Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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Its funny how the over all attitude of this thread has shifted from one side to the other. Before research was done, before articles were found, before pictures were taken, the overall attitude of this thread was "fakes are fakes, if youre saying theyre real prove it" things a long that line. Now theres more than enough information proving the existence of GM production and that they are the same shoes albeit lacking in quality control.  But you know what? I can still be swayed with facts just like i was when was researching the GM industry to being with. The burden of proof now lies with the people calling them fake. If theyre not what they appear to be just prove it. Im not looking analogies, im not looking IMO statements, and im not looking inferences or speculation because you guys didnt accept that as tangible proof. At first there were a lot more people maintaining that they are fake but as the thread grew more and more people screaming fake more or less got shut up or disappeared. I guess my point is this I may have my own opinion but facts are facts are facts. With the proper proof i would more than happily change my opinion. But these "i cant believe you guys are buying fakes" comments coming up every time the thread actually settles down and is making progress isnt helping anyone.
I am hesitant to help anyone via PM purely on the suspicion they are gonna load up on these to resell :x
I am hesitant to help anyone via PM purely on the suspicion they are gonna load up on these to resell
pm me the details.
I have already mentioned where and how I get my pairs multiple times so please read.
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What makes you come to that conclusion though? We've literally seen perfect pairs of every single GM of air Jordan's except for the db4s and the royals. We know Qc is a problem and its a hit or miss but you can easily find reviews of amazing quality. So what makes you say "there aren't as many as portrayed"
see that just shows you they're not real GM Unauthorized pairs (not from the same line, & not everything exact), but just really HQ replicas... its a 28 year old shoe design.. do you really think HQ fakes will be the same today as in 90s/2000s? no they're trying their best & getting better everyday... they know thats how they can make money, they know if its an obvious difference.. no would really buy it.

if every single replica factory gets access to close to similar materials, inside info, supply, diagrams etc, & they all up their game/ figure out how to make them look as close as possible...  i guess that means there's no more fakes in the world
I originally deleted this but this comment really bothers me. Bad.

Its one thing to inform people that the shoes are what they are and for them to accept that and purchase. Its just wrong when you try and deceive people. 100% wrong.
well at least he's being honest here on NT

said it before.. its pretty obvious that resellers of HQ replicas makes more money(from people who dont do their HW) than resellers of authentics, especially those who gets it straight from the replica factory in bulk & because they have a never ending supply... authentic resellers have to pay retail & can only get so much.
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I am hesitant to help anyone via PM purely on the suspicion they are gonna load up on these to resell :x

I say we sensor out words like *stor, ***stor, T*****. This thread is a double-edged sword, it educates people about the existence of GM pairs but at the same time it also helps resellers find more ways of making more money by selling these as authorized pairs.
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Don't forget about the resellers in here who sells these GMs as authorized pairs.
Heck I'll admit it. I sell GMs on Ebay & craigslist and make an extra 2000 dollars a month just flipping shoes. All I need to do is sell a couple of pairs of Space Jams and DB4s to reach that number. It's so easy that it's scary. And if someone has a problem with the shoe or questions the "authenticity" I'll gladly refund them their money. But I'm milking this cow until it dries out. There's a boatload of people hustling like this. 

I originally deleted this but this comment really bothers me. Bad.

Its one thing to inform people that the shoes are what they are and for them to accept that and purchase. Its just wrong when you try and deceive people. 100% wrong.
I say we sensor out words like *stor, ***stor, T*****. This thread is a double-edged sword, it educates people about the existence of GM pairs but at the same time it also helps resellers find more ways of making more money by selling these as authorized pairs.
Yes I agree. Only problem is.. the big, bad, resellers will find a way around all of these fences and barbed wire.IT"S INEVITABLE. But, if these words were censored you guys that post your pics of your GM and wanna be GM shoes will get even more PMs.  Mods & Admins constantly stress not using the names of these sites. But is it acceptable to say R**** and Kin**** or T***** ?   SERIOUS QUESTION!!!
I originally deleted this but this comment really bothers me. Bad.

Its one thing to inform people that the shoes are what they are and for them to accept that and purchase. Its just wrong when you try and deceive people. 100% wrong.

