Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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This will be an ever going argument/debate.

But why won't it stop?
The psychology of this thread is amusing to say the least.

You have a group of people who are unwilling to accept/embrace GM shoes for a number of factors.
  • Some people are purists and would never buy anything that doesn't come from Nike so therefore they view it as fake - period. For some reason, these people keep coming into the thread.
  • Some people are kind of interested in the idea that sneakers exist outside of "official" channels that look identical or nearly identical to retail pairs, but are scared to take the jump and fully embrace it because of peer pressure. They feel it will hurt their sneakerhead credibility with their peers so they openly oppose it. 
  • Some people are very threatened by the possibility that these shoes could dilute the value of their retail pairs and it scares them to death. These are the collectors or people who are simply into sneakers for the stunt factor of having something not many others do. They aren't buying for their personal enjoyment, but for a superiority kick. Things such as the Dorenbachers being mass-produced and available for whoever wants a pair is their worst nightmare.
What I find to be the most interesting is the double-standards and lengths that some NTers go to in order to try and find that one piece of evidence that will definitively say "Yes, these sneakers are fake, no they are not made in Jordan factories, they are bad, don't buy them"

This has been posted several times and those with common sense get it, but those who didn't want to hear it have tried to ignore it:

Retail pairs have flaws. Retail pairs have inconsistencies from pair to pair. No one pair is alike. 

Sneakers are not made perfectly in a completely automated setting. They are subject to human error.

I find it funny how dudes will cry to the high heavens about JB's poor quality, glue residue, and incorrect stitching, yet, still continue to buy. I've seen people get retail pairs with little things off here and there, but they just charge it to the game and accept it.

God forbid a GM pair have one inconsistency. Y'all will be whining to Rstor and Kinstor in a heartbeat. Either that or try to sway the consensus in the thread against GMs.

But hey, as long as it comes directly from our savior Nike, then it's cool right?

But as I said before, certain NTers feel it's their personal crusade to reach for any little thing to try and taint this GM wave that's going on now. Unfortunately for them though, I don't think they'll be able to stop it.
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^ that man has it right

im not sure about that. he uses embrace/accept but then continues to use embrace as if people need to buy GM shoes instead of production pairs.

there would be very little arguing if people just accepted that GM shoes are what they are. that doesnt mean they have to buy them. that also doesnt mean they are afraid of what value their shoes will hold.

GM shoes have been around for YEARS. the hustle has just evolved.
i would like to see how the other models are i.e 6's, XVI's etc....seems like they got the 11's down to a tee and the 4's looking good as well.i wonder why we havent seen gm yeezy's, gm foams, gm kd's etc. if the chance these are coming from the same factories then they should know how the market is not only in high demand for j's but other nikes as well. 
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i would like to see how the other models are i.e 6's, XVI's etc....seems like they got the 11's down to a tee and the 4's looking good as well.i wonder why we havent seen gm yeezy's, gm foams, gm kd's etc. if the chance these are coming from the same factories then they should know how the market is not only in high demand for j's but other nikes as well. 

all the shoes you mentioned exist.
i would like to see how the other models are i.e 6's, XVI's etc....seems like they got the 11's down to a tee and the 4's looking good as well.i wonder why we havent seen gm yeezy's, gm foams, gm kd's etc. if the chance these are coming from the same factories then they should know how the market is not only in high demand for j's but other nikes as well. 
we're not going to see GM yeezys. Release like those are made under strict supervision and are ver controlled. As for foams kids and Kobe's if you've read the thread youd find out that they do exist in abundance like Jordan's do. Lebrons as well
we're not going to see GM yeezys. Release like those are made under strict supervision and are ver controlled. As for foams kids and Kobe's if you've read the thread youd find out that they do exist in abundance like Jordan's do. Lebrons as well
i read thru most of the thread, guess i mustve looked past it with most of the talk going to j's...still mind is blown how this has been under the radar. just thinking back at all the kicks that couldve been gm i bought from these hood sneaker spots. i have no problem with gm kicks at all but do feel some type of way at the thought of getting duped for $$$, when if i knew about gm i still prolly wouldve coped but at a decent price. ahhh well 
We'd probably have less arguing and more concrete answers on GM shoes and their production if the people who are saying they're fake and not made of real materials were just as determined to prove their points with facts, articles, and even just plausible assumption as they require from the side not calling them fake. Instead they rely on finding flaws in people's logic, ignoring information provided, refusing to use common sense to connect dots themselves not because they lack common sense although sometimes it seems that way,and not because they lhave any counter evidence but because but their goal is to say you're wrong not to prove themselves right. But the fact of the matter is that as much confusion as they may cause or as many articles, facts, information and logical reason they choose to ignore its not going to change the fact that these GM shoes are around and whether quality control is a factor or not the exclusivity of shoes they may have on ice right now is vanishing and the game is changing.
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ok, so just wrapped dinner with my buddy whose family runs factories for a few high-end brands (LVMH subs). asked him if there was any way they could make a few extra pairs for a friend or sneak some pairs out.

he freaked out.

the brands have reps who stand at the factory door and search everyone on the way out. they get orders for a specific number of pairs for a specific model. they could theoretically make pairs after their contracts were done in another factory by sourcing their own materials, but could not make extras they ship out the backdoor.

not saying that this is how Nike rolls, but wanted to share. imo anyone who claim their pairs are the same as factory pairs with the same materials is telling stories.
im not sure about that. he uses embrace/accept but then continues to use embrace as if people need to buy GM shoes instead of production pairs.

there would be very little arguing if people just accepted that GM shoes are what they are. that doesnt mean they have to buy them. that also doesnt mean they are afraid of what value their shoes will hold.

