Have you ever won a Sweepstakes?

Apr 11, 2005
Have you ever won a sweepstakes? I read an article about a dude that has won iPods, cruises, even a car. I've been so inspired by that dude that I'veentered more sweepstakes in the past week then I have in my entire life. I gotta get that iPod touch.

I won Zelda Minish Cup for gameboy advance from Nintendo Power Magazine... That was the 2nd price, Grand prize was a Nintendo DS and a shopping spree in theNintendo Store where you pick 10 of your most favorite games...
I recently entered a $10,000 BestBuy shopping spree sweepstakes. If I win, [Kevin Hart]I'll cop a 32 gig iPod touch for everyone who replies to thisthread[/Kevin Hart] Golden Bears in the house!
I won some Nas records and pictures of him a couple of years back. The grand prize was like a dvd theater system or something like that.
Nothing major, couple of theme park tickets, back when I was little I won the 2nd tier prizes in some of those nickelodeon sweepstakes.
I don't think I've ever won a contest, raffle, sweepstakes, or any prize.

The biggest thing I ever won was a Jets x Taz t-shirt from one of those crane grab things.
Once this famous glass blower (no ayo) came to my school and talked to my calss, and one other class about what he does. So after he's done talking he sayshe brought some small pieces of his that he's going to give out in a raffle. So the raffle gets started and 3 people win, but there all from the otherclass. So I start yelling out (jokingly) this is classism, classism! And then the last peice was up for raffle and I won it, I was like,
, Me?
My mom won a free trip to Hawaii yesterday from work (Washington Mutual). She staying for 7 days and each day she stays she gets a prize. She started cryingwhen she found out at work. lol. But if anyone deserves it, its my mom
I was one of the fifty 3rd place winners in some Gamepro magazine contest in like 95. I got a free shirt and my name spelled wrong in the magazine
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