Have you ever laid a hand on your woman? ....................Why not?

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Kevin Hart made me realize that spousal abuse should be almost legal. Like, have you ever gotten into one of thosearguments where voices rise and the tension builds up and your angry voice ain't cutting it because she's heard it too many times. So shortyknows she can say whatever the hell shewants, in front of whom ever she chooses or she gets all up in your trap, pushing her finger nails into your forehead and *%$% -- just completelyundercutting your masculinity? Now if she was a guy, she knows you'd thrashon her for that because she knows her man ain't no $%$ like that.(That's why that's the button she's always pushing. She knows you, remember?) But since it's her, shefeels untouchable. And if you DO touch her (like she'd expect if she was a guy talking all that yang yang), allthat tough talk will disappear and she'll play the victim role like she didn't instigate the scenario. That's why it's not just enough tochange the law (which is dumb and biased). I propose a new folkway of American culture in general. we need to raisethese girls differently. They need to expect to be held accountable for their mouths in the same way we do, withphysical punishment. They've been untouchable for far too long and it just isn't natural. All of nature is martial, low key -- from the wolf pack tothe lion's pride. So I feel you should be allowed to muff her for getting unreaonably out of pocket. (read: "mush" to some of ya'll).It's not a hit. It's open palmed and it's just a push, preferably to the forehead or cheekbone. Shewon't bruise or even feel pain. It just puts her back in her place, because her mouth is not proportionate to her skill in fisticuffs and she should bereminded of that. It's just a way to say, "Look here girl, I'm way too big and strong for you too bark up this tree. Chill out and sit downsomewhere". I think muffing could solve a lot of issues and silence a lot of out of pocket yamps.

That is all.


*This post is in no way, shape, or form related to anything occurring in my real life.
Naw....I don't hit my women....I say what I got to say and let her run her mouth...I just leave and don't answer her phone calls....the mush shhhain't gone work...because they swear you have Just hit them
Makes sense. Girls always fight for equal rights as men. So they should be able to get motley whomped like them.
I prefer choking though.

.... but so true, double-standard hardcore pisses me right off...
getting slapped by the girlfriend? i would LOVE to be able to defend myself, but that's assault...

if women want to have equality.. lol... they can get it
Deadset, It ain't like I said you should powerbomb the girl. A little "Aye, sit yo +%# down!" ain't never hurt a soul.
I think if i cant hit a girl back she cant call me a *****. I <3 double standards
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Deadset, It ain't like I said you should powerbomb the girl. A little "Aye, sit yo +%# down!" ain't never hurt a soul.
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Makes sense. Girls always fight for equal rights as men. So they should be able to get motley whomped like them.
I prefer choking though.

yea does that count
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you can't just walk away from the situation?

Yeah, I could, but aside from what you've been taught to believe, why should I have to? And then when she follows me up the hall talking the same !*!@, then what? You just gon keep running away like the %#%!*that she thinks you are, or are you gonna put an end to the conflict?
When I'm in an argument that might come to blows I say to myself I'm smarter than her let me flip the script and then hit her with some common sense nomatter what that argument is about. I'm a dude and the truth is men and women are not equal so in this society I'm gonna take the L for anything I doto her. Besides if she really came at me with the hands she'd know she'd be in for some pain. I'd pin her down with ease then turn it to anopportunity to smash, leave her there shaking/unconscious/drooling.

Domestic violence is never a given

Don't think I won't hit a girl tho, I smush in the face, mollywhop, push, hold in submission, and from time to smack.Especially if its a chick I dontknow.
Lets be real, when a guy hits a girl, it really isn't fair. Domestic abuse charges also don't look good. Even if you think you have the right to hitthe girl, the law doesn't.
I agree with this.

May I add that by accepting the social construct that they can't be hit because they're women is them accepting that they are inferior beings.

Equal is equal. You can't pick and choose what you want ma', this ain't a lunch line

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you can't just walk away from the situation?

Yeah, I could, but aside from what you've been taught to believe, why should I have to? And then when she follows me up the hall talking the same !*!@, then what? You just gon keep running away like the %#%!* that she thinks you are, or are you gonna put an end to the conflict?

I just personally don't believe violence of any sort solves anything.. .sometimes you're left with no choice, when somebody seeks to be violent againstyou first.. But in a situation where somebody is just shooting their mouth off - the only way to really diffuse the situation is to let them know youaren't going to listen to them until they come at you more respectfully. Just walk away, say nothing and walk. Simply putting hands on somebody justescalates a situation, in one way or another.

If you can't communicate with your girl better, then you need to find another girl. There are plenty of respectful people out there to find, the only wayto weed out the disrespectful is to evolve past them.
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