Gym Bans Skinny Women

Jun 3, 2011

You've heard of discrimination against overweight people, but what about discrimination against thin gals? A gym in Canada bans "skinny" women from their gym... 

Slim and svelte? Then you may be banned from Canada's new gym Body Exchange, which business model focuses primarily on obese people. In fact, they say that thin people "bring down morale." 

Founder and CEO Louise Green told that the gym is a "safe haven" for overweight people who may be intimidated to work out in the presence of those who are fit. 

"Many of our clients have not had successful fitness pasts so I can see the anxiety before we get started and I can see the relief and happiness after we finish," she said. "People are often too fearful to become active. There wasn't a model that offered camaraderie. I used to walk into fitness classes where nobody would even say 'Hi.' This has got to be fun or it's not going to work." 

And, Body Exchange client Lisa Schaffer said she loves that there aren't "tiny little Lululemon people running around" the gym.

I agree with the premise. Overweight people are insecure as it is, and having skinny people around just makes them even more self conscious. Hopefully there isnt a riot over this and theyre able to continue their philosophy and the skinny people can just go to another gym.
Honestly, it shouldn't matter. I'm a bigger guy and when I go to the gym, I don't care who says what. I go to get my workout in and bounce. It's a gym, everyone should have the equal opportunity to workout. After all, that is the primary function of the gym, right? If anything, if you are insecure about smaller people, just use it as motivation to bang it out every time you're in the gym. *Beh235 shrug*
Interesting......I thought I was gonna be like
thats dumb but after reading their philosophy I aint eem mad
What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?
Originally Posted by snax91

What happens to the members once they become skinny since skinny people aren't allowed?

Boom.  Was just coming in to post this.

makes sense...

just like Curve gyms are for women

they might let members who lose a lot of weight stay as success stories or something
The psychology behind this is not effective, in my opinion. You're going to have fat people around other fatter people and think to myself... "Hey, I'm not that fat."
It may just work but IMO if you have hot young females that are in relatively good to smokin' hot physical shape = a horde of young guys trying to be around them at places like a gym.

It seems like a peculiar business model but hey, if it works... With that being said, the gym should have some type of discount program set up with another gym chain so when you "do" shed the pounds and effect, "ban yourself" from the first gym the second one cuts you a deal on maintaining your new physique...
i wish people who were afraid to hit a gym for fear of looking silly wouldnt have such a mentality

in my opinion, anytime i see an overweight person in the gym it just means they are putting forth the effort to better themselves. Who would make fun of that?

everyone starts somewhere.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

in my opinion, anytime i see an overweight person in the gym it just means they are putting forth the effort to better themselves. Who would make fun of that?

everyone starts somewhere.
It actually makes sense and it's a good business model if you really think about it. Like they said, it's a "safe haven" for obese people that may feel insecure around people that are fit. It's like an all womens gym. Some women simply dont like to work out around men, and from a business and personal standpoint, I can understand that.

Now, I know arrogant gym rats will laugh and turn their noses up and call them losers or whatever, but it will probably work out better for the owner and their customers.

So in all, I aint mad.
i dont necessarily see this working to actually help the fat people loose the weight. i feel this is just an accommodation but if they are motivated enough loose weight, great for them.

doesn't planet fitness have stupid promotions like free pizza night? i see this gym doing stupid %#$@ like that.
i cannot believe people are condoning this discriminatory practice ,would it make a difference if they said  no blacks or no gays ?
Who was it on here that said obese people will become a minority group sooner or later that will be fighting for rights like other groups currently in society.
Originally Posted by retro23phan

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

in my opinion, anytime i see an overweight person in the gym it just means they are putting forth the effort to better themselves. Who would make fun of that?

everyone starts somewhere.
A bunch of BS, becoming fat is your own mistake nobody forces you to eat as much as you do. Having skinny girls around just motivates the fat people to work hard and lose weight.
If you can't handle that or are to insecure, guess what life ain't easy, and these gyms just motivate being a p*ssy.

Plus it's discrimination as well, if this policy is allowed,  then there shouldn't be a problem to create a gym for thin people only, only people with a certain fatpercentage can join?
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