Have you ever cried in joy?

Mar 10, 2011
Happened to me the first time yesterday when I saw my name on the varsity team roster.  Feels good letting it all out

Excuse the grammar, my iPhone autocorrected it
That feeling >

Probably when the Giants won the World Series. I got home and sat on the couch - I was pretty hammered - and cried a little bit.
- When my son was born
- When I tried to give a best man speech at my brothers wedding
- A few times in sports (wrestling)

feels good for sure.
congrats man

im guessing its basketball right???

yea i have cried somewhat tears of joy for a bit..it was when my niece had a birthday party and she was so happy at the presents she got..feels good knowing your niece is so happy
When i got my job in the music biz I cried ... Took a long time to make it official, but all the interning paid off
I shed a couple tears when I passed Statistics in the summer. It was my last community college class and every counselor told me I wouldn't be able to do it, or with your math background it's unlikely or some other variation of you cant. It was even more important to me because it allows me to transfer to a university now.

I also shed some tears when the Giants won the World Series
Hell na. Thugs don't cry.

Spoiler [+]
when my first born daugther was born
I never really cry.

i know of people that cry when they're happy or upset. I've never really understood that lack of control over ones emotion. That's not a shot.

i suppose, as much as we try to understand the human psyche, there are still somethings that we have no answers for, like why we laugh, or cry, or yawn for that matter lol.

nevertheless, congratulations young sir.
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