Heading to the Movies by myself.

I do it all the time. I love going to a daytime movie when there is barely anyone there and just focusing on the movie.
I wouldn't do it on a Fri or weekend night of a premiere, but ain't nothing wrong with going to the movies dolo early morning/afternoon and catchingmovies you missed out on...
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If you wanna make your movie experience even better smoke a blunt by yourself THEN go

Absolutely. I do this all the time, it's actually one of my favorite things to do. Never done it sober though.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I go during the day, always act like i'm calling somebody before the movie starts[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]"I'm in the theater now where are you?.....What you mean you're not coming? %*%"[/color]

you cant be serious...
ive done it a few times. most of which i was on a vacation with my fam. but ive done it once when i just didnt want to be with anyone and i wanted to watchsuperbad. i felt really weird at first until the movie started playing
Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

I go during the day, always act like i'm calling somebody before the movie starts

"I'm in the theater now where are you?.....What you mean you're not coming? %*%"

you cant be serious...

Nobody wants to see Inglorious Basterds...they think it glamorizes Nazis or something...smh. Did people even watch the trailer? Im about to go dolo just causeif I take my cousin I gotta pay cause he jobless...smh again.
i catch matinees by myself all the time

but im an only child I got used to doin alot of #@@% myself after a while I find it easier and less of a hassle
I've done this several times. I think I saw Transformers II, Terminator:Salvation, Fast and Furious, and The Dark Knight by myself. I watched the DarkKnight a second time because the audio was messed up the first time, but the other three I saw because my wife refused to see them with me.

It's therapeutic to have alone time.
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