Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

There is a thread on NT, in general, about women in powerful positions routinely getting caught having inappropriate sexual relations with the males the have power over.

And most dudes in that thread cheer on that behavior.
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Son what the **** what kind of master sex criminal **** is that?

Buttons under the desk? Like he some Bond villain.

Like, how do you even get that locking mechanism approved? Even with the request, SOMEONE had to give it the OK. I would have loved to know the reason that Lauer gave that he needed a remote lock from his desk.

Crazy to see all these heads rolling while 45 just goes about his business...smh.
Must be some low key perv handyman with the hook up or he called RAPELOCKS to get that installed.

I think society predisposes us to only consider sexually harassment when it's male on woman.
No different than the double standard and entire approach when its a female teacher and student.
Married folks main culprits to me. I've been sexually harassed by women on multiple jobs.

When I was getting transferred out of state, this white lady my manager that used to invite us out to eat and events with her family was crying and holding on to me like the last day of school in the parking lot. Her teenager daughter was waiting in the car next to us and after kissing me on the cheek 3 times she went in for the open mouth. Wild reckless. I literally hit the rode and never made mention of it.

I can understand why half the stuff doesn't get reported. But it's not just men. It's people in power abusing their position.

Whole other dynamic added when you a black dude just trying to make it. You definitely gotta have your evidence and facts. Seeing the true face of those office alliances
this ***** was on some bruce wayne james bond **** he had a button under the table to lock his door? lol
You gotta make business decisions at the gym smh. Lol

Hell yeah, basically. Too much to lose over an accusation. In the military, like other areas, as we are seeing now, all it takes is an accusation. Matter of fact there was an E-5(male) smashing a E-6(female) which is technically against the rules because it's deemed as fraternization because they both have the same boss, work in the same department, but different divisions. So, the female has been in the Navy 19 years at that point and was looking forward to retirement, which is 20 years. Them smashing was a wide open secret, so when she submits her paperwork for retirement, they jokingly, JOKINGLY, told old girl "we ought to put you out for sleeping with dude" next thing you know, dude is being read his rights because you guessed it, he was accused of sexual assault. Never mind the fact that dude had a key to her flat, her car, they were basically dating, but ol' girl didn't want to mess up the retirement bag so she lied on dude. Dude went to NJP(non-judicial punishment) which is basically an administrative/disciplinary proceeding in the military and they kicked dude out of the Navy. He is currently appealing and they have enough evidence to call ol' girl back to active duty thus voiding her retirement, and she could get kicked out and lose her retirement/benefits. All because an accusation. I take it seriously.
If you read the Variety piece, it said that Lauer was well protected at NBC and his antics were well known around the offices.

Just saw a story on cbs about how nbc didn’t even wanna fire him because it would hurt their morning show too much. Their dumb because keeping him on when he’s accused of sexual assault would destroy them.
Potus is accused of this ****
The bastard is too popular to be impeached quickly or at all
Potus is accused of this ****
The bastard is too popular to be impeached quickly or at all

If anything he’d get impeached on russia stuff but he’s proven he can do whatever he wants with no punishment. Too bad there hasn’t been anyone who put the cal on him.
I’ve been reading megyn kelly’s show has been benefitting from all of this. Her crappy show’s ratings have gone up since she talks about this everyday and has victims on as guests.

That pedo rapist running in alabama will probably win. Since the accusations, his hillbilly supporters love him even more.
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Because some of those women are attractive.
Now think of how ridiculous it was sound if dudes in here were doing the same thing. Saying how lucky these women are because such and such is handsome.

This talking point that women have this blanket protect in the work place is false. And in the instances were they do get caught and punished, it is usually men that down play the seriousness of it

Cracking jokes is one thing, but some people give a blanket pass to those women.
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matt lauer out here like mr burns
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There is a thread on NT, in general, about women in powerful positions routinely getting caught having inappropriate sexual relations with the males the have power over.

And most dudes in that thread cheer on that behavior.

I posted in that thread recently about that Colombian teacher. I was out of line. That thread is definitely wilding and I participated in that... once (I think). The double standard is stupid.

Glad he tried to clear Michael Jackson. They destroyed his life with that bs.
I posted in that thread recently about that Colombian teacher. I was out of line. That thread is definitely wilding and I participated in that... once (I think). The double standard is stupid.

Glad he tried to clear Michael Jackson. They destroyed his life with that bs.
Im not a saint either. I'm in that thread too, I have made light and crack jokes on some of those situations. I have probably crossed the line with some of my comments too.

But I thought that even though we are indulging in some dark humor, that everyone would agree that those women's behavior are wrong. I was mistaken.

Those women behavior ranges from unethical to downright predatory.
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