Gym Bans Skinny Women

Originally Posted by 59FIFTY

A bunch of BS, becoming fat is your own mistake nobody forces you to eat as much as you do. Having skinny girls around just motivates the fat people to work hard and lose weight.
for the most part that is true.
but it's far more common for women to have hormone imbalances, especially after childbirth.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?

Boom.  Was just coming in to post this.


Wondering the same thing
Originally Posted by ToneLow

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?

Boom.  Was just coming in to post this.

Exactly. What were they hoping? That their clients would just boost up their numbers but stay fat? #!$%...
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?

Boom.  Was just coming in to post this.


go to a normal gym? not that hard
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
Good point

Excellent point..
Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
The genius behind this business model is that they DON'T.

I've gone to Planet Fitness off and on for years (also a member of Lifetime Fitness) which is basically the US's comparable gym. They focus on cardio equipment because that's what their "members prefer", offer few weight training machines and limited free weights, and the only trainer allowed in the gym is a single person who provides 4 classes (cardio, upper body, lower body, abs). The memberships are $10 for regular and $20 for black (bring a guest, tan, etc)

The members see no progress because a strictly cardio workout has that effect on overweight individuals who don't know how to properly train or diet, and the membership dues are so cheap that rather than endure the embarrassing face to face cancellation, they continue to pay. I worked there briefly and we had thousands of members and upwards of $150k revenue each month. Our owner started with 1 location and eventually had 6 in a span of 3-4 years. While SOME members see progress (I went from 265lbs of flab to 205lbs and 14% bf) most don't and either keep coming back or just keep paying. They ultimately pay for that "comfort level" with their wallets, their time, and their health.
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
The genius behind this business model is that they DON'T.

I've gone to Planet Fitness off and on for years (also a member of Lifetime Fitness) which is basically the US's comparable gym. They focus on cardio equipment because that's what their "members prefer", offer few weight training machines and limited free weights, and the only trainer allowed in the gym is a single person who provides 4 classes (cardio, upper body, lower body, abs). The memberships are $10 for regular and $20 for black (bring a guest, tan, etc)

The members see no progress because a strictly cardio workout has that effect on overweight individuals who don't know how to properly train or diet, and the membership dues are so cheap that rather than endure the embarrassing face to face cancellation, they continue to pay. I worked there briefly and we had thousands of members and upwards of $150k revenue each month. Our owner started with 1 location and eventually had 6 in a span of 3-4 years. While SOME members see progress (I went from 265lbs of flab to 205lbs and 14% bf) most don't and either keep coming back or just keep paying. They ultimately pay for that "comfort level" with their wallets, their time, and their health.

I knew it man, the moment I heard about it, 3-4 years ago, I was like this place is super lucre, they are not srs about getting healthy, they give you candy and like ever first Monday of the month is pizza day, then they have that lunk alarm bull, and no lunk campaign
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
The genius behind this business model is that they DON'T.

I've gone to Planet Fitness off and on for years (also a member of Lifetime Fitness) which is basically the US's comparable gym. They focus on cardio equipment because that's what their "members prefer", offer few weight training machines and limited free weights, and the only trainer allowed in the gym is a single person who provides 4 classes (cardio, upper body, lower body, abs). The memberships are $10 for regular and $20 for black (bring a guest, tan, etc)

The members see no progress because a strictly cardio workout has that effect on overweight individuals who don't know how to properly train or diet, and the membership dues are so cheap that rather than endure the embarrassing face to face cancellation, they continue to pay. I worked there briefly and we had thousands of members and upwards of $150k revenue each month. Our owner started with 1 location and eventually had 6 in a span of 3-4 years. While SOME members see progress (I went from 265lbs of flab to 205lbs and 14% bf) most don't and either keep coming back or just keep paying. They ultimately pay for that "comfort level" with their wallets, their time, and their health.
I agree but even though they focus on cardio , it is not the only machines they have.
 If someone eats right and does nothing but cardio, they will lose weight eventually.
And you dont learn everything you know from the gym, you can go on internet/youtube and learn how to train and eat right.

