having surgery tomorrow...blaze one for me!

Jul 30, 2004
my brethren,

i'm having surgery on an inguinal hernia tomorrow. not usually a complicated process, but this is my first surgery so i'm a bit shook.

just want you guys to keep me in ya thoughts...hope for a speedy recovery!!

light one up for me
pour it up for me.
pray for me.
meditate for me.
whatever it is ya do...
do it for me!

Be easy man, I had the same surgery in 2001. Its gonna hurt to walk for a few days, you might not even be able to stand up. It might also hurt when you laugh,cough, things that involve the abdomen/groin a little. I was back hoopin in about a month (before the doc said I should have been). The meds did a good jobcontrolling the pain, but be sure to take an anti-inflammatory (i.e. Motrin) med along with the pain reliever it will help you heal faster. No worries,I'll put one in the air for you Bro.
yea...a friend of mine had the same surgery and said that when he woke up he was in the worst pain he's ever felt in his life.


i hope he was just being exaggerated
Not to scare you, but up to that point in my life it was pretty much the worst pain I had ever felt. Just take the meds and follow the Doc's instructions,you should be good.
Originally Posted by superuntouchable

Not to scare you, but up to that point in my life it was pretty much the worst pain I had ever felt. Just take the meds and follow the Doc's instructions, you should be good.

damn. well, i appreciate the honesty. i'll keep my head up and try to get over the pain.
Originally Posted by ape

yeah and i'll take a hit of heroin too
... ever seen Requiem for a Dream? I'm not a supporter ofany illegal drugs, but weed is probably the one I disapprove of least.

Anyways, OP, I'll shoot you a prayer.
Originally Posted by ape

yeah and i'll take a hit of heroin too
my uncle got this saying..as a lil kid growing up. sometimes he'll say if you don't get out of the street Im gone be on you like"white on rice" and sometimes he'll say if you don't stop doing that Im gonna be on you like "ugly on ape" jsut random

oh yea good look with the inguinal hernia surgery... you ain't superman...ask for help when lifting heavy *#%@.
Originally Posted by ape

yeah and i'll take a hit of heroin too
I see you are one of those hardcore dudes

but good luck

I say you smoke right before surgery.................. I kid
Originally Posted by dgk3188

my brethren,

i'm having surgery on an inguinal hernia tomorrow. not usually a complicated process, but this is my first surgery so i'm a bit shook.

just want you guys to keep me in ya thoughts...hope for a speedy recovery!!

light one up for me
pour it up for me.
pray for me.
meditate for me.
whatever it is ya do...
do it for me!


what have you been doing that is causing you to get surgery and how old are you? You'll be knocked out and wake up in pain.
Best of luck. You'll be in prayers.

Good bless, get back soon to tell us how it went.
thanks everyone.

surgery is @ 11am tomorrow...bout to crash out now.

ill post how it went and how im feeling tomorrow (if i can)

im sure the painkillers will have me on cloud 9. lol
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