GOD... I HATE XBOX360!!!!!!!!

Just to say, in my opinion about about a few things I see in this thread. I have an Xbox 360 and I love it

- to me its the better choice, I love Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty. No need to get a PS3 when they dont have my main favorites.
- I have a really high end laptop, blue ray compatible. No need for PS3's computer features...
- xbox live is worth the money imo, $50 a year is nothing...

Also, why is everyone so hateful because the 360 has a high failure rate? I got the RROD twice...now my current 360 hasn't had any problems for a year now.Each time it took only 2 weeks and with it a free month membership to get it fixed completely free. No complaints at all. I never had xbox live in thebeginning but after trying out the free memberships, I HAD to get it lol. They handled the repairs very well.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by knightngale

you mad?
@ the year of the ps3
Every year is supposed to be the year of the PS3. First it was 2008, now after the xbox is outselling the PS3 by the gallons, they find some lame excuse about how the 360 is cheaper. There is absolutely nothing that indicates that 2009 will be the year of the PS3. Face it, the PS3 is the loser of this generation of consoles. Wii is the winner, but the PS3 is the loser. They failed, ever since they thought that the people who owned the PS2 would just sit by and patiently wait for PS3 to come out while ignoring all the great games on the 360 that were available a year before the PS3 came out.

You can keep your defective product. Your "better" gaming library which isn't all that it's cracked out to be.
Oh, you can quote it all you want, the gaming library is better all right.

You seem to be an expert on the better gaming library that xbox has. Can you suggest some game for me because I 've been looking for a reason to get anxbox. But while gears is great its not worth $300. And I don't like halo. So is there any other titles you would suggest? Games that don't come out onthe ps3 as well?

And Xbox live is good, unless its lag free all that extra stuff means nothing. I don't need to have headset sex with a friend while he's playing Haloand I'm playing gears.
Ya.. so i want to hear about this great exclusive library and why XBL is way better than PSN..
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

What does a modded Xbox do?

Craps out on you after 2 years like a regular xbox.

If you're going to mod your xbox, mod it so it doesnt overheat as easy.
Hell throw in an extra fan or a water cooling system.
Originally Posted by MarkyMark25

Funny thing though, the process in returning the PS3 was way longer/harder to do than the 360. (You can pull
whatever you want out of that statement haha)

Only one thing comes to mind.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

What does a modded Xbox do?

Craps out on you after 2 years like a regular xbox.

If you're going to mod your xbox, mod it so it doesnt overheat as easy.
Hell throw in an extra fan or a water cooling system.
I never had problems with mine overheating, and I played it in Iraq with no A/C on. Mine didn't crap out until the NXE update, and I got the360 almost as soon as it came out.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by knightngale

you mad?
@ the year of the ps3
Every year is supposed to be the year of the PS3. First it was 2008, now after the xbox is outselling the PS3 by the gallons, they find some lame excuse about how the 360 is cheaper. There is absolutely nothing that indicates that 2009 will be the year of the PS3. Face it, the PS3 is the loser of this generation of consoles. Wii is the winner, but the PS3 is the loser. They failed, ever since they thought that the people who owned the PS2 would just sit by and patiently wait for PS3 to come out while ignoring all the great games on the 360 that were available a year before the PS3 came out.
so my 360 is coming in the mail in 2 weeks. is there anything about the 360 that i must know? ive been a loyal sony fan. owned a ps1 and ps2, and almost pulledthe trigger on a ps3 but didnt due to inferior online play. when should i expect the RROD, and how many years of warranty should i purchase? does xbox fix theRROD at free of charge even though the system is out of warranty? thats my only gripe with the system... the dreaded RROD.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

so my 360 is coming in the mail in 2 weeks. is there anything about the 360 that i must know? ive been a loyal sony fan. owned a ps1 and ps2, and almost pulled the trigger on a ps3 but didnt due to inferior online play. when should i expect the RROD, and how many years of warranty should i purchase? does xbox fix the RROD at free of charge even though the system is out of warranty? thats my only gripe with the system... the dreaded RROD.
Well mine had a 3 year warranty on it, and I didn't get RROD until that had expired. Microsoft covered the repair and shipping because theNXE update was the cause.
I bought a 360 a few months after it released for the first time, and I know in the back of my mind that it's going to fail on me sooner or later. I got itmodded not too long ago as well.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

so my 360 is coming in the mail in 2 weeks. is there anything about the 360 that i must know? ive been a loyal sony fan. owned a ps1 and ps2, and almost pulled the trigger on a ps3 but didnt due to inferior online play. when should i expect the RROD, and how many years of warranty should i purchase? does xbox fix the RROD at free of charge even though the system is out of warranty? thats my only gripe with the system... the dreaded RROD.
Well mine had a 3 year warranty on it, and I didn't get RROD until that had expired. Microsoft covered the repair and shipping because the NXE update was the cause.
what is the NXE update? thanks. and what benefits does modding the console have? does it allow u play bootlegged games? lol. both my ps2 and ps1were modded to play bootlegged games.
im shuttin down this post videos speaks for itself. Got both systems by the way.

pt2 "> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

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pt 4 "> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> http://www.youtube.com/v/kCzEV6gIZVM&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

people think that crappy xbox can TOUCH the ps3
�keep tryin guys.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

so my 360 is coming in the mail in 2 weeks. is there anything about the 360 that i must know? ive been a loyal sony fan. owned a ps1 and ps2, and almost pulled the trigger on a ps3 but didnt due to inferior online play. when should i expect the RROD, and how many years of warranty should i purchase? does xbox fix the RROD at free of charge even though the system is out of warranty? thats my only gripe with the system... the dreaded RROD.
Well mine had a 3 year warranty on it, and I didn't get RROD until that had expired. Microsoft covered the repair and shipping because the NXE update was the cause.
what is the NXE update? thanks. and what benefits does modding the console have? does it allow u play bootlegged games? lol. both my ps2 and ps1 were modded to play bootlegged games.
The NXE update is the new operating platform (i guess that's what you'd call it) that they just released. I don't know about modding,I've never modded a console.
Im startin' to hate my 360 also.. I sent it in twice and now everytime I put in a disc, it says "unreadable disk"

I think my warranty is over too so I have to pay $99 to get it fixed..
My *!!+ wont connect to my computer so I can stream music. AND since the new update, if my mic comes unplugged during a game, and I try to plug it back in, itwont connect, so every time my mic comes unplugged, I have to restart my xbox after the game to have my mic working again...

Grrrr...I need my PS3 back ASAP.
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