SMH! Straight jacking people. At least he offers a refund. Hopefully people do their homework before buying off eBay
see that just shows you they're not real GM Unauthorized pairs (not from the same line, & not everything exact), but just really HQ replicas... do you really think HQ fakes will be the same today as in 2000? no they're trying their best & getting better everyday...

if every single replica companies gets access to close to similar materials, supply, diagrams etc, & they all up their game/ figure out how to make them look as close as possible...  i guess that means there's no more fakes
That shows that those particular pairs arent GM, but speaks nothing of the tons that do have the same materials. the tons of pictures of people that have posted in this thread, the tons of "im happy with my pairs" that  these arent "close to same" materials were dealing with on the majority of the GM pairs. These arent close to the same carbon fiber, its the same carbon fiber, its not close to the same patent leather its the same patent leather. what ive noticed is all GM general release pairs match up to their RD versions minus you quality flaws. But its the extremely limited shoes that are either non existent or badly faked that could be because limited shoes are made in less factories because the production run is significantly lower and production of limited shoes is closely supervised. keep in mind that these are crooked businessmen were dealing with, and even though they cant fill the demand for genuine shoes for limited releases like they can with general releases doesnt mean they arent going to try.

The only thing this shows is that we cant over generalize the grey market and you'll have to determine which is good and which is bad release by release.

and as far as fakes go they will never be identical to authentic pairs. you know why? because replicas target market isnt the same as the retail and grey market. Even the people who produce replicas arent stupid, theyre business men. these arent people making shoes and "trying their best" with what ever materials they have to make it look like authentic pairs. Replicas arent cheap because theyre inferior quality, theyre inferior quality because theyre cheap.Meaning these are made the way they are (cheaply and somewhat half assed) because they are meant to be sold at a lower price. The fake market and the GM Retail markets will never merge. 
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Don't forget about the resellers in here who sells these GMs as authorized pairs.
Heck I'll admit it. I sell GMs on Ebay & craigslist and make an extra 2000 dollars a month just flipping shoes. All I need to do is sell a couple of pairs of Space Jams and DB4s to reach that number. It's so easy that it's scary. And if someone has a problem with the shoe or questions the "authenticity" I'll gladly refund them their money. But I'm milking this cow until it dries out. There's a boatload of people hustling like this. 

I originally deleted this but this comment really bothers me. Bad.

Its one thing to inform people that the shoes are what they are and for them to accept that and purchase. Its just wrong when you try and deceive people. 100% wrong.

I originally deleted this but this comment really bothers me. Bad.

Its one thing to inform people that the shoes are what they are and for them to accept that and purchase. Its just wrong when you try and deceive people. 100% wrong.
Ahhhh so you were the mod that deleted my comment.

Who exactly am I trying to deceive? I am giving them an authentic sneaker and I charge them much lower than what a "retail" pair would normally resell for. Who's losing out here? Am I putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to buy my shoes? I'm not selling replicas as authentic. (Corks, "Perfect" Yeezys, etc.) I'm not buying a super rare, limited shoe and holding it hostage for quadruple it's retail price like the guys in the DB 3 thread. (We won't get into that again...) And as originally stated if anyone is dissatisfied with the sneaker I gladly refund them. But that's maybe happened...twice.

I don't see what's wrong with my business practice. For you to just delete my comment shows that you yourself haven't accepted the way the game has changed.
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see that just shows you they're not real GM Unauthorized pairs (not from the same line, & not everything exact), but just really HQ replicas... its a 28 year old shoe design.. do you really think HQ fakes will be the same today as in 90s/2000s? no they're trying their best & getting better everyday... they know thats how they can make money, they know if its an obvious difference.. no would really buy it.

if every single replica factory gets access to close to similar materials, inside info, supply, diagrams etc, & they all up their game/ figure out how to make them look as close as possible...  i guess that means there's no more fakes in the world

well at least he's being honest here on NT :nerd:

said it before.. its pretty obvious that resellers of HQ replicas makes more money(from people who dont do their HW) than resellers of authentics, especially those who gets it straight from the replica factory in bulk & because they have a never ending supply... authentic resellers have to pay retail & can only get so much.

Im not goin anywhere.

