If you arent happy in a marriage should you stick it out for your family?

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Feb 22, 2007

One expert's controversial take on marriage, divorce and staying together for the sake of the kids.
People often say that you shouldn't stay married for the sake of the kids. After all, the logic goes, if parents are miserable, it will only hurt the kids.

It's better for kids, they say, to have two happy parents who lead separate lives than to be exposed to sadness, emotional distance and conflict in their family. Makes sense, right? Wrong.

I've specialized in work with couples for nearly three decades. At the start of my career, I was one of those people who believed that staying together for the sake of the kids was foolhardy. Now, after seeing the havoc that divorce wreaks on the lives of families, I am an unabashed marriage-saver. And since I became dedicated to helping people resuscitate flat-lined marriages and keep their families together, I have learned a great deal about the process and the benefits of working things out.

First, I learned that implicit in the question, "Should people stay together for the sake of the kids?" is the assumption that they will inevitably remain miserable in the marriage. This is insanity. Over the past decade, we have learned a tremendous amount about what constitutes a successful marriage. We actually have a very concrete understanding of what spouses need to do and stop doing to make marriages work.

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is another thing altogether. It requires skills — relationship skills. We learn about relationships as we grow up and unfortunately, most of us didn't have great role models.

Even if we did have great role models, we might choose a partner who wasn't so fortunate. If we don't have adequate relationship skills — knowing how to co-parent, communicate, resolve conflict, compromise, build on relationship strengths—our relationships fail.

The good news is that today, there are marriage education classes couples can take to improve their Relationship IQs. Couples can transform an unhappy or ho-hum marriage into a great one. Additionally, although choosing a quality therapist takes some investigation and effort, couples can go to therapists who are skilled at helping them resolve their differences, not just talk about their feelings or the problems.

In short, although it's understandable why someone who is unhappy in marriage might envision the future to be nothing more than a miserable extension of the past, it aint necessarily so. Marriages can heal, change and improve with the proper help. In fact, studies show that, even without professional help, couples who wait out the storm report that they are extremely happy five years later!

When it comes to marriage, patience isn't only a virtue, it's a necessity.

Parents who want a divorce often say that, although it won't be easy, children are resilient and they will be better off in the long run ... but here's what the research says about this: Divorce takes an enormous toll on children.

Change is very difficult. Dissolving a family has enormous repercussions. Children often are shuffled from home to home. Family finances suffer due to the need to maintain separate households. Parents are often preoccupied with their own emotional well-being.

Frequently, there are moves to new school districts, requiring major emotional adjustments. And then there are second marriages and the unique challenges of step-families. Plus, second and subsequent marriages are less likely to succeed than first marriages, requiring even more changes to children's lifestyles.

Studies also suggest that even when the adults are happier in their new lives, there doesn't seem to be a trickle-down effect to the children. Children, it seems, get the short end of the stick.

Here's one more thing to consider. There is never just a single reason people remain together; there are many, many reasons couples decide to stick it out. Marriage is a package deal.

People choose to remain married because they want companionship, sex, financial security, family ties, extended family, someone with whom to share responsibilities, a person to grow old with, a preference to share life as opposed to going it alone and so on. If one of the reasons people choose to remain together is for the sake of the kids, I say, "Bravo." That's great.

The bottom line is this: We only have one go-around, and we all deserve happiness. No one should plan on simply acquiescing to a life of misery. Having said that, given the miraculous changes I've seen in couples' relationships, even in the 11th hour, I feel like a psychotic optimist.

You don't have to just stay together for the sake of the kids; get happy for the sake of the kids! It will be a gift for a lifetime.

Michele Weiner-Davis is the author of Divorce Busting and The Sex-Starved Marriage and founder of
My folks divorced when I was real young. Pops did moms wrong. I have no recollection whatsoever of my parents sharing anything intimate.

