GNC Detox --- advice/suggestions?

dont drink too much water trying to "flush it out" before the test bc they can see if the test was dialuted
juju is completely correct i'm 225 pounds and herb stays in my system for months, I would know, I been on probation for a couple years now. went to jailover this
edit* Keep in mind i don't smoke reggie, a quarter of of some kind of beautiful exotic will do. (blueberry, skudmissle, purps) yall know the deal.
okay guys --- great news....i just took the CVS home drug test....and i passed!.......i purposely took orange juice/soda to get my piss yellow.....and ipassed.......i smoked 2-3 times on avg from july - 5 11 180 (lil skinny) and have been off weed for only 21 days .....and i still have 10-15 daysmore until my exam!
i smoke everyday and had to two days to take a drug test. if u get something called certo out the grocery store it cleans u out and its only like $3. its usedto make jelly or some bs but people told me it works. just mix it with water and drink it. passed no problem
how accurate are the CVS tests? i feel like the test given at a job interview would be more complicated and accurate then a store bought one
detox doesnt work.. none of them.. they jusyt trying to play you... all you need to do is drink more water, less fatty food and more, more fiber, your bodycleans itself. cause if that didnt happen we'd all be dead by now.
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