Has American society made progress towards the discrimination of African Americans??

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

bijaldi in 1..2..

Unfortunately in the mental state 95% of humanity is in right now its pratically impossible for racism to ever disappear.America is still very racist and blacks for the most part despite Obama being in office are still disliked amongst others. I was in a high end shopping mall a few weeks ago and I was dressed "nicely" yet security literally followed me around for a few hours. It got to the point that I asked them why are you following me and they just walked away. Black history in America is so ripe with pain and shameful acts that it can't be wiped under the rug. Sometimes I still can't beive that I'm here because of slavery, slavery yo. I don't care what anyone thinks and I'm not saying it because I'm black but black americans are amazing. The fact that people look down on us is crazy, we should have tore this $@%$+ down years ago.............
Unfortunately in the mental state 95% of humanity is in right now its pratically impossible for racism to ever disappear.America is still very racist and blacks for the most part despite Obama being in office are still disliked amongst others. I was in a high end shopping mall a few weeks ago and I was dressed "nicely" yet security literally followed me around for a few hours. It got to the point that I asked them why are you following me and they just walked away. Black history in America is so ripe with pain and shameful acts that it can't be wiped under the rug. Sometimes I still can't beive that I'm here because of slavery, slavery yo. I don't care what anyone thinks and I'm not saying it because I'm black but black americans are amazing. The fact that people look down on us is crazy, we should have tore this $@%$+ down years ago.............
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

The racist dudes on Xbox Live is in abbundance it's disgusting.
The thing that gets me is people ASSUME you are black my default. I never uses a mic and people throw N comments at me without any knowledge of what I am.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

The racist dudes on Xbox Live is in abbundance it's disgusting.
The thing that gets me is people ASSUME you are black my default. I never uses a mic and people throw N comments at me without any knowledge of what I am.
I posted this a while back in the Malcolm X thread, I think it applies well to the topic at hand...

I'm not black but I have read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and have studied Martin Luther King's movement and this is what i get from both of them. Malcolm X wanted to break free from the economic and social dependence of whites, he believed that only blacks could help blacks and that whites would never have the minority's best interests at hand. King pleaded for equality, he wanted to be able to peacefully interact and go about business with the majority, basically he pleaded that whites don't walk all over them anymore. Now analyzing how between the two King's movement basically won and how things are almost 50 years later I truly believe that Malcolm X's method would've demanded much more respect and would've left blacks much better off economically and socially. I live in Miami and although it isn't considered the deep South racism still runs deep around these parts, generally speaking whites do not see blacks as complete equals and many blacks still have that inferiority complex and aspire only to have steady jobs that will get them by, they do not seem to aspire to hold the positions that whites do. Differences in the educational system are still shown, de jure segregation may have been outlawed decades ago but de facto segregation is still very much in place and to put it simply, the "black schools" are just not up to par with the "white schools". I'm just trying to give you guys a different perspective on all this but from my point of view there is still much work to do in terms of race relations in this country, the problem is that after the Civil Rights Movement blacks were no longer in the forefront, many people believed that it was enough and that no more needed to be done. And although electing a black president is a huge step forward it also has its cons because many whites now have this mentality that, well if a black man was elected president then they have all the same opportunities to succeed that we do, and that is simply not the case. I do not hold the views of any of my ignorant white peers, I'm just trying to show you guys what the majority thinks and to be frank if you heard a group of whites talking about what they truly feel about black people you all would believe that you were still living in the 1950's, it's sad but it's true, there is still much work to be done.
I posted this a while back in the Malcolm X thread, I think it applies well to the topic at hand...

