"Harvard-led team detects gravitational waves, evidence of cosmic inflation" Vol. Big Bang

he got a pic with a president i don't respect - good for him! his ego wins that day huh?

at least the other scientist has a fairly open mind

and i'm dumb sometimes - please explain the irony to me it this case, thanks!
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Actually I am Muslim and have been studying to all my life.. 

I can sit here all day and poke holes in atheist's belief system, but I choose not too because it will just turn into a 10 page debate that doesn't change either one of our minds.. 

so the best thing to do is respect someone elses beliefs, just like you want them to respect yours. 

Actually I bet you can't poke any holes in atheist belief system. I challenge you to do so. Wait for him to post nonsensical passages from the Quran.

I'd actually love to hear his view points that poke holes in those belief systems. Don't gotta call it nonsensical though, that's all. I don't believe in any of that, but it is is what it is. As long as it doesn't harm no one, do you. Good can be learned from religion, but at least for me, it's not necessary at all. 

The fact that he came in here and was like "Stop disrespecting my belief system" and then turned around and said "I can sit here and poke holes in the atheist belief system" shows the blatant hypocrisy of the poster.

To me, It's not an issue about disrespect. I respect that people want to and should have their own personal beliefs. But there's plenty of people that believe wacky stuff that I think is total nonsense. And that's what religion is to me. The belief in a one true god governing our lives, the belief in a heaven or hell, the belief in these prophets spreading the word of god, it's all complete and utter nonsense to me.

I'm not coming in here saying you shouldn't speak your views or even push your agenda because that's what the board is for and I welcome the opinions. But I fail to understand that when someone says that religion in general is totally nonsensical they're labeled as disrespectful. Yet in turn, the core value of the "disrespected" religion (Speaking to the Christian and Muslim perspective) defames my personal beliefs by telling me that I'm dammed and I'm going to literally burn in hell for eternity for my lack of faith in their prophet, their god, and their salvation.
Shame this turned into a thread dominated by religion.

this. and dudes tryin to slander bill nye like he's some type of skip bayless or some type of quack, like dude doesn't have that engineering background :smh:. the man pushes for scientific literacy in the united states, and too many in this thread are hating on him.

its sad.

there should be no religion madness in a thread about a scientific breakthrough. science is science. it explains the world around us and beyond, and our global economy depends on it, now and in the foreseeable future.


why get into a debate about religious beliefs or implications with respect to science? the outcome is the same as Nye vs Ham debate. its pointless. if you choose to be religious fine. more power to you.

but as Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye argue, its when religion is taught as the true and only explanation for everything that is life, particularly in schools. it does nothing but set us on a path to failure as our youth are being improperly educated and scientifically illiterate.

can you believe in God and believe in science? sure to an extent.

and as science makes new discoveries, religion will still be around. people are still gonna believe w.e they want to believe regardless of what science says. just the way it is. thread could've been better :smh:
and the correlation between war & science is scary
What does that even mean?

Science has helped far more lives than it has ever harmed. And please don't go granting all negative things to science, like AK's and swords. War is a human action, and could be argued is actually natural.
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