Has Anyone Here Ever Sued Their Employer for Discrimination?

I haven't done it fam but get that money.

One of my old mentors sued our old mutual place of employment. He won too. They settled out of court but he kinda had to because the company had a founder with legit long bread.

My mentor is a for real millionaire so it was crazy seeing him admit that he didn't have the funds to take that **** to trial long term. He proved his point tho, and caught a bag he didn't really need but that's life.
Is the discrimination that you’re non-white? A male? Or a non-white male?
Will read later. But always feel like something like this would be hard to prove in court.

OP hasn't responded in a minute. I think his employer must have found out about this thread and the CEO sent the goons to touch him up and tell him stop talking bad about them on the internet :nerd:
My sister is a teacher for a pretty much white school district . She sued , had emails and all types of **** that showed racism and bullying .

she’s well paid (surprisingly being a teacher) and they offered her a settlement which is less than her pay and said the Case would be zipped and she couldn’t come out about it .

she turned it down , still works there and is pretty much untouchable now . Guilt was found , They can’t fire her and she can make everything public when/if she chooses .
My sister is a teacher for a pretty much white school district . She sued , had emails and all types of **** that showed racism and bullying .

she’s well paid (surprisingly being a teacher) and they offered her a settlement which is less than her pay and said the Case would be zipped and she couldn’t come out about it .

she turned it down , still works there and is pretty much untouchable now . Guilt was found , They can’t fire her and she can make everything public when/if she chooses .
Doesn't sound like a ideal situation to be in.
Doesn't sound like a ideal situation to be in.

i don’t have the full details but think the ones accused might of got fired or something. Have to check when I talk to her . She did say feel like the weight is lifted off her shoulders . So whatever the final situation is , guess it worked out for her
I contacted the EEOC you want to have them pick up the case and if they do you can still go private. They will notify the company and formally enter into litigation. At no cost to you. I basically said if I was a bad employee it’s cause of the stress I was under, never been in trouble at any job before. Ever. So all of a sudden this one. I don’t know what it means to be white and what that entails and the pressures or hardships. But I know what it is to be black and feel racism. I’ve got 33years experience. Someone doesn’t have to call me the N word for me to feel it or know it’s there. I’m sueing the Boeing company, for discrimination and retaliation & hostile work environment. which they already have lost a lot of law suits to women and minorities. I was just about to make a thread about it all and what’s going on. I just officially field with the local field office here and we are waiting for a response from Boeing. Boeing being a global organization with over 100K+ employees 6% is black. They would try to bleed me dry if I went personal counsel. The building I was in for 14 months was all maga hat blue lives, thin blue line. I wrote BLM on a piece of tape and put it on my desk and within the hour it was gone. I definitely knew I was welcome the whole time. Plus the 3 minorities in there before me I met and they are willing to confirm in court, how does every poc come to that building get fired or transferred. Also I emailed HR & Ethics and my union rep and called one of the managers a racist in the email, got no help. But HR hit me back a week later trying to investigate me. Much more happened but it’s already long enough.

anyways I would start with eeoc and if these companies don’t wanna check their ppl make them pay. Go for it. You have 300 days to file from your last incident
Back in the day when I worked at the Gap the loss prevention manager randomly summoned me to the office one day and basically interrogated me. Asked if I've ever stolen from the store and ish, and after telling him no repeatedly, he said he had reason to believe that I did. Which was absolute nonsense because I've never stolen anything. That was over a decade ago but I still wonder if I had grounds to sue to this day.
So my employer just recently settled a 175m CA lawsuit... for women. Almost all of my coworkers and former associates are all celebrating their come ups... some in the tens of thousands of dollars. What really bothers me is that is from an "unfair pay" settlement... but my *** was get paid the same or even less than a lot of these women at the time. On top of that... Ive out performed pretty much everyone in every single store Ive worked out and was in the top 5-10% percentile district wide and was still denied raises and promotions. I really need to find good legal counsel because this **** is ****** up...
So my employer just recently settled a 175m CA lawsuit... for women. Almost all of my coworkers and former associates are all celebrating their come ups... some in the tens of thousands of dollars. What really bothers me is that is from an "unfair pay" settlement... but my *** was get paid the same or even less than a lot of these women at the time. On top of that... Ive out performed pretty much everyone in every single store Ive worked out and was in the top 5-10% percentile district wide and was still denied raises and promotions. I really need to find good legal counsel because this **** is ****ed up...