Honestly aren't you two tired of arguing? Because I can promise you there are more than a few people tired of reading it...

Have you ever heard the analogy "there is no point in beating a dead horse"

It's starting to get a little ridiculous that you STILL find it necessary to voice and argue your opinions.

Ahhhh so you were the mod that deleted my comment.

Who exactly am I trying to deceive? I am giving them an authentic sneaker and I charge them much lower than what a "retail" pair would normally resell for. Who's losing out here? Am I putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to buy my shoes? I'm not selling replicas as authentic. I'm not buying a super rare, limited shoe and holding it hostage for quadruple it's retail price like the guys in the DB 3 thread. (We won't get into that again...) And as originally stated if anyone is dissatisfied with the sneaker I gladly refund them. But that's maybe happened...twice.

I don't see what's wrong with my business practice. For you to just delete my comment shows that you yourself haven't accepted the way the game has changed.

GM shoes are not authentic, they are GM.

Your straight up scamming people if your not telling them what they are buying. That's the same as stealing and it's illegal. Some scum bag **** honestly.
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That shows that those particular pairs arent GM, but speaks nothing of the tons that do have the same materials. the tons of pictures of people that have posted in this thread, the tons of "im happy with my pairs" that  these arent "close to same" materials were dealing with on the majority of the GM pairs. These arent close to the same carbon fiber, its the same carbon fiber, its not close to the same patent leather its the same patent leather. what ive noticed is all GM general release pairs match up to their RD versions minus you quality flaws. But its the extremely limited shoes that are either non existent or badly faked that could be because limited shoes are made in less factories because the production run is significantly lower and production of limited shoes is closely supervised. keep in mind that these are crooked businessmen were dealing with, and even though they cant fill the demand for genuine shoes for limited releases like they can with general releases doesnt mean they arent going to try.

The only thing this shows is that we cant over generalize the grey market and you'll have to determine which is good and which is bad release by release.
 because that means theres less available diagrams to copy, materials & less inside information.. I guess unless theres a close to similar GR shoe with the same material etc.

i believe real GM pairs should go unnoticed since it should be similar in everything, HQ replicas are getting there but not yet.

but then again the definition of GM differ person to person ranges from $10 replicas to same line/factory/people/materials/just unauthorized.
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I originally deleted this but this comment really bothers me. Bad.

Its one thing to inform people that the shoes are what they are and for them to accept that and purchase. Its just wrong when you try and deceive people. 100% wrong.

Ahhhh so you were the mod that deleted my comment.

Who exactly am I trying to deceive? I am giving them an authentic sneaker and I charge them much lower than what a "retail" pair would normally resell for. Who's losing out here? Am I putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to buy my shoes? I'm not selling replicas as authentic. (Corks, "Perfect" Yeezys, etc.) I'm not buying a super rare, limited shoe and holding it hostage for quadruple it's retail price like the guys in the DB 3 thread. (We won't get into that again...) And as originally stated if anyone is dissatisfied with the sneaker I gladly refund them. But that's maybe happened...twice.

I don't see what's wrong with my business practice. For you to just delete my comment shows that you yourself haven't accepted the way the game has changed.

you have serious issues if you think what you are doing is right.
people that purchase from you think they are buying retail pairs which they aren't. that's why you issue refunds so easily.

deception is wrong man. you are doing exactly what people in here fear would happen.
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Its funny how the over all attitude of this thread has shifted from one side to the other. Before research was done, before articles were found, before pictures were taken, the overall attitude of this thread was "fakes are fakes, if youre saying theyre real prove it" things a long that line. Now theres more than enough information proving the existence of GM production and that they are the same shoes albeit lacking in quality control.  But you know what? I can still be swayed with facts just like i was when was researching the GM industry to being with. The burden of proof now lies with the people calling them fake. If theyre not what they appear to be just prove it. Im not looking analogies, im not looking IMO statements, and im not looking inferences or speculation because you guys didnt accept that as tangible proof. At first there were a lot more people maintaining that they are fake but as the thread grew more and more people screaming fake more or less got shut up or disappeared. I guess my point is this I may have my own opinion but facts are facts are facts. With the proper proof i would more than happily change my opinion. But these "i cant believe you guys are buying fakes" comments coming up every time the thread actually settles down and is making progress isnt helping anyone.
I guess you feel like if you post this enough times it'll actually change minds.

