Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

RoOk wrote:
As a CFB, I'm saddened by these news about Cam. Even if true i feel like the media is trying to kill the kid man. No matter what Auburn does from now on out won't even matter.
RoOk wrote:
Jerks =(
Ryan Williams is gonna fill in for Wilson on KR (and obviously get more carries at RB since Wilson's out).

@ these gifs.
Ryan Williams is gonna fill in for Wilson on KR (and obviously get more carries at RB since Wilson's out).

@ these gifs.
Patrick Peterson is the best corner this year without a doubt but I do see him being overhyped by all the so called draft gurus... He great at man coverage but I wouldn't call him shutdown and he does not want to hit anybody at ALL, he seems to let people run by him then run and tackle them.... and like the other guy said he doesn't make the big plays he should make against the elite WR's.
Patrick Peterson is the best corner this year without a doubt but I do see him being overhyped by all the so called draft gurus... He great at man coverage but I wouldn't call him shutdown and he does not want to hit anybody at ALL, he seems to let people run by him then run and tackle them.... and like the other guy said he doesn't make the big plays he should make against the elite WR's.
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