***Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Official Post*** Release Date 7/15/09

C2345air wrote:
without making too in-depth of a review, i definitely came out of the theater with mixed feelings and slightly disappointed with the movie

Omg,I said the same exact thing when I walked out of the theater. Like, personally, without comparing the film to the novel, it was a pretty good film. But when I compare it to the book, it was kind of BAD? in my opinion. I believe every memory was important, the dursley's scenes were important, the fight at the end of the novel, dumbledore's white tomb, ect. I believe they focused too much on the whole love thing, which is understandable to some degree because the novel does as well,but it seemed to me the film just over-exaggerated that a bit. Also, I don't know if horcruxes were explained as thoroughly in the film as in the novel. Uggh idk

I'm confuseddd. =x

Btw, the guy who played Tom Riddle was

I wanted to see Merope and the Gaunts


A friend of mines only watches the movies and he was like Horcruxes?

I think they mention them once time followed by an explanation

My favorite part when reading HBP were the memories and they only showed two in the movie
Warner Bros. has reported an estimated $58.38 million opening day for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, perhaps slightly lower than expected given theincredible midnight business, but still the fourth-biggest day in history.

After earning $22.5 million in midnight screenings, Half-Blood Prince picked up another $36 million or so during the rest of the day. That figure is well belowanother Wednesday opener from this Summer, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which earned $46 million during the day after $16 million at midnight. Thedaytime numbers in that case were presumably helped by people getting off work early for the July 4 weekend. Last year's The Dark Knight earned $48.5million during its first day, along with $18.5 million at midnight. In its case, daytime grosses were helped by it being a Friday.

The early message seems to be that diehard fans turned out in droves for the midnight screenings, but the majority of the audience is happy to wait a little tosee the movie. Expect a drop in box office today (Thursday) to around $30 million and then an increase over the weekend. $200 million by the end of the day onSunday still looks on the cards, but it'll be close.


Not beating Dark Knight


I saw it in IMAX 3D last night and wow that was a waste of money. The only decent thing is the logo in 3d. We didn't get why they didnt put that scene inthe caves in 3d.

The movie itself was good but in general it was just a filler for the next two films. The book itself wasn't a filler and was a huge part to the series. Iread the book last year and forgot it all but I know they left out pretty important stuff. Especially with the horcrux. Dumbeldore just gets the ring out ofnowhere.

I told my brother that the film was sort of like the Empire Strikes Back of Potter films.
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

Really mad they left out my 2 favorite parts of the movie. SMH

Movie Was Good but left out sooooo much important details.

How do they not address that the charm to protect harry untill he turns 17 wears off ?

And how do they not Show the Muggle president and the Minister talking about the events that are going on ?

The whole movie series they talk about how the dursleys hate harry and in this one Harry and Dudley come eye to eye and gain respect for
each other. when they both know they wont see each other again

And the giant fight in front of the castle how do they drop that ? and not speak of it ?

Or talk about Tonks baby outside of one line.

Movie was GOOD i just felt it was SOOOOO empty Compared to the book.

These last 2 movies better have every ounce of everything that the book had or i will be mad.

All the stuff you mentioned happens in the 7th book
Caught this movie last night and I really enjoyed it. I didn't expect the movie to be a completely faithful adaptation of the book. It'd be impossibleto cover all the details in the book without the movie dragging on to some LOTR type length. I think the changes they made helped progress the story in themovie series. This movie was definitely the funniest out of all of the ones out so far. I think it was a good, conscious decision to keep this one aslighthearted as possible seeing as how the last two films will be DARK. The acting in this movie, across the board, was MUCH improved over previousinstallments.

What I would have liked to see, and thought they could have incorporated, was the battle at Hogwarts between the aurors and the death eaters. It would havebeen kind of weird though since they didn't really mention the aurors at all in the movie.
My girl is a die hard fan and enjoyes the movies but she was very disappointed with this flick.
Originally Posted by chickhien

so i skimmed thru a few pages and ive come to the conclusion that NT is full of dorks. i never read any of the books so to hear yall talk is quite amusing. carry on

NT is definitely full of something, but dorks? don't know about that one. niketalk's got a movie thread like this every week and there's a reasonwhy it's made 58.4 mill in it's opening day.
Originally Posted by chickhien

so i skimmed thru a few pages and ive come to the conclusion that NT is full of dorks. i never read any of the books so to hear yall talk is quite amusing. carry on

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by RiverXBear

Really mad they left out my 2 favorite parts of the movie. SMH

Movie Was Good but left out sooooo much important details.

How do they not address that the charm to protect harry untill he turns 17 wears off ?

And how do they not Show the Muggle president and the Minister talking about the events that are going on ?

The whole movie series they talk about how the dursleys hate harry and in this one Harry and Dudley come eye to eye and gain respect for
each other. when they both know they wont see each other again

And the giant fight in front of the castle how do they drop that ? and not speak of it ?

