"Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

Big Bang only tells what banged and roughly when it banged.

Im not religious, but we still have no clue how it banged and who banged it, only theories.

Exactly. I know your an atheist but I'm glad your not close minded to the fact that the origin of the big bang is still unknown.
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Exactly. I know your an atheist but I'm glad your not close minded to the fact that the origin of the big bang is still unknown.

LOL you know you can be an atheist and not believe in the big bang right? Many atheist don't need this justification for being atheist, they simply reject the idea of God.

There's concrete evidence that the big bang occurred though so I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't "believe" it.
Can't even imagine what we will be discovering in 5, 10, 50 years.

Exactly. I know your an atheist but I'm glad your not close minded to the fact that the origin of the big bang is still unknown.

LOL you know you can be an atheist and not believe in the big bang right? Many atheist don't need this justification for being atheist, they simply reject the idea of God.
I don't even pretend to know the legit specifics.

I would say im agnostic though.. If God banged it, cool. If God didn't bang it, cool. I just live.
Ima keep it short and simple...
Nothing is Invented, everything is being rediscovered
There is no such thing as Science "Fiction" (refer to the book Beyond The Matrix)
Every Science film you have ever watched hints at some sort of truth
Civilizations before us have already discovered many of the ideas we contemplate such as time travel, telekinesis, teleportation and inter-dimensional travel (Civilizations based on Vril energy not electricity)
Not recent civilizations we consider ancient, talkin Atlantean and Lemurian and prior to that.
Star Wars and Star Trek are fact somewhere and at some time in the Universe
If you stand on the moon and look at Earth "We are the Aliens"
My 2 cents
at this point most of the literal interpretations are basically
anyway. Belief in a higher power will continue. Also, there's still the "pre-big bang" universe if you catch my drift.
The quran supports the big bang theory...

also various other modern scientific discoveries have already been spoken about in the quran
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The quran supports the big bang theory...

also various other modern scientific discoveries have already been spoken about in the quran

Allah created science for man to better understand the world and improve the human condition. One of the few religions where its easier to understand the mesh of God and Science. Science is just one of the languages God/Universe uses to speak to man as well as mathematics and music/harmonics
at this point most of the literal interpretations are basically :\ anyway. Belief in a higher power will continue. Also, there's still the "pre-big bang" universe if you catch my drift.

Our Universe is just a drop of water in an ocean my friend, there is no beginning or end there's just the infinite. There is no past or present only now, both of those ideas are abstract. Because without memory what is the past? And without foresight what is the future? In Time travel when you visit any time besides the one you're currently in you're just visiting another "now" on the line of time. And the lines aren't linear they make a twirling spiral effect like the twilight zone
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at this point most of the literal interpretations are basically :\ anyway. Belief in a higher power will continue. Also, there's still the "pre-big bang" universe if you catch my drift.

Our Universe is just a drop of water in an ocean my friend, there is no beginning or end there's just the infinite. There is no past or present only now, both of those ideas are abstract. Because without memory what is the past? And without foresight what is the future? In Time travel when you visit any time besides the one you're currently in you're just visiting another "now" on the line of time. And the lines aren't linear they make a twirling spiral effect like the twilight zone

Interested where everything you're saying is coming from, hit us with some links b.
  elaborate. Any specifics you can point to? Legitimately curious, thanks. 

In the Quran, heavens is used as a term to refer to the universe. Also, the term "We" is used in some places to refer to God because "We" is how royalty used to be referred to.

On the big bang and that all matter was condensed before the big bang:

“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Quran 21:30)

On the expansion of the universe:

"And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it." (Qur'an, 51:47)

Another interesting thing to note is that Surah 16 of the Quran is titled "The Bees." 16 is the number of chromosome pairs bees have.
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For everyone quoting this why do you believe this?

What other intrinsic question can a human have other then where do we come from/how did we get here? Who doesn't want to know this? We came from an exploding star that is wild. The universe started rapidly expanding 13.8 billion years ago and some where along the line we become us. There are endless amounts of possibilities in the universe. Imagine what could be out there? It blows my mind to think about how much we could know, how far along as a human race we could be if we funded science more then defense. We would be so far ahead of where we are now....instead we waste money on 1000000 tanks that sit in a desert never to be used but it gets passed off as "job creation" or all the fear mongering "what if we need them you will be happy then". :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
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on the grandest scale, space exploration is a matter of just existing vs. surviving...

also, we need to know what type of potential threats are out there for the people on earth...from astroids, to comets, to solar storms/radiation, to potential hostile exterrestrial life forms (grays, draconians, etc)...the benefits far outweigh consequences and the money spent is worth it...
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Dudes who are saying it's a waste of money rather they hand out shoe money for them instead of contributing to society :lol:

For everyone quoting this why do you believe this?

