having surgery tomorrow...blaze one for me!

Will do 


Best of luck tomorrow OP
trying to man.  the boredom is what i'm not looking forward to.  to be honest i'm kinda shook.  not because of the surgery.  but i am getting a catheter and those SUCK.  getting that thing taken out last time i was in the hospital was the worst pain i've ever felt.  no joke.  broken bones got nothin on getting a catheter taken out.  i'm gonna ask them to give me some delotted or something this time before they remove it.  i'm not trying to feel that again.
nah dude, it's not gonna hurt at all.  they are gonna put some nerve block thingy in my spine so i'll be all numb for a few days.  that's why they gotta catheter me.  i'd rather piss myself if that was an option. 
I had a sports hernia back in december(on the left and right side). Horrible pain man. They had me taking some pills called norco or something like that. Had trouble peeing and controlling the muscles to take a dump so i was constipated for about a week and a half. I had to train my abdominal muscles to functions like it did before. It took me about 4 months to recover fully and now I'm dunking and hooping like I use to before the surgery.
Advice: Be patient with the healing process, don't sneeze, cough, or laugh either.
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