Or talk about Tonks baby outside of one line.

Movie was GOOD i just felt it was SOOOOO empty Compared to the book.

These last 2 movies better have every ounce of everything that the book had or i will be mad.

All the stuff you mentioned happens in the 7th book

Was about to say this
I was like wait this is all in the last book
My bad lol.

But the missed the gaunts and what tom did to the kids to me that shows that he was going to become the person he was.

This movie was DOPE dont get me wrong but it just was so lack luster and left out alot of details.

I think when this great saga is in the books they will have some extended versions .
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by RiverXBear

Really mad they left out my 2 favorite parts of the movie. SMH

Movie Was Good but left out sooooo much important details.

How do they not address that the charm to protect harry untill he turns 17 wears off ?

And how do they not Show the Muggle president and the Minister talking about the events that are going on ?

The whole movie series they talk about how the dursleys hate harry and in this one Harry and Dudley come eye to eye and gain respect for
each other. when they both know they wont see each other again

And the giant fight in front of the castle how do they drop that ? and not speak of it ?

Or talk about Tonks baby outside of one line.

Movie was GOOD i just felt it was SOOOOO empty Compared to the book.

These last 2 movies better have every ounce of everything that the book had or i will be mad.

All the stuff you mentioned happens in the 7th book

Was about to say this
I was like wait this is all in the last book
-When Dumbledore picks up Harry at the dursley's in the beginning of HBP, he tells them about the charm.

-The two ministers are the 1st chapter of HBP.

-There was a battle outside of Hogwarts that they completely left out.

He's not COMPLETELY ******ed.
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by RiverXBear

Really mad they left out my 2 favorite parts of the movie. SMH

Movie Was Good but left out sooooo much important details.

How do they not address that the charm to protect harry untill he turns 17 wears off ?

And how do they not Show the Muggle president and the Minister talking about the events that are going on ?

The whole movie series they talk about how the dursleys hate harry and in this one Harry and Dudley come eye to eye and gain respect for
each other. when they both know they wont see each other again

And the giant fight in front of the castle how do they drop that ? and not speak of it ?

Or talk about Tonks baby outside of one line.

Movie was GOOD i just felt it was SOOOOO empty Compared to the book.

These last 2 movies better have every ounce of everything that the book had or i will be mad.

All the stuff you mentioned happens in the 7th book

Was about to say this
I was like wait this is all in the last book
-When Dumbledore picks up Harry at the dursley's in the beginning of HBP, he tells them about the charm.

-The two ministers are the 1st chapter of HBP.

-There was a battle outside of Hogwarts that they completely left out.

He's not COMPLETELY ******ed.
I was about to say that too
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

I told my brother that the film was sort of like the Empire Strikes Back of Potter films.

that's a pretty good analogy
& fyi, Empire is usually the favorite of the films from STar Wars fans

but seriously I'm thinking that the first part of DH is gonna have more of an Empire Strikes Back type feel than this,
I'm just glad that DH is gonna get 5 hours of screen time to cover the story and wrap things up, it was a great idea splitting the last book into 2 movies
I have a question.

#*$ happened in the room with the vanishing cabinet?

Ginny and Harry were standing there for a second, and then she vanishes?
I knew i wasnt wrong . i read all of the books when they came out from goblet of fire in 2000 to DH when it dropped.

They left out mad details that made the books great.

i just dont see why they left out the main parts it doesnt make sense ESP where the aura 's fight infront of the castle.

DH has to be rated a strong PG 13 because it will be killa season.
Originally Posted by bns1201

its a 600+ page book, for them not to cut a lot out and change a lot would be tough. Although I wouldve liked to see a battle at the end and a little less romance, but nonetheless, I forgot a lot about the sixth book so I was very pleased with this movie
Yeah, it would have been great to have all that detail - but a 600 page script becomes a 6 hour movie - and no-one would watch that - even on DVD.

Even the Lord of the Rings wasn't nearly that long. - only about 1000 pages for the whole trilogy and the extended DVD's are about 4 hours each.

That's why I'm actually pleased now that they've split the last book - they should be able to do it justice with 6 hours or so.
this movie blew balls.

i was miserable for the full 2.5 hours. except maybe one or 2 fighting scenes...the whole movie plot seemed ******ed as it spent so much emphasis on how ronlike this other girl while hermione likes ron + a bucket of cheesy jokes/laughs...and the closure of the movie was ******ed, dumbledore gets murked by snapeand thats it...no epic fight or battle. after that happens, the movie ends. i felt so fulfilled.

Another thing:

Hottest girl in the whole movie was the mixed chick at the beginning in the coffee shop.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Hottest girl in the whole movie was the mixed chick at the beginning in the coffee shop.

It's gotta be:
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