go with everything haha

Real talk.

And every other year got a pair of timbs :rolleyes
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What about black, Hispanic kids that have their parents buy them jays just because they saw on ig and they don't have any recollection of Jordan in his era? That was an unfair assumption to make.

It's not just the sneaker culture those kids do this with every sub culture snap into real world fam...I'm not about to go back & forth with you on the racial aspect of this matter I'm good I made my point..
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I personally could care less about the race, ethnicity, financial social class, of a individual that collects,or wears Js. I do however feel if you dont play hoops, and/or havent devoted a big majority of your time to being involved in some sort of athletics ; then you shouldnt be wearing Js. Yea they maybe a style ,but 1st and foremost theyre created by a athlete for athletes..

I felt compelled to reply after reading this. So by that logic, then you must think that people have no business wearing jeans if they aren't miners then? Because that's what they were originally made for when they were manufactured and sold by Levi Strauss during the California Gold Rush. Look what happened now. Jeans are practically a staple in modern day fashion. What about Converse Chucks? They were originally intended for basketball back when they were first made, were they not? Now, they have been relegated to the status of casual footwear and essentially unfit for basketball by today's standards set by modern basketball shoes.

I'm sure there are plenty of other things that were intended and made for one purpose or demographic, but have become a phenomenon and consumed by all sorts of people. Jordans are no exception. Just because they were originally made for basketball athletes doesn't mean that other people have no business purchasing them.
Oh look is this topic this point in life I realize there is far more important things to worry about, a few months ago, I let go of my Yeezys for 1200$ and I thought I would miss them, turns out I'm ok and didn't affect me much because as it was I wasn't wearing them much it was just another pair of kicks sitting in my closet, you get to an age where losing sleep over this **** is just ridiculous...let resellers be corny as hell along with the hypebeasts feeding them and this CORNY *** sneaker game of today....the times when buying kicks and stunting hard on that first day of school without selling your soul is long gone....glad I was able to experience it, these kids will never know the feel.
I personally could care less about the race, ethnicity, financial social class, of a individual that collects,or wears Js. I do however feel if you dont play hoops, and/or havent devoted a big majority of your time to being involved in some sort of athletics ; then you shouldnt be wearing Js. Yea they maybe a style ,but 1st and foremost theyre created by a athlete for athletes..

Well that's one of the most idiotic posts I've ever read in here.... :rofl:
as much as i wish it would die

i really dont see this bubble popping

im kinda over the "shoe game" 

any clown with money can just go flight club and buy "exclusive kicks"

i cant knock the reseller hustle either 

(you guys think they are making like 10-15$ but really the ones who are really doing it making stacks every drop)

wouldn't take $98,000 for some sneakers! Their parents need to spend more money on their math skills and education.
this sneaker bubble needs to burst immediately. i really miss the good old days where you could walk into any shoe store at the mall 3-4 weeks after release and cop Retro J's and Foamposites sitting on the shelves on clearance.

the culture is evolving/has already evolved into something poisonous. It went from people with a love for sneakers helping each other out into people screwing other people over and copping FSRs of releases, with no intention to wear. and then have the nerve to set the price at double retail, just to make a quick buck. the media needs to stop glorifying these vultures. this isn't something to praise, this is something that should be frowned upon and disgusted by.

I really can't wait till the sneaker bubble bursts and we can all cop most releases that we want with ease. All fads come to an end eventually. too bad for the true heads it's not a fad, it's a lifestyle.
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It's been like this forever here in Northern California. I swear, even when I wanted the damn Son of Glove (not the pro-model Zoom Air version) I STILL couldn't find my size in GS back in the day at Tan Fran or Serramonte mall. I guess it's in the culture here. I gave up on shoes a long time ago though lol
These type of threads have been popping up quite a bit lately.

I agree with what some dude posted earlier with some of these kids setting themselves up to be potential targets. I don't condone it by no means, but all that Instagram flossing, and showing off makes you a target at times. Factor in that alot of these kids are harmless. Its a receipe for disaster.

Regarding the reselling itself, the anger is directed at the wrong place. If some 15 year old kid can make a decent profit selling sneakers on the aside as opposed to saying "you want fries with that" I can't blame them. Choice A is more appealing.

Blame nike and jb for releasing the shoes in such small numbers, blame shady store employees, for rigging raffles and only selling to their friends and associates. I can't knock nike for not over producing them because of suply and demand but from a buyers perspective you should be mad at them, not resellers.

Your not always going to get what you want in life. If you can't get the sneakers on the release date for retail, the world isn't going to end. People need to realize they won't always get what they want and that they can't throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

The behavior at some of these sneaker releases is sickening. Shooting a kid for cutting a line (granted the kid is dumb for cutting) but is it really worth shooting him over and going to jail. Over a material item. The same with some of the xi releases where its mayhem, people trying to break the store gate to get in and starting fights because they didn't get their pair.

At the end of the day, the reseller is the wrong person to be mad at. He has a market because people are impulsive and pay a premium because they feel they have to have a shoe and their world will end if they don't get it. Be mad at the impulsive, self control lacking, i need to show off on instsgram sneaker culture.

Its moreso a kids hobby, let them cool. Seeing grown men up in arms about not being able to get a pair is silly to me.

I personally feel the whole current day sneaker culture is corny. Its stuff id consider copping but I'm not going to through loops and bounds to cop a pair of shoes at retail, and I'm not going to pay the price increases either. A pair of foam pros that I copped for $190 retail in 2011 now costs $250 retail. I can't justify blindly paying a $60 increase for the same exact shoe in a different color just because. But for everyone who thinks like me, its about 20 people who would happily and willingly cop.

My bad for the rant.
I personally could care less about the race, ethnicity, financial social class, of a individual that collects,or wears Js. I do however feel if you dont play hoops, and/or havent devoted a big majority of your time to being involved in some sort of athletics ; then you shouldnt be wearing Js. Yea they maybe a style ,but 1st and foremost theyre created by a athlete for athletes..
dumbest post of 2014.

You should be ashamed to let this foolishness come out of your mouth.

I try not to go hard on people. But you deserve it bro.

It's not just the sneaker culture those kids do this with every sub culture snap into real world fam...I'm not about to go back & forth with you on the racial aspect of this matter I'm good I made my point..

That's fine you made your point and you're wrong

Anyway a lot of people complain about resellers but what does it matter to you? Most people that start these threads do so after a release weekend when they miss out on a pair or two. It's a business , if there is a demand why shouldn't they try to capitalize on it. If you've been in the game for as long as you say you have you should have a connect by now and getting that shoe you want shouldn't be a hassle.
This thread again? Not even a week after the last one was made. We get it, you don't like when OTHERS sell shoes for money, but if you do it's ok because you have love for shoes.
That's fine you made your point and you're wrong

Anyway a lot of people complain about resellers but what does it matter to you? Most people that start these threads do so after a release weekend when they miss out on a pair or two. It's a business , if there is a demand why shouldn't they try to capitalize on it. If you've been in the game for as long as you say you have you should have a connect by now and getting that shoe you want shouldn't be a hassle.

I'm good on my end ponta been that way for years..I was just giving my POV on the topic sounds like you mad that I made the comment if you are you'll be OK..Just curious why are you so bothered but my comment?? Are a Suburban Area White kid?? Are you one of those OREO brothers like whats the deal?? I never said I had a problem with RESELLERS if you go back & read I said SUBURBAN WHITE KIDS are culture vultures that steal, water, down & kill cultures.....Anyway Re-sellers are lame but hey the getting the bread but like somebody said earlier they gonna start getting jacked so its only a matter of time when the GOONS come out & start jacking these clowns...
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