I think if you let your self get that fat, coming in and canceling your membership cant be that shameful 

PF has pizza and bagel day, 
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
The genius behind this business model is that they DON'T.

I've gone to Planet Fitness off and on for years (also a member of Lifetime Fitness) which is basically the US's comparable gym. They focus on cardio equipment because that's what their "members prefer", offer few weight training machines and limited free weights, and the only trainer allowed in the gym is a single person who provides 4 classes (cardio, upper body, lower body, abs). The memberships are $10 for regular and $20 for black (bring a guest, tan, etc)

The members see no progress because a strictly cardio workout has that effect on overweight individuals who don't know how to properly train or diet, and the membership dues are so cheap that rather than endure the embarrassing face to face cancellation, they continue to pay. I worked there briefly and we had thousands of members and upwards of $150k revenue each month. Our owner started with 1 location and eventually had 6 in a span of 3-4 years. While SOME members see progress (I went from 265lbs of flab to 205lbs and 14% bf) most don't and either keep coming back or just keep paying. They ultimately pay for that "comfort level" with their wallets, their time, and their health.

yup.. all of this..

every new years or just before summer EVERYONE'S gyms see that boast in people either trying to live up to new year's resolutions or get that beach body.. gym is packed for about a month and then things go back to normal

lol.. my local gym only offers 1 month memberships to returning college kids, that's it.. soo the shortest period of time all of the above mentioned sign up for is 3 months
I really don't like gyms that enforce "No intimidation".
I'd rather have in shape people at the gym than a bunch of fat people, I look at the in shape people as a muse and keep thinking to myself "I'll get there as long as I keep going."

The gym I go to gives people pizza every first monday of the month and you already know who are the first ones in line.

We all need something to inspire us, mines just so happens to be the people in better shape than me.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i wish people who were afraid to hit a gym for fear of looking silly wouldnt have such a mentality

in my opinion, anytime i see an overweight person in the gym it just means they are putting forth the effort to better themselves. Who would make fun of that?

everyone starts somewhere.

This.  And how would they judge who is skinny anyways?  No love for the ectomorphs trying to put on weight either?
Originally Posted by Ballahb

Founder and CEO Louise Green told that the gym is a "safe haven" for overweight people who may be intimidated to work out in the presence of those who are fit. 

"Many of our clients have not had successful fitness pasts so I can see the anxiety before we get started and I can see the relief and happiness after we finish," she said. "People are often too fearful to become active. There wasn't a model that offered camaraderie. I used to walk into fitness classes where nobody would even say 'Hi.' This has got to be fun or it's not going to work." 

I'm tired of people looking for "friends" at the gym.  If you happen to meet cool people there, that's great, but that's not the purpose of the gym.  Your priority needs to be on losing weight and getting/staying healthy, not who chats it up w/u in the cardio room.  SMH @ the insecure folk who base their motivation on what everyone else around them is doing.  Focus on your own goals and maybe you wouldn't have these types of problems.
Think about it from another perspective.. If I see a in shape person or borderline MR. Universe type, I can say to myself, "he did all that work HERE at this same gym I'm at. On the same machines and tools that I am also provided.." Now that's motivation.

If I see nothing but slobs, I may feel that progress is never made. And that the gym is at fault
I'd much rather go to a gym where everyone's ripped and strong than one where everyone's fat and frail. Whatever happened to being surrounded by people you admire?

What is there to be insecure about? Everyone's there for the same reasons, to get stronger/better. If you don't want to work out cause someone's better than you, then the gym isn't the problem.
Originally Posted by ChaosTheory

Would suck to work there.

It'd suck to go there as well, it's like being part of an exclusive library where only stupid people are allowed cause the smart people make them feel inferior.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
Good point

Excellent point..
I don't think it's a big deal. If a fat person chooses the gym because it makes them feel comfortable to start, then they should understand that they need to bounce once they get skinny. This would be very rare anyway and would likely involve some gastric bypass. 
ChaosTheory wrote:
Would suck to work there.

Now that's an excellent point. 
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