Going to the club wid wifey...How many of you do this??

Only do it if your with your boys. I went out years ago with my ex for her 21st and man I was the only dude in her whole group and my ex was bad as hell. I nearly got into a fight with a group of 4 dudes because they thought I was gaming her up at the bar and she walked away because her friends came in and a dude grabbed her and she pulled of and he was drunk and started getting wild. I immediately got up from the bar and prepared for war but she grabbed me and dudes was testing me. Do not do it unless your deep. Alchohol,thirsty dudes,ignorant music no thanks. I don't know where y'all are from but in l.a. I literally know dudes that have been shot for fighting a dude over his girl and beating the dude +%% and he gets shot 17 times with an AK. They even shot her. I've seen bottles cracked over heads etc. NO GRACIAS
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