Healthy Grocery list. vol. Hey Brahs

May 26, 2003
What are staple items on you guys grocery list? Im planning on limiting fast food to 1 or 2 times a month, so I`m trying to put together a list of staple items to cop.
Of Course I know about Chicken Breast, Eggs, Steak, but what are some other solid items that are good for quick meals?
If chicken breast is on sale, stock the hell up!

Mangos, hard as hell mangos
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

If chicken breast is on sale, stock the hell up!

Mangos, hard as hell mangos

Haha I can't believe it's really your sig lololol
Get some fresh ground beef from a local butcher, pick up some green onion, fresh tomatoes, pepperachino peppers and some lettuce. Homemade hamburgers trump all
trader joes

but just general healthy items: rasberry, blueberry, strawberrys, frosted mini wheats
Brown rice
Frozen fruits and veggies (come thru in the clutch)
Rolled Oats (make your own oatmeal)
Originally Posted by Skateboard

Get some fresh ground beef from a local butcher, pick up some green onion, fresh tomatoes, pepperachino peppers and some lettuce. Homemade hamburgers trump all

I don't really mess with bread like that.
I'm planning on copping a rice cooker, you gys know any good rice meals? Lol Rice and Veggies get old.
Lean chicken breasts, ground turkey, brown rice, pasta, baby spinach leaves, salmon
fruits and veggies. It's pretty easy to eat healthy, just takes discipline.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Lean chicken breasts, ground turkey, brown rice, pasta, baby spinach leaves, salmon
fruits and veggies. It's pretty easy to eat healthy, just takes discipline.
I like grilling fish on the Foreman joint, but I heard eating fish multiple times a week is bad for you (mercury or something)
And with Turkey, I mean only thing I can think about doing with turkey is turkey burgers.

You guys ever eat buffalo burgers?

And what are you guys thoughts on "organic" foods and spots like Whole Foods? I usually just shop at Publix, which is top notch imo compared to Krogers and stuff.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by CJ863

Lean chicken breasts, ground turkey, brown rice, pasta, baby spinach leaves, salmon
fruits and veggies. It's pretty easy to eat healthy, just takes discipline.
I like grilling fish on the Foreman joint, but I heard eating fish multiple times a week is bad for you (mercury or something)
And with Turkey, I mean only thing I can think about doing with turkey is turkey burgers.

You guys ever eat buffalo burgers?

And what are you guys thoughts on "organic" foods and spots like Whole Foods? I usually just shop at Publix, which is top notch imo compared to Krogers and stuff.
After my girl got pregnant last year, we changed up where we did our grocery shopping.  To make an effort to get cleaner food, we only by local/organic meats and veggies.  It's more expensive, but I swear the taste is much better.  You just never know what you're getting elsewhere...I mean just this past year there was the pink slime scare and the report of the FDA cutting costs by having chicken manifactorers(sp?) do their own inspections.  No bueno.  Since our daughter was born, there is no way we're going back to shopping anywhere other than Whole Foods/Trader Joe's/Farmers Markets. 

Also, just about whatever you can do with ground beef, you can do with ground turkey or chicken.  Possibilities are endless.  I wasn't the best cook in the world, but what helped me get started was buying children's cookbooks.  EASY recipes and you learn the basics of cooking.  Now, things come pretty easily. 
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by CJ863

Lean chicken breasts, ground turkey, brown rice, pasta, baby spinach leaves, salmon
fruits and veggies. It's pretty easy to eat healthy, just takes discipline.
I like grilling fish on the Foreman joint, but I heard eating fish multiple times a week is bad for you (mercury or something)
And with Turkey, I mean only thing I can think about doing with turkey is turkey burgers.

You guys ever eat buffalo burgers?

And what are you guys thoughts on "organic" foods and spots like Whole Foods? I usually just shop at Publix, which is top notch imo compared to Krogers and stuff.
Plenty of things you can do with turkey. Use it in spaghetti, chili, tacos, ziti. I prefer shopping organic too (earth fare, new
leaf market). Publix is also a good alternative and they've been adding organic selections lately. Stay away from fried & processed

stuff, drink plenty water, get your veggies in and 30-60 mins of exercise daily and you're good. 
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by CJ863

Lean chicken breasts, ground turkey, brown rice, pasta, baby spinach leaves, salmon
fruits and veggies. It's pretty easy to eat healthy, just takes discipline.
I like grilling fish on the Foreman joint, but I heard eating fish multiple times a week is bad for you (mercury or something)
And with Turkey, I mean only thing I can think about doing with turkey is turkey burgers.

You guys ever eat buffalo burgers?

And what are you guys thoughts on "organic" foods and spots like Whole Foods? I usually just shop at Publix, which is top notch imo compared to Krogers and stuff.
Plenty of things you can do with turkey. Use it in spaghetti, chili, tacos, ziti. I prefer shopping organic too (earth fare, new
leaf market). Publix is also a good alternative and they've been adding organic selections lately. Stay away from fried & processed

stuff, drink plenty water, get your veggies in and 30-60 mins of exercise daily and you're good. 
Word, eating healthy isn't the issue, I guess it's more so being creative, because just eating a grilled meat and veggie gets old. 
What are you guys thoughts on red meats? I LOVE Steak, but I hear mixed things. I hear you shouldn't eat much of it unless you are bodybuilding, so I was going to cut down to steak once a month, but then on the flip side I hear it isn't bad.
Everything in moderation Lucky. Google some simple recipes and have your go-to meals throughout the week. Just gotta learn to
switch it up and get creative with it.
I juice most my breakfast and lunches. Buying organic (local when available) fruits and produce that spans a week worth of meals for a reasonable price ($80). Then with dinners my grocery bill isn't too bad ($125). Juicing is cool because the favors change with the season and what's available.
Almonds, fruits for snacks

Wheat pasta, brown rice, veggies with some sort of lean meat (turkey, chicken, lean steak, lean ground beef, salmon steak, tuna steak, tilapia filet)

Egg whites for breakfast with a wheat english muffin/bagel/toast. whole grain cereal with low fat milk and a piece of fresh fruit
brown some shallots in a skillet with olive oil, add diced/shredded brussel sprouts, then broccoli and chopped garlic, followed by some shredded cauliflower, crack 2 eggs on the side, mix it in with brown rice and spinach and boom. you have an extremely healthy and extremely filling and extremely tasty bowl of slop. add whatever meat you want as well. i eat this errday.
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