Hardest person to buy a Holiday Gift for?

Gotta be Mom... dad's easy, aunts and uncles usually have very specific little wants/needs... you know your brothers, sisters, and girlfriends/boyfriendswell... but mom, you just want to please her the most anyways ya know?
My mother. She is very picky. I can't stand shopping for Christmas gifts though. Everyone is so quick to say GCs are too easy, but they are so convenient.
i never have an issue getting people great gifts, i pay attention to what they like for my part of the gift and as a supplement i always ask if theres anythingspecial they want. that way everything is covered.
Idk what to get my girl...I dont got a lot of bread right now but I want to get her something nice. Any suggestions? Shes into kicks, rocks hellz bellz and allthat. Huge music fan...
My parents.

While my mom appreciates everything that I get for her (99% of which fall into the category of "home decor"), she's extremely picky about colors,shapes, sizes, etc.

My dad just never wants anything new, period. Ol' Grizzly Adams seems to have worn the same jeans, shoes, and shirts since the day I was born, and he'sbeen using the same tools for decades now.
It has to be a girlfriend. They never know what they want. And at times they don't like what you buy them.
My dad. He has everything he could possibly need and everything he would want is too expensive.
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