So it was all good for 10 plus years until you heard your coworkers got a check?

If you were happy with what you had for so long I don’t see you winning this fight.

And this is 2 years later and you’re still there.
It was never really "all good". Ive literally had to fight tooth and nail for whatever promotion I got, and then after exceeding all expectations, I still got screwed out of all the big stores that were worth while.

For example... my second and last store as a SM, I was told my old store had to be fully staffed before I left. I went out recruiting and hired 2 FT associates. Got to the bigger store, just to find out it was EXTREMELY understaffed. I ended up working an average 70 hours a week, all throughout the summer. After a year of this ****... my bonus, which I was told was supposed to be between 30-35... ended up being 3k! I literally left a store that was much easier to manage, where I bonuses 20k, for that ****. My DM never mentioned hey we just remolded the store and guess what, that comes out your bonus! They also decided to do this in a mall that was dying. After I stepped down, the store closed a couple years later.

I have many stories like this, which is crazy because I literally ranked #1 in my region one year, out pf like 6k people. After that you usually have your pick of what store and where, and I was set to take over my old managers store after he got promoted to DM
2 days before my promotion, my DM comes in and writes me up... for showing more than 2 pieces of merch at a time... something that everyone does, but she wrote me up for the **** because she didnt want me to leave her district. She just happens to be a pegan witch. At that store I would have bonused between 75-100k.

Anyway her *** got fired, along with almost everyone else that has done me dirty, but not because of me.

Ultimately, this company takes pride in the fact that now 70% of all leadership positions are women. The rest are mostly homosexual men. Probably less than 3% are heterosexual black men.
My sister is a teacher for a pretty much white school district . She sued , had emails and all types of **** that showed racism and bullying .

she’s well paid (surprisingly being a teacher) and they offered her a settlement which is less than her pay and said the Case would be zipped and she couldn’t come out about it .

she turned it down , still works there and is pretty much untouchable now . Guilt was found , They can’t fire her and she can make everything public when/if she chooses .

I dont know if Id still wanna work there but I suppose if the kids aint racist she can bare it.

Say the word bro

Well they finally "fired" me today... by not firing me at all but by telling me I had to leave and that I couldn't come back despite having all types of jewelry with warranties from Kay. They truely are the worst and I encourage to all to never shop at any of their stores because they are systematically racist and sexist. If anyone knows any good anti-discrimination lawyers out of STL or Chicago please DM me.
Well they finally "fired" me today... by not firing me at all but by telling me I had to leave and that I couldn't come back despite having all types of jewelry with warranties from Kay. They truely are the worst and I encourage to all to never shop at any of their stores because they are systematically racist and sexist. If anyone knows any good anti-discrimination lawyers out of STL or Chicago please DM me.

Keep your head up fam. You will rise from this.
This popped up on my SC memories and pissed me off this morning...


Still cant believe how these mofos did me after all the work I put in for them.

On the bright side... I did win my unemployment claim, even though they tried to say I quit, which was a bold faced lie. Luckily I staryed recording the poor excuse of a DM they have no of him trying to force my resignation. I also filed a claim with the EEOC back in September that they werent aware of, which has been updated to a charge and now they are wantimg mediation.

If I had to guess, based off the history of others co workers who have sued SIGNET in the past for wrongful termination, amongst other things... they will probably offer me somewhere around 25k... which I am not accepting... they would have to add another 0 to number to make me go away... but honestly I would rathet expose these racist sexist frauds to the world, which will affect that stock far more significantly.
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