I'm not black but I have read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and have studied Martin Luther King's movement and this is what i get from both of them. Malcolm X wanted to break free from the economic and social dependence of whites, he believed that only blacks could help blacks and that whites would never have the minority's best interests at hand. King pleaded for equality, he wanted to be able to peacefully interact and go about business with the majority, basically he pleaded that whites don't walk all over them anymore. Now analyzing how between the two King's movement basically won and how things are almost 50 years later I truly believe that Malcolm X's method would've demanded much more respect and would've left blacks much better off economically and socially. I live in Miami and although it isn't considered the deep South racism still runs deep around these parts, generally speaking whites do not see blacks as complete equals and many blacks still have that inferiority complex and aspire only to have steady jobs that will get them by, they do not seem to aspire to hold the positions that whites do. Differences in the educational system are still shown, de jure segregation may have been outlawed decades ago but de facto segregation is still very much in place and to put it simply, the "black schools" are just not up to par with the "white schools". I'm just trying to give you guys a different perspective on all this but from my point of view there is still much work to do in terms of race relations in this country, the problem is that after the Civil Rights Movement blacks were no longer in the forefront, many people believed that it was enough and that no more needed to be done. And although electing a black president is a huge step forward it also has its cons because many whites now have this mentality that, well if a black man was elected president then they have all the same opportunities to succeed that we do, and that is simply not the case. I do not hold the views of any of my ignorant white peers, I'm just trying to show you guys what the majority thinks and to be frank if you heard a group of whites talking about what they truly feel about black people you all would believe that you were still living in the 1950's, it's sad but it's true, there is still much work to be done.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Blacks in American society have not contributed enough towards the end of discrimination. Whenever tyler perry makes his all black movies or BET does an all black get together, it sets things back. Whenever some idiot uses his/her race as an excuse for not propelling in life it sets the line of scrimmage back to the opposing 1 yard line. That crap is reverse racism, not pride. Why does a race have to emphasize that they exist or do things to try and "raise moral" if they're trying to end discrimination? Everyone knows what happened in the past. Let it go. It didn't even happen to YOU. It doesn't make sense to me. Just live life normally without having to bring color up every time you're frustrated or want attention. The people that want racism to end are not letting it die. Everyone keeps blaming someone else. People can end racism by progressing the steps of those past pioneers that helped make positive things possible today.
One of the worst posts I've ever seen in a race discussion. 
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Blacks in American society have not contributed enough towards the end of discrimination. Whenever tyler perry makes his all black movies or BET does an all black get together, it sets things back. Whenever some idiot uses his/her race as an excuse for not propelling in life it sets the line of scrimmage back to the opposing 1 yard line. That crap is reverse racism, not pride. Why does a race have to emphasize that they exist or do things to try and "raise moral" if they're trying to end discrimination? Everyone knows what happened in the past. Let it go. It didn't even happen to YOU. It doesn't make sense to me. Just live life normally without having to bring color up every time you're frustrated or want attention. The people that want racism to end are not letting it die. Everyone keeps blaming someone else. People can end racism by progressing the steps of those past pioneers that helped make positive things possible today.
One of the worst posts I've ever seen in a race discussion. 
No. But what society thinks is slowly becoming more igsignificant...its time for us to develop our own communinities and not follow the models before us which failed us.
No. But what society thinks is slowly becoming more igsignificant...its time for us to develop our own communinities and not follow the models before us which failed us.
As long as there are people who personify idiotic stereotypes, racism will never die. But have we as a whole diminished racism? On the surface yes
As long as there are people who personify idiotic stereotypes, racism will never die. But have we as a whole diminished racism? On the surface yes
Originally Posted by third

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by third

i think there have certainly been exponential step forward but sometimes there's minor regression sometimes
it's like a drug addict they relapse
i feel that those being discriminated against have certainly played their role on the relapse /regression
You're not American. Your opinion is void.
that would be true if you culture was not shoved down our throats
So because you consume American pop culture, that makes you qualified to comment on race relations? You're not American. Your opinion on AMERICAN race relations his void.
Originally Posted by third

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by third

i think there have certainly been exponential step forward but sometimes there's minor regression sometimes
it's like a drug addict they relapse
i feel that those being discriminated against have certainly played their role on the relapse /regression
You're not American. Your opinion is void.
that would be true if you culture was not shoved down our throats
So because you consume American pop culture, that makes you qualified to comment on race relations? You're not American. Your opinion on AMERICAN race relations his void.
What kills me is before slavery blacks were considered equal and SEX SYMBOLS in Europe,
Matter of fact the first slaves could negotiate for wages and even married European settlers.

"Race" was created to justify slavery, so if this was infact the case why are people still coming up with reasons to HATE blacks?

I think it's not so much "discrimination" but an mis-informed precautionary measure due to misconception, stereotypes, and lack of interaction with minorities.
That's why most universities make you take "Urban Studies" because alot of people live in communities wheres there's like one minority in
the school district, and no matter what nationality he is he's considered "black", Dominican, Hindu, Brazilian etc. (stupidity FTL)

But rappers and ignorant people make it no better...Waka 106 and Park, most down south rap, Tyler Perry etc.
What kills me is before slavery blacks were considered equal and SEX SYMBOLS in Europe,
Matter of fact the first slaves could negotiate for wages and even married European settlers.

"Race" was created to justify slavery, so if this was infact the case why are people still coming up with reasons to HATE blacks?

I think it's not so much "discrimination" but an mis-informed precautionary measure due to misconception, stereotypes, and lack of interaction with minorities.
That's why most universities make you take "Urban Studies" because alot of people live in communities wheres there's like one minority in
the school district, and no matter what nationality he is he's considered "black", Dominican, Hindu, Brazilian etc. (stupidity FTL)

But rappers and ignorant people make it no better...Waka 106 and Park, most down south rap, Tyler Perry etc.
Yes, but the current generation will never appreciate it.  Then again every generation takes for granted what the previous generation did regardless of what progress it was.

Getting people to stop stereotyping and hating those different than them will never happen.  It's a human self defense construct usually used to make up for one's own shortcomings.  Just look at this thread, plenty of stereotyping in here.
Yes, but the current generation will never appreciate it.  Then again every generation takes for granted what the previous generation did regardless of what progress it was.

Getting people to stop stereotyping and hating those different than them will never happen.  It's a human self defense construct usually used to make up for one's own shortcomings.  Just look at this thread, plenty of stereotyping in here.
Yes but not by choice but by force. And like someone already stated. They're just doin a hell of a job hiding it.
Yes but not by choice but by force. And like someone already stated. They're just doin a hell of a job hiding it.
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