My opinion of supposed grey market shoes stands the same as it always has which is that they are high quality fakes regardless of where they are made and who is making them.

Both sides of the argument have as much proof as the other side, none. Short of someone hopping a flight to china and pulling out cameras and taping production, that part of it will never be definitively answered. Its absolutely silly for anyone to take the word of any taobao agent as though they don't have a benefit in you feeling comfortable with a purchase, your paying them a percentage.

What this thread has changed my mind on is to not feel one way or another if someone wants to purchase these fake/gm shoes for themselves to wear.

Honestly, it hurts no one and people should do whatever they feel with their money.

Whats really real though is more than a couple are just using this thread to determine where to purchase the highest quality fakes they can so they can get over on unsuspecting/uninformed people.

1. From the pairs I have bought, they are the same shoes as retail pairs, at MSRP or less.

2. Keeps my money out of the reseller's pockets

3. I get icy shoes, instead of piss yellow soles

4. Me buying from China directly, helps out all those slaves over there, making $2 a day and being taken advantage of by American companies.

5. I don't care where they come from, if I can hold them and they look, feel, essentially ARE THE SAME SHOE, then I'm cool with it.
Thank you for this. Sums up the general concensus here and a good one at that. There is gonna come a point where people are going to seriously notice and packages will get intercepted so better to keep stuff low. Never short on a heated discussion around here and u gotta love that.
you have serious issues if you think what you are doing is right.
people that purchase from you think they are buying retail pairs which they aren't. that's why you issue refunds so easily.

deception is wrong man. you are doing exactly what people in here fear would happen.
So you would feel better and approve of my practices if I put a disclaimer in my for sale ad? The same way that cigarette companies and alcohol brands have to make it known that their product can potentially kill you? Is that all it takes? Because I can guarantee you that the average person still won't care.
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 because that means theres less available diagrams to copy & less inside information.. unless theres a close to similar GR shoe with a similar mold etc.

i believe real GM pairs should go unnoticed, HQ replicas are getting there but not yet.
Thats an unreasonable  thing to expect though because not all GM shoes are made in the same way or at the same time that end up on the Grey Market. Some shoes are stolen during the regular retail production run of the sneakers. Some are made before hand and some are made afterwards. And a whole bunch of them dont ever see quality control. Of course youre going to see some with more flaws than others. But there are still some that come out just as good as the pairs you get from footlocker. What im saying is that these shoes (except for shoes like royals and db4s which i consider fake) are still being made from the same stuff no matter what point on the time line of the original production run that they find themselves on the grey market.

i added more to my original post so you might have missed it but here it is:

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]and as far as fakes go they will never be identical to authentic pairs. you know why? because replicas target market isnt the same as the retail and grey market. Even the people who produce replicas arent stupid, theyre business men. these arent people making shoes and "trying their best" with what ever materials they have to make it look like authentic pairs. [/color][color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Replicas arent cheap because theyre inferior quality, theyre inferior quality because theyre cheap.Meaning these are made the way they are (cheaply and somewhat half assed) because they are meant to be sold at a lower price. The fake market and the GM Retail markets will never merge. [/color]
you have serious issues if you think what you are doing is right.

people that purchase from you think they are buying retail pairs which they aren't. that's why you issue refunds so easily.

deception is wrong man. you are doing exactly what people in here fear would happen.
So you would feel better and approve of my practices if I put a disclaimer in my for sale ad? The same way that cigarette companies and alcohol brands have to make it known that their product can potentially kill you? Is that all it takes? Because I can guarantee you that the average person still won't care.

if you put it in your listings then its perfectly fine. people like you like to make things seem ok with terrible justification.

cigarette and alcohol brand companies don't sell unauthorized products. that just made no sense at all.

and if the average person wont care then tell them about it before they hand you their money. its very simple.
You guys debating the authenticity of GM need to seriously give it up already.

U too JDfrench. You guys keep repeating the same **** over and over and over.

Literally the same exact same posts. It's like absurd at this point.

If you guys wanna have the same debate all the time, take it to PM.
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