GM shoes have been around for YEARS. the hustle has just evolved.
Not at all. People can buy what they want and have the freedom have whatever stance they want on it. I was just breaking down the different kinds of people I noticed who are against GM pairs. In my opinion anyway.

Some people are legitimately afraid of losing value and exclusiveness though. A few people have said it outright in the thread, others mask it with different excuses.

True, and it speaks volumes that you guys have allowed this discussion to take place because there was a time when any talk of anything even remotely fake was swiftly locked/deleted. It shows how far everything has come.
ok, so just wrapped dinner with my buddy whose family runs factories for a few high-end brands (LVMH subs). asked him if there was any way they could make a few extra pairs for a friend or sneak some pairs out.

he freaked out.

the brands have reps who stand at the factory door and search everyone on the way out. they get orders for a specific number of pairs for a specific model. they could theoretically make pairs after their contracts were done in another factory by sourcing their own materials, but could not make extras they ship out the backdoor.

not saying that this is how Nike rolls, but wanted to share. imo anyone who claim their pairs are the same as factory pairs with the same materials is telling stories.

Sigh, I'll post this one more time. Also, I wouldn't compare nikes production practices to those of a high end brand. The price of an item is usually a very good reflection of All the extra effort in maintaining quality standards from construction to material and packaging. Hence why Payless sneakers aren't I'm the same price range as Nike shoes and Nike shoes aren't in the same price range as high end shoe such as a Gucci loafer.

"Often, fakes are fairly obvious, featuring poor stitching or misshapen swooshes, made in“small-scale, rural ‘workshop’ operations [that are] difficult to track.”
But Nike maintains that its real problem isn’t these rogue mom-and-pop sweatshops. Much of the illicit fare in the markets is the genuine article, made by their own subcontractors."

Once again it's not just happening with Nike, Adidas and New Balance have all had the same problems with their contracted manufacturers. The articles are posted through out this thread.
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Lean Ambrose - I do agree with much of what you said.
If you've been around then you know early release kicks weren't deleted. We only deleted straight up fakes.

Heck air randy used to provide us with pics of shoes months before they were set to drop.
Sigh, I'll post this one more time. Also, I wouldn't compare nikes production practices to those of a high end brand. The price of an item is usually a very good reflection of All the extra effort in maintaining quality standards from construction to material and packaging. Hence why Payless sneakers aren't I'm the same price range as Nike shoes and Nike shoes aren't in the same price range as high end shoe such as a Gucci loafer.

"Often, fakes are fairly obvious, featuring poor stitching or misshapen swooshes, made in“small-scale, rural ‘workshop’ operations [that are] difficult to track.”
But Nike maintains that its real problem isn’t these rogue mom-and-pop sweatshops. Much of the illicit fare in the markets is the genuine article, made by their own subcontractors." i feel like this is the 10th posting an article thats been posted tons of times before. but i guess you cant read with blind eyes now can you?
U can post the article 1000 times. Every shoe every different person buys could have come from any factory in china. Am I saying it doesn't happen? No, but ALOT of these supposedly gm pairs don't have EXACTLY the same materials and craftsmenship
Lean Ambrose - I do agree with much of what you said.
If you've been around then you know early release kicks weren't deleted. We only deleted straight up fakes.

Heck air randy used to provide us with pics of shoes months before they were set to drop.

Even though I was under the impression that mostly everybody thought the Air Randy pairs were real until RockDeep did that huge exposure thread.
U can post the article 1000 times. Every shoe every different person buys could have come from any factory in china. Am I saying it doesn't happen? No, but ALOT of these supposedly gm pairs don't have EXACTLY the same materials and craftsmenship

Which is exactly why the "GM" royals are being called fake. Simply put, if they aren't the same materials then they aren't GM. Just like you said, any shoe could be anywhere in china. Those royals and even Db4s could be made in a completely different place Thant the black toe 1s, space jams, Concords, and thunder 4s. I think it would be dumb to assume that toabao sellers only have one source for their shoes. They're an illegal industry playing by their own rules. Why is it so outrageous to think that kinstor and rstor can't sell high quality fakes AND GM shoes. Plenty of replica sites have GM sections.
^^^ honestly, the same explanation that we got then is pretty much the same we get now.

When the pairs coming in started having serious quality issues is when people started jumping ship.
it's funny that something really similar to this topic is going on in a car forum i'm in haha.

here's the thread if you guys want to take a look.

in summary- a vendor posted a "USDM limited edition" pair of tail lights of a highly anticipated model from TOM's racing. however, people have been scooping info that they are "replicas" and were a pitched design that was rejected by TOM's made by another reputable manufacturer by the name of HELIX and not the contracted manufacturer DEPO.
Haha that sounds like story of the Dodge Neon.
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