Have you ever cried in joy?

I cried at my sister's wedding. She's the first of us siblings to get married and seeing my dad walk her down the aisle and knowing all the %#@@ my family's been through, it just hit me and I couldn't hold back.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by capuT

didn't know we had so many females on nt
you're corny. sit down. 
So are you. Sit next to him.
Can't breathe!

To answer op question, no.
Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I cried openly when I visited Mecca last year

 understandable. Insh'allah I'll make it there one day.
Tears didn't actually flow from my eyes but I swear they were on the brink when I watched a brother recite the Shahada and convert, it was one of the most beautiful displays of brotherhood I had ever seen. It affected me so much it motivated me to recite the Shahada myself. I can't say I converted because I was never a member of any sort of religious group. Masha'Allah, you're blessed to be able to make that trip. Insha'Allah God guides me to Mecca one day in my life also. Would definitely like to take my girlfriend so she could see the beauty of Islam and not the stuff the media brainwashes this country into believing in.
When I saw my father at my wedding. I didn't expect him to come because we've never had the best relationship over the years.
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

i came very close to it listening to this . . . .�
 for some reason this and tears of joy is just...damn
Originally Posted by THE QBZ



I cried when  my first niece was born. I also cried when I aced my senior presentation... & I will cry on December 10, 2011. omfgbbqsauce

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by youngdoc

came close when the Lakers won Game 7 over the Celtics
We were losing the whole game and to come and win. 



Someone needs to make this into a meme
My 10 year old cousins basketball team was losing their championship game. He was struggling the whole game. As the game was ending, his team began crying. It was was like an epidemic the whole team just started crying. My cousin was the only one not crying and had not given up. They were down by 11 points and my cousin created stop after stop, stealing the ball and blocking shots. Everybody in the gym was cheering for him. He begged for the ball on offense and hit three 3's in row. Now everybody was standing chanting and cheering because the game was too close to call. I stood there with watery eyes watching my cousin do his best to carry his team to a win. I never been so proud in my life. They went on to lose the championship game by 4. He was all smiles after the game.
Originally Posted by targiu23

My 10 year old cousins basketball team was losing their championship game. He was struggling the whole game. As the game was ending, his team began crying. It was was like an epidemic the whole team just started crying. My cousin was the only one not crying and had not given up. They were down by 11 points and my cousin created stop after stop, stealing the ball and blocking shots. Everybody in the gym was cheering for him. He begged for the ball on offense and hit three 3's in row. Now everybody was standing chanting and cheering because the game was too close to call. I stood there with watery eyes watching my cousin do his best to carry his team to a win. I never been so proud in my life. They went on to lose the championship game by 4. He was all smiles after the game.

 Your cousin will become successful in whatever he sets out to do.
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