"Good Dudes" Marry Leftover ({}) from the Bad Boys...Vol. Nice Guys finish last

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I mean, it's simple logic...

If what Op is saying is the truth, then every single chick you know is %$%* or progressing towards smutness...

Now clearly that can't be the case. The reason why it seems like all chicks are +++!% is because you choose to focus on those kind of females...

Too many dudes go after the cute, fresh, sassy chick because often times, those are the type of females that attract and demand attention...

All the while, there is a minority of females who actually are beautiful, but because they don't fit the Video girl standard of beauty, or because they are "prudish"/"conservative" and don't demand attention, they go unnoticed and consequently, get no love...

Point is, there are females out there who are genuinely exceptional...you just aint seeing them because you're most likely looking for that quick nut, which a "good" female wont entertain...

Simple, thirsty, and adolescent-minded grown men marry leftover bad boy ({})...

A real man, a real "good dude", will not settle for and with a reformed %$%*...

what you sayin is true except for that last line. Good dudes will end up with the woman they think is a good girl. But the only reason they thinkshe is a good girl is because she has done an incredible job at covering up her past JO activites. Im talkin covered up so well the CIA wouldnt be able to digup any dirt on her.

These females lie about their past activities & past tendencies because they are ashamed of them & know that no dude will want to be with them if heknew the things she has done in her past. So no its not just that we are all looking for a quick nut, its more like some of us men are looking for a quick nut,while others are actually looking for a solid & intelligent girl to settle down with. But the percentage of girls that are morally upstanding enough tosettle down with is dwindling at an alarming rate
Originally Posted by Untitled

Yeah man, that's why u can't be a simp when u get older...let these old smutss fail in society, don't

Come and simp and bail them out when u doin good....

second that
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

You'll never know a woman's past anyway so just learn how not to be shocked @ anything
yea nothing really shocks me anymore, some things i wouldnt expect, & then other things just straight disgust me. when they say it i get that
face goin. then they get the
face goin.
Or learn how to let the past be the past, like someone said..people do change. At an older age I think it should be accepted both of you have your ownskeletons in the closet anyway.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Or learn how to let the past be the past, like someone said..people do change. At an older age I think it should be accepted both of you have your own skeletons in the closet anyway.
Originally Posted by Club29

Prime example...remember when Goldenarmz97 found out one of his former Jump Offs got married? and Someone from NT sent the Husband the "Get It Crackin" Pics?
whoa whoa whoa. I remember Golden making those posts back when HT was still running, but i NEVER heard of this story. Can someone elaborate?
They signed up to the other site, tried to defend themselves and threatened the board. Got roasted to Bolivian and effectively had the boardshutdown out of spite. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard at anything on the internet.
OP with that logic I guess youre never gonna get married or dont plan to anyways.

I see what youre saying but I agree with Mangudai954.

its logic but kinda immature logic.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Or learn how to let the past be the past, like someone said..people do change. At an older age I think it should be accepted both of you have your own skeletons in the closet anyway.
Female cosigned this early. Agreed though, but sometimes i just feel there should be some accountability, especially depending on the severity ofyour former hoishness.

So who'd like to marry a reformed porn star?

Thought so...

I'd be so disgraced if my kid (esp daughter) came out of #*%@ vagina
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Or learn how to let the past be the past, like someone said..people do change. At an older age I think it should be accepted both of you have your own skeletons in the closet anyway.
Female cosigned this early. Agreed though, but sometimes i just feel there should be some accountability, especially depending on the severity of your former hoishness.

i agree but what can you really do? you'll never REALLY know anyone's true history...long as she wasnt a porn star then does it really matter? afterhs people go away to college...move around for their job or whatever so you can never really know who/what is in their past...you either deal with or complainon NT...

Black...some people really don't mind marrying a p-star if its behind her...different strokes for different folks...
I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
I used to believe that, but then reality set in.

The thing with that logic is that those girls who are being over looked are the fancy of someone else. Plus, some of these girls are already with someone.

[color= rgb(0, 255, 255)]Then if you should be so lucky as to find one that's fair play, they tend to not want to date and @%## because they're afraid of being screwed over.[/color]

So what does that leave the majority of men? A sea of $*$!+ where all you can do is try to reel in the baddest one.

True, but it doesn't negate the fact that, there are females out there who are genuinely beautifuland outstanding. I simply a matter of competition or rather, first come first serve. Because while you were chasing the the "sexy", soon to be, poparound--you failed to see the "good" girl because that wasn't what you were looking for. But when you realized that, that's what youneeded--she was off the market. A smart dude had already locked that up...so yeah, they are def. out there. It's simply a matter of getting there ontime.

All's fair in love and War. If you really want a good chick, like you claim, then you need to realize that issomething you'll have to work for, time and effort wise. I mean think about it. If she was liberal with every dude that wanted to "date" her, shewouldn't be a good girl. A good chick is justified in being conservative because I'll be the first one to admit, we men, will take the quick nut ifgiven the opportunity. That's a fact--so why not be afraid of getting screwed over when there is a very likely possibility that, given the chance, we wouldscrew her over. Point is, if you want a good woman, know that you'll have to put in work. Just as you would expect a female to "bring something ofequal value of more to the table/relationship"...

what you sayin is true except for that last line. Good dudes will end up with the woman they think is a good girl. But the only reason they think she is a good girl is because she has done an incredible job at covering up her past JO activites. Im talkin covered up so well the CIA wouldnt be able to dig up any dirt on her.

These females lie about their past activities & past tendencies because they are ashamed of them & know that no dude will want to be with them if he knew the things she has done in her past. So no its not just that we are all looking for a quick nut, its more like some of us men are looking for a quick nut, while others are actually looking for a solid & intelligent girl to settle down with. But the percentage of girls that are morally upstanding enough to settle down with is dwindling at an alarming rate
Eighhhhh that my last line in my former post can be argued either way. I could just as well say that, using me as an example, I won't settlefor a reformed %+*#+. Yes females are masters of deception. I've even argued this point myself. But if you a real ninja, whose about his business in allaspects, and serious about a finding a female with equal or more attributes and accomplishments, then you will scrutinize every potential candidate.

Even so there are two types of promiscuous females you need to be aware of. There is the reformed #%@! who is only superficially reformed. Deep down inside,she is still smutty and regardless of how covert she is about her past, she will always exude smutish tendencies. This is the one you dont wife.

Then there is the reformed #%@! who is truly reformed. She was very liberal in the past, but she matured, and is no longer about that kind of stuff. A femalelike this wont try to be as covert with her former life as the afformentioned female. Most importantly, you will be able to tell by the way she carriesherself. A chick like this is wifable on account that no body is perfect.

Now as for looking for a solid respectable girl to settle down with, ask yourself--was this always the case. I mean just take a look at your diction andsyntax..."respectable girl to [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]settle down with[/color]"...

You only looked for a respectable chick when [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]YOU WERE READY TO SETTLE DOWN[/color]...but because sheaint on the same page with you, she is unworthy of being respectable...
...I'm willing to bet you had your fun with no social ramifications and/or constraints...so why can't she. Why is she all of a sudden,un-deserving of respect because she aint ready to settle down when you are...that's a tad bit hypocritical dont'cha think...

So at the end of the day, it's not so much that the percentage of morally upstanding females worth settling with, is dwindling, it's more so that youand her are on different schedules. You can't generalize and label her because she aint conforming to you beck and call of settling down...

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
Didn't you make a "he's nice to me but i'm not attracted to him" post? da hell outta here.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
Didn't you make a "he's nice to me but i'm not attracted to him" post? da hell outta here.

how many cool girls have you been friends with but just couldn't take it there cuz she wasn't up to your standards far as looks?
I'm a nimpho, that's null and void w/ me. I'd tear em all up.

Naw i see what you're saying, relationship-wise.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
Didn't you make a "he's nice to me but i'm not attracted to him" post? da hell outta here.

LOL QTF!! ive noticed this, a woman complains about wanting a nice guy but if their not attracted to them and go for the ''good lookinga-hole'', then get messed over and turn around and say were all jerks, please do ****
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
Didn't you make a "he's nice to me but i'm not attracted to him" post? da hell outta here.


Okay l can't date somebody just because they're nice. You know there's more components to dating than knowing a "nice person"
Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
Didn't you make a "he's nice to me but i'm not attracted to him" post? da hell outta here.


Okay l can't date somebody just because they're nice. You know there's more components to dating than knowing a "nice person"
.... word to the cupcake avatar ....

its not their fault its in there subconcious and something that has been programmed into there brain since the times of stones age , heres a great little read

Most men, never having gotten out of the nice guy category, think women are nothing but headaches and that women often don't make any sense. They seem todo so many contradictory things. But actually women make perfect sense once you understand their inner nature. Women act to put up barriers between themselvesand the needy, supplicating nice guy. They don't want that spineless loser dragging them down. But they take down barriers to members of the secret society- because these are high-value men who are already in demand from other women. They are dominant, decisive, confident, spontaneous, and self-validated.Subconsciously, women assume these must be the men with the best genes, the most masculine men, the ones that every woman needs to mate with to have thefittest, most adaptable offspring. Their money, looks, and intelligence don't matter nearly as much as the manly energy they project. It's true, thisDarwinian sex drive powers women's sexual choices far more than any conscious thought process - even when they have no intention of having children, intheir subconscious, they have no objection to bearing that stud's babies some time in the future. And so they have sex with him, to get closer to him. Theydon't think to choose a sex partner, they feel.
Originally Posted by YallKnoWutDisIz

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

I want a nice guy! I just can't find one, they're all taken!

This can be said vice versa.

Some men like *$+##*%, some women like !*%@*%@#.
Didn't you make a "he's nice to me but i'm not attracted to him" post? da hell outta here.

I still don't see what that has to do with what I posted
yeah he's nice, but I still can't date him just because he's a nice person. Justlike I'm not going to date somebody just because they're an *!%!+@$. There has to be something there
Symps are always trying to save a JO, you know why???? It's simple they never experience a good helping of women there for they don't know thedifference between a jump off, or a classy lady LOL I mean hell open your eyes man sometimes stuff is right there in your face, just got to read it right itamaze me how one day me and my boy can have a group of females at the crib getting loose, then in a months time some dude cuffing them on their arms LOL
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