Think I came out ok. Things would be different had they stayed together. Having a father figure. Can't blame Moms for dippin though. Once you F up trust it's real hard to get that back, if at all.
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Marriage takes effort and it's always a work in progress.  I don't think many couple realizes this, even when they do there are way too distracted with outside force telling them to simply focus on themselves.  What I noticed is that our culture nowadays is less about self sacrifice and more about self pleasure.  
Marriage is supposed to be 2 souls becoming as 1....word to the Spice Girls or for the less spiritual....a legal binding contract
Some guy on IG is ******* 3 girls and live with all 3. They're all sisters too. Two of them are pregnant as well.

my parents split and made it very clear to me that it wasn't my fault and that they were still going to be talking and raising my sister and I together. Fast forward four years or so and we still all get together for dinner or meal once a week or so.
Yea ... I wanted that but didn't get it

I believe it messes kids up...
... My parents stayed together are still together after 40 yrs... Marriage is a once a life event and you shouldn't go having kids with lots of different ppl . That's sick... Those are my beliefs..
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Yep, there's a mature way to split up. But bitterness on both sides is what creates problems and dysfunction.

YES. You got one parent telling the kids the other is worthless. You got the other saying the other is scum. Out if all that what's a little kid going to think?

Bottom line the relationship between the two parents should be completely different than them as parents. Hate each other all you want but it should never change your relationship as parents. Show some maturity and handle business correctly. Now if course I'm talking about if both parties are actually good people.
maybe its just my perception but the unmarried folk with kin are usually more civil to each other than the formerly betrothed couple with offspring
Male children are the prisoners of women. Over fifty percent of men are born into single mother households without a father or male authority figure present. Women who choose to keep their children’s father around, do so only on a provisional basis, with the legal right to separate him from his children at any time she chooses. For all intents and purposes, the children are hers, and she merely allows their father to see them.

Even if the father is present, the nurses, therapists, school teachers, and caregivers around the child are virtually all women. The formative years of the life of the average American male are dominated and ruled by women. These years are marked by routine and institutional abuse that pathologizes masculinity and trains men to seek women’s approval more than their own joy.
My parents are divorced and tbh it's peaceful now that they don't argue all the time, but I liked it better when they were together and ignoring each other, which sounds selfish but its true. I just want to be able to say my parents are together, not that I'm going to see my dad at his house this weekend...
Exactly why I may not have children. Marriages are most likely going to end in divorce. It's just the way it is nowadays and the statistics will only be more and more alarming as time progresses. Marriage and children. Nah, it's not even on my radar and I'm 25 years old. I wouldn't dare put children through a petty relationship, marriage and especially divorce. Not over my dead body.
I personally don't believe in marriage and I think it doesn't make sense in today's world where the odds are stacked against the guy in a marriage.

I also think a lot of younger folks are getting a clue and not pulling the trigger on marriage.
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People dont even know what love is anymore much less what marriage is really about. Thats why the divorce rate rising.
They go in will false expectations and a false sense of reality.

You make me feel good and you are a good person. Thats why I love you so much."
"Can what til I get married. Its gonna be a great ceremony"

Gimmie a ******* break.
Go head, stay together for the kids. Teach em what misery is....
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People dont even know what love is anymore much less what marriage is really about. Thats why the divorce rate rising.
They go in will false expectations and a false sense of reality.

You make me feel good and you are a good person. Thats why I love you so much."
"Can what til I get married. Its gonna be a great ceremony"

Gimmie a ******* break.
Go head, stay together for the kids. Teach em what misery is....

I don't think anybody really knows what love is until it's over.
Love (in the form we can currently express as human beings) is selflessly giving of yourself for the betterment of someone else unconditionally.
If they love you back or not, or without expecting anything in return.

Example: A good mother loves her children and wants them to flourish. I have a good mother. She always wanted what was best for me. Doesn't mean she let me take advantage of her. Doesn't mean never got upset with me. It means she is always willing to do what it takes for my fulfillment/ happiness/ success. Weather I reciprocated her love or not, or pushed her way, or disappointed her. Her love is always constant. Always a giver of her time, energy, organ, whatever.

In marraige, the dynamic is different and its much more difficult to continue this trend even if you start out with this ideal because of selfishness.
We want to be pleased instead of the pleaser. When you become used to your spouse, we stop doing the things you used to. Before you said you would do anything
for them but it turns into, what have you dont for me lately. We look outward at what we dont like as much instead of looking inward at what we can give/do to show and magnify the love we
have inside. What was once pure becomes tainted and you just fall into the routine and accept that this is what marraige is.

so much I can add on the subject but im tired.
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