having surgery tomorrow...blaze one for me!

I had this same surgery about 7 weeks ago. So the process is still fresh in my mind. The pain for me was not as bad as the others said it was for them. Afterthe surgery I literally got up and tried to walk out of the hospital, but they forced me to sit in a wheelchair and they rolled me out. I then was drove homeby my girlfriend and hung out there for a while, then went to work! It was as if nothing happened! I just was limping a little bit, but that's it. The nexttwo days were not as easy, but it still wasn't too bad. Just be very careful about coughing, sneezing, yelling, anything that puts pressure on yourabdominals. Oh, and if they haven't told you yet, you will be numb forever at the place where they insert the mesh and around it after the surgery. My doctold me this during the initial consultation, but I forgot about it until I was feeling around the scar and noticed it was numb around the area.

I'm perfectly fine now and have started working out a little over a week ago. Just need to do exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall to make sure thisdoesn't happen again. Let me know if you need some help with rehab stuff when you're cleared to exercise. It's pretty important.

Good luck!
You gon be iight my dude .. Good luck in there homey
Originally Posted by Cpt Soto

I had this same surgery about 7 weeks ago. So the process is still fresh in my mind. The pain for me was not as bad as the others said it was for them. After the surgery I literally got up and tried to walk out of the hospital, but they forced me to sit in a wheelchair and they rolled me out. I then was drove home by my girlfriend and hung out there for a while, then went to work! It was as if nothing happened! I just was limping a little bit, but that's it. The next two days were not as easy, but it still wasn't too bad. Just be very careful about coughing, sneezing, yelling, anything that puts pressure on your abdominals. Oh, and if they haven't told you yet, you will be numb forever at the place where they insert the mesh and around it after the surgery. My doc told me this during the initial consultation, but I forgot about it until I was feeling around the scar and noticed it was numb around the area.

I'm perfectly fine now and have started working out a little over a week ago. Just need to do exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall to make sure this doesn't happen again. Let me know if you need some help with rehab stuff when you're cleared to exercise. It's pretty important.

Good luck!
thanks for the advice man. so the process wasn't that bad. got the the hospital at 8:30...started pre-op around 9...and surgery began @ 11. iwas knocked out by the time they started giving me the medicine to calm me down. i dont even remember when they put the mask on to feed m the anesthesia.

i don't feel any pain... when i do a certain movement i'll feel a slight pain, but for the most part im good. funny that you mentioned the numbing partbecause when i went to go to the bathroom for the first time i was like
.can't feel $!$%! now, by numb forever, do you mean forever forever? or just for a hot minute?

im just chilling at home now, plan on catching up on some reading...and just taking advantage of my freetime to play some xbox as well
. playin virtua fighter 5 to get me hyped for the street fighter 4 release
by numb forever, do you mean forever forever? or just for a hot minute?

Well, I'm still numb there. And a client of mine who had it done more than 10 years ago still has numbing in the area. So I'm assuming it will beforever. I think it has something to do with the mesh being in there and it cut's off nerves...I think. But it will just be the skin around the mesh. ITWILL NOT AFFECT YOUR SEX LIFE AT ALL! I was worried about that too! You'll be alright.
just made a post of hai 4 wisdom teeth pulled today...they gases me sent me under woke up and didnt remember a thing...but this pain...sheesh!!!!
Originally Posted by Cpt Soto

by numb forever, do you mean forever forever? or just for a hot minute?

Well, I'm still numb there. And a client of mine who had it done more than 10 years ago still has numbing in the area. So I'm assuming it will be forever. I think it has something to do with the mesh being in there and it cut's off nerves...I think. But it will just be the skin around the mesh. IT WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR SEX LIFE AT ALL! I was worried about that too! You'll be alright.

whew! i was about to start bugging out for a minute. kind of sucks that my surgeon didn't say mention anything. slight bleeding at the site ofthe incision is normal too right? it's already been about 10 hours since the surgery. and i really dont feel any pain. the surgeon did say it was a verysmall hernia though
Yeah, light bleeding on the bandage is ok. Even though you don't feel much pain now, tomorrow and Sunday will be more painful. Just keep taking the Vicodinand try to rest as much as possible. I didn't rest that much, it would have been easier if I did!
Originally Posted by dgk3188

light one up for me
pour it up for me.
pray for me.
meditate for me.
whatever it is ya do...
do it for me!

You have nothing to be scared of. God wants you here wit' us..
word. i really appreciate the advice and words Cpt Soto. i hope you don't mind if i PM you with any questions or concerns

i got hernia surgery tomorrow
  component separation w/ mesh.  i literally have no abs now.  they are just ripped down the middle chilling on the sides of my stomach.  5 hour operation and a week in the hospital or so.  smh this is gonna suck.  oh well it will be nice to get rid of this beer gut looking hernia. 
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