Heroin addiction.


Mar 11, 2014
My little sister's been on this ish for a few years, anybody else got family members on this? Being hit up for money is fun, and if you don't come up with it, it's YOUR fault she sold her body.

and the people she brings around.....heroin addicts are the slimiest of all the addicts, we've got an epidemic up here in the Seattle area, all the 'cool' kids born in the early 90s are on it, a dude named 'Les' asked me if I had any 'dark' at an Earl Sweatshirt show, I was flattered he thought I was a drug dealer.

Seeing your sister at a strip club is interesting, fortunately I was already numb by then and well aware she was a sex worker for a few years at that point, my Dad now often refers to her as her stripper name which is a **** move but also lulzy.

You can't even help a heroin fiend either, My Dad disabled her car and she just ran away and got junkie friends to pick her up. Opioid rage is unbelievable, one day in august when things were coming to a head she pepper sprayed our Mom and then she called the cops before we could, cops picked her up on the side of the road walking holding her little Dachshund/Chihuahua companion dog, they took her to the hospital because of how bad she looked (she's a meth user too) she wound up institutionalized for a few weeks and then returned to groundhogs day, the never ending chase, do a buncha meth, be up for 3 days, turn a **** load of tricks, get a **** load of H/Benzos and sleep for 24 hours, wake up and do it again.

She's like a girl from a Weeknd song on steroids, all she does is lie, con, extort, steal, strip, hook and do drugs, she told the cops, me, my mom and my dad all sexually abuse her, we don't. She used to always threaten me she'd set me up for rape with DNA and pubic hair from my underwear, she's a viper. I doubt anyone will even believe this story....

and before any of you rich kids suggest it, we don't have insurance, we're broke and she's admitted she doesn't want to quit, heroin is her life.
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Don't have any family on it but I encountered one at work. Kinda crazy...she was like 22 but looked 40. She was hooking, stealing, and etc to support her habit. She was also hiv positive and kissing all on her loser bf who didn't even know she had HIV. :smh:

sorry you're dealing with that. Don't wish that on anybody
22, same age as my sister, like I said there's a certain 5 year crop of kids that really got hit by it.
Have you tried telling her to get lost and don't come around no mo'?

That's what I would do. If she is choosing the path of death I don't want to come along for the ride.
Yea it's getting bad in certain areas here in NC. There were like 90+ overdoses in my area this year. Think around 10 of em died

A lot of meth addicts too

2012-2013 only had 30 overdoses combined! **** wild
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Have you tried telling her to get lost and don't come around no mo'?

That's what I would do. If she is choosing the path of death I don't want to come along for the ride.
it becomes a lot more complicated when you're actually living it then imagining it, no one loves her, no one cares about her, as much of a 'bad guy' as drug addiction has made her out to be we feel sorry for her because she's completely and utterly hopeless, she has no future, her 'friends' are dealers, johns and strip club managers, I don't expect her to live much longer, I'd like her to be able to die feeling like someone still loves her as nasty and conniving as she is.

She went down to Vegas unannounced last month and now says she's gonna try and move down there so we'll see, my Mom was pissed that that car (in my mom's name) was no where to be found for a week while she was in Vegas stripping and whoring, she's (my mom) talked to the cops about it but since my dad GAVE her the key after she got out of the looney bin and claimed she was done with drugs for good (yeah, my Dad's a chump) anyway since the keys were handed to her willingly the coppers said it's a domestic issue and the car cannot be reported stolen...
Damn fam I can't imagine what you're dealing with this sounds crazy
it is, thanks for the condolences, all I can do is try and use the experience to better myself as a person and an artist and to dedicate myself to success and not going down the drain the way she has.

it's also taught me some skills on quickly identifying the people I don't want around me.
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I'm 24 so I know the age bracket you referred to earlier, it's a terrible drug a lot of of people in my area are dropping like flys. The worse thing about it is once you in it you in it, no turning back. I feel for your sister man I lost a good friend a few years back that was a user, it was sad he was only 18.
I work part time at a rehab and this heroin epidemic is no joke. You have to set a boundary with her, an ultimatum if you have too. Intervention maybe? She has to want to change, she has to want it for herself.

Does she have any psychological issues?
This is the problem in life. We have family members that just never get right. Never. But as a family member we are supposed to give chance after chance after chance. Even though it might suck resources, energy, life, and time from you. At what point do you just say, "I am DONE." Balancing that is hard man. I have dealt with it in other ways but people look at you like, "You are supposed to support _____ no matter what." Yea it is easy for YOU to say that because you don't have to deal with it.
Pop got caught in the crack epidemic (hit Houston after it went thru DC and the east coast ) and uncle got laced with something when smoking green with some friends and was in the wrong path for about ten years...

I feel ya pain, famb. Its tough to deal with...

And no matter what, they won't change until they see fit...
Sorry to hear you are dealing with this OP, hope it will work out for her and your family. While not my immediate family, my uncle and aunt are heavy cocaine users and it tore their family apart. Hate to see anyone going through this.
Tough situation. At the end of the day, she's locked into a viscious cycle that she doesn't even have a grasp on anymore.

It's a disease and usually at that point they need help, outside themselves, to really quit.

It's a delicate situation.

I definitely wouldn't turn my back on