HBO: John Adams = CRACK! Anyone watch this?

Mar 8, 2001
Interesting show about the forming of America. Anyone watch? Son who plays George Washington looks just like him.
I was just about to dig up the old thread. I don't watch much TV but I make sure to catch this on Sunday nights.

IMO it's the best show that been on TV for a very long time. I think Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney deserve awards for their performances so far.
Yes. Great show.
Hope many watch it and realize the principles that this country was founded on and how far we've strayed.
good show but i have to say that ben franklin did adams dirty on the last episode...still the show is
I watched the first episode and liked it but didn't love it

maybe because I wasn't paying strict attention

I'll give it another go round

They're gonna replay it from part 1 this Friday at 6 PM est. Never in my life did I think I'd see John Adams giving it to Abagail.
I saw the first episode when I was home for break but I dont have HBO at college. If anyone finds it online can they post the link?
Bumping this up to remind everyone that the last episode airs tonight at 9pm EST and if you tune into HBO right now you'll be able tocatch the whole series from Ep. 1 until the final.

This is the first show I'm seriously considering copping on DVD.
Shame On You

Son thought he was that dude..Til he got Tarred and Feathered..

Aww damn Them London Boys brought them Ninjahoods out

And the (DJ DRAMA) Cannon! (DJ DRAMA)
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