What other intrinsic question can a human have other then where do we come from/how did we get here? Who doesn't want to know this? We came from an exploding star that is wild. The universe started rapidly expanding 13.8 billion years ago and some where along the line we become us. There are endless amounts of possibilities in the universe. Imagine what could be out there? It blows my mind to think about how much we could know, how far along as a human race we could be if we funded science more then defense. We would be so far ahead of where we are now....instead we waste money on 1000000 tanks that sit in a desert never to be used but it gets passed off as "job creation" or all the fear mongering "what if we need them you will be happy then". :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

I feel there are more pressing issues in our society than knowing what specifically happened billions of years ago like crime, poverty, income inequality, racism, etc (in my opinion of course)

For everyone quoting this why do you believe this?

What other intrinsic question can a human have other then where do we come from/how did we get here? Who doesn't want to know this? We came from an exploding star that is wild. The universe started rapidly expanding 13.8 billion years ago and some where along the line we become us. There are endless amounts of possibilities in the universe. Imagine what could be out there? It blows my mind to think about how much we could know, how far along as a human race we could be if we funded science more then defense. We would be so far ahead of where we are now....instead we waste money on 1000000 tanks that sit in a desert never to be used but it gets passed off as "job creation" or all the fear mongering "what if we need them you will be happy then". :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

I feel there are more pressing issues in our society than knowing what specifically happened billions of years ago like crime, poverty, income inequality, racism, etc (in my opinion of course)

And this is where you object? Science

Not corporate welfare, or wasteful wars. But this?

Knowledge ain't free papi, ignorance is
I feel there are more pressing issues in our society than knowing what specifically happened billions of years ago like crime, poverty, income inequality, racism, etc (in my opinion of course)

Right tell me how you've been spending money to fix crime, poverty, etc instead of spending it on shoes and internet.

Scientific discovery and understanding our universe is just as important as fighting inequality. This discovery doesn't only carry the possibility of telling us what happened billions of years ago. It may lead to a better understanding of the physics of the universe itself. We may one day be able to discover and fabricate worlds that would sustain life. Imagine the idiot that said "why do we need to know what the most basic functional unit of life is? That's a waste of money". Now cellular and molecular biology has led to many beneficial discoveries in medicine and biotechnology.

Same dudes who buy video games, play on their laptops, watch TV tum'bout this is a waste of money. :smh:

View media item 679126
I feel there are more pressing issues in our society than knowing what specifically happened billions of years ago like crime, poverty, income inequality, racism, etc (in my opinion of course)

Right tell me how you've been spending money to fix crime, poverty, etc instead of spending it on shoes and internet.

Scientific discovery and understanding our universe is just as important as fighting inequality. This discovery doesn't only carry the possibility of telling us what happened billions of years ago. It may lead to a better understanding of the physics of the universe itself. We may one day be able to discover and fabricate worlds that would sustain life. Imagine the idiot that said "why do we need to know what the most basic functional unit of life is? That's a waste of money". Now cellular and molecular biology has led to many beneficial discoveries in medicine and biotechnology.

Same dudes who buy video games, play on their laptops, watch TV tum'bout this is a waste of money. :smh:


Why do you assume everyone on niketalk spends there money only on shoes and entertainment? I'm not a sneakerhead and you dont know what I spend my money on to make assumptions on me. I'm sure some of us actually do donate to charity. Obviously I'm not a millionaire but I do donate the little that I can.

You want scientists to discover other worlds we can live in but we can't even get right the one world we have now. You want time travel but you think they're gonna give it to any ol' person. You want to know if there are humans in other galaxies but how does that help you?
What do you guys think happens if somehow, someday they prove that the big bang happend. What happens to life ? Socially, and with religion and all that good stuff.

This is the question I want to know as well. What is the practical application to this discovery?
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