HARRY POTTER Film/TV Series Thread- RIP Maggie Smith/Prof McGonagall

Saw the trailer on the big screen today.

Definitly hyped :pimp:

Will go see ASAP
Movie was really good, it does a great job of introducing us to a whole new world (or old) and it just plain feels good to extended the wizarding world further.

The whole movie feels like a Harry Potter movie, mostly because it's the same director that made the last four HP films and I think that's a good thing, it's familiar but in a different location.

Redmayne was really good along with the other cast.

Really looking forward to the follow ups.
Movie was dope, imo. However, I'm a lifelong pott head. The story in this film wasn't incredibly entertaining, but you could tell they were setting it up for the next few in the series. By the end the story will be wide in scope and full of surprises.
Yah the story was somewhat straightforward for the most part, I can see some people getting confused with the pacing though.

people laughed in my theater when Depp was revealed as Grindewald but I got to say, I didn't suspect Colin as Grindewald til towards the end when dude was just practically owning the aurors

Nexts bird was OP though

only thing I was somewhat disappointed in was that Dumbledore was a no show
Was disappointed with the movie. But i had massive expectations so i pretty much set myself up. Story was meh but potential for the next movies is great.

as soon as he took the deathly hallows sign to give it to the obscuro, i knew he was grindelwald. Also knew Depp was in this so wasn't surprised to see him unlike a part of the audience. Would've been nice to get that surprise like daaaamn Depp gonna be grindelwald i'm in!!

Also i really thought Dumbledore was gonna show up at the end, that was a let down. 100% he shows up in the sequel or the 3rd if they want to make some $$$.
Looks like FB is gonna open to around $65 mill opening weekend. Franchise looking washed....5 films lol
Man I bet people don't even know this is a movie associated with HP.

I mean they tried plastering "From JK Rowlings Wizarding World" onto every trailer that came out. If audiences really can't make the connection to HP, then thats on WB's marketing.
$65m isn't bad considering this isn't based on an existing book, it's an original story.

HP has a good following with the books they've read and loved while this one is pretty much starting from scratch.

And I am actually seeing an estimated mid-70m for the weekend because cinemascore is actually pretty good.

Since international numbers are a big deal these days, i think that is what is going to make or break this film.
Regardless of the opening weekend results this franchise gonna win in the end.
Lol I'm not worried about the 65 mil opening. Fantastic Beasts won't make amazing numbers. But its sequel will. Guaranteed.

Also got to keep in mind international numbers.

Anyway, just came back from watching the movie. The movie was solid. Could've been better paced. Jk Rowling is a new screenwriter so I think she'll learn from her mistakes lol.

The dude who played the lone muggle was a hit with the crowd. Everything he did got a big laugh. He was the crowd favorite for sure. He was certainly my favorite.

Queenie was my second favorite character, lol.

If the movie wasn't funny I don't think it would've been as enjoyable. It was poorly paced.

I hated how ppl didn't enunciate in this film. It was very hard for me to follow along with the dialogue.

I hope they keep the cast together. I'm not sure what they're going to do for the sequels.

Now I only have one burning question..

Why was Grindelwald so interested in the boy, if he didn't think he was an Obscurus?
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I enjoyed the movie but was disappointed that Grindelwald was in it. would have really preferred if it was one of his followers who was able to cause so much trouble. it is little disappointing coming from Voldemort who was feared by all. I couldn't imagine Voldemort ever being captured like that.
Why was Grindelwald so interested in the boy, if he didn't think he was an Obscurus?

He wasn't, he was lying and just wanted to find the kid. That is why barry allen got mad, Bullseye told Flash he doesn't need him anymore when he thought his sis was the obscuros then scarlet speedster snapped. And when phonebooth found out, he was begging to be friends again.
I wasn't understanding your post at first and then it hit me :rofl:


I get that he thought the sister was the obscurus..so why not just talk to the little girl the whole movie?
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Lol Voldemort lost to a 17 yr old boy in a one on one duel though
 true but at least harry was the chosen one, and he had to go through great loss first. I'm just saying, Voldemort had people afraid to say his name when they thought he was dead!!!!

on another not how come Harry did not become a obscurus?
I wasn't understanding your post at first and then it hit me :rofl:


I get that he thought the sister was the obscurus..so why not just talk to the little girl the whole movie?

swat didn't know that the little girl was the obscuros and that is why he needed help from captainchangethepast to find which kid it was in the orphanage that had the power

he also didn't want the Magical Congress to find out he was up to no good so he had mrfriendzone to find the kid
on another not how come Harry did not become a obscurus?

it only happens if the kid suppresses their magic to hide their identity until it pretty much blows over and Harry never really tried to repress his own power

here's something interesting I found though....

at who an obscuro might be that might be what the sequels will be about...


The story of Albus Dumbledore’s family is largely unknown within the original Harry Potter books up until the last installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when the titular wizard learns more about his deceased mentor’s life — including Dumbledore’s brief friendship with Grindelwald in the summer of 1899 (27 years before Fantastic Beasts takes place). While speaking to Albus’ younger brother Aberforth toward the end of the final novel, Harry, Hermione, and Ron learn about that summer from a new perspective. Outsiders, after all, knew very little about the youngest Dumbledore child, Ariana.

As Aberforth explains, Dumbledore had just graduated from Hogwarts, but was forced to return home to Godric’s Hollow to care for Ariana — who was 14 at the time — because his mother had been killed in a magical accident that included his sister (his father was in prison for attacking a group of Muggle boys). Dumbledore struck up a friendship with Grindelwald in which the boys began planning Grindelwald’s revolution to establish wizards as benevolent overlords of Muggles. However, their friendship came to an end when they got into a three-way duel with Aberforth that wound up killing Ariana.

But, why did Ariana need to be cared for at all? As Aberforth revealed to Harry, Hermione, and Ron, she was attacked by a group of Muggle boys when she was six-years-old, and it had a lasting effect on her. In fact, here’s how Aberforth specifically describes the attack and his sister:

“It destroyed her, what they did: She was never right again. She wouldn’t use magic, but she couldn’t get rid of it; it turned inward and drove her mad, it exploded out of her when she couldn’t control it, and at times she was strange and dangerous. But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless.”

Aberforth continues to explain that his and Albus’s father sought revenge on the boys that attacked Ariana, but never confessed his reasons to the Ministry of Magic despite being sent to Azkaban. Aberforth said:

“If the Ministry had known what Ariana had become, she’d have been locked up in St. Mungo’s [Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries] for good. They’d have seen her as a serious threat to the International Statute of Secrecy, unbalanced like she was, with magic exploding out of her at moments when she couldn’t keep it in any longer.”

Given the language Aberforth uses to describe Ariana repressing her magic to the point that it “exploded out of her” and that she would be considered a danger to the Statute of Secrecy, there are too many parallels to ignore between the youngest Dumbledore child and Credence Barebone. Both Credence and Ariana suffered trauma at a young age, both attempted to repress their magic, and both seemed to be sweet and kind but could prove to be dangerous if provoked. So, it follows that Ariana was an Obscurus.

Furthermore, it’s implied in Aberforth’s recount that Ariana’s Obscurus accidentally killed her mother (similar to how Credence accidentally kills Mary Lou), and Ariana’s Obscurus emerged during the duel between her brothers and Grindelwald. Considering the fearful reaction of the MACUSA to Credence’s Obscurus that caused them to destroy him, a similar situation likely arose during the three-way duel, leading to Ariana’s death. Dumbledore was always afraid he accidentally killed Ariana, and if she manifested as the Obscurus during the duel, she may have gotten in the way or inspired enough fear in the three men that they all (or some) of them turned their wands on her.

Additionally, Grindelwald witnessing an Obscurus first-hand in Ariana would explain why he-as-Graves is knowledgeable enough about the creature to seek out the one terrorizing New York City in Fantastic Beasts — that is, if Grindelwad did witness Ariana’s Obscurus and if he knows the creature in the city is an Obscurus. Furthermore, Ariana being an Obscurus may explain how Newt learned of them; he may have learned of them from Dumbledore. The student and teacher did have a close relationship while Newt was at Hogwarts. Although, if Dumbledore did teach Newt about Obscurus, it’s likely the professor never revealed how he learned about the creatures considering he kept his family life a secret from Harry during the Harry Potter series.

Of course, Ariana Dumbledore being an Obscurus doesn’t necessarily offer insight into whether Credence could still be alive. But, this knowledge about Ariana and the tease that Credence or his Obscurus could still be alive somehow may help to reveal how the Fantastic Beasts franchise progresses into the sequel.
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