Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Damn Cam

And Dre, i hear ya. I see the running game went off without much help from JT, from the way the others played do you think someone will become the main rb or does jimbo stick with the rotation?
Originally Posted by jville819

And Dre, i hear ya. I see the running game went off without much help from JT, from the way the others played do you think someone will become the main rb or does jimbo stick with the rotation?
Idk %%! they are gonna do w/ that RB spot.

And I'm pretty sure Ponder re-injured his shoulder last week. And it showed today.
Originally Posted by jville819

And Dre, i hear ya. I see the running game went off without much help from JT, from the way the others played do you think someone will become the main rb or does jimbo stick with the rotation?
Idk %%! they are gonna do w/ that RB spot.

And I'm pretty sure Ponder re-injured his shoulder last week. And it showed today.
TAMU is losing by 14+ to FIU in the 3rd quarter
I'm laughing so hard at those dumb +$@@+$%@%%+#! that thought we were gonna win 9 or 10 games this year
TAMU is losing by 14+ to FIU in the 3rd quarter
I'm laughing so hard at those dumb +$@@+$%@%%+#! that thought we were gonna win 9 or 10 games this year
TT got screwed on that one...clearly an incomplete pass but the refs said it was complete and they don't even review it 
TT got screwed on that one...clearly an incomplete pass but the refs said it was complete and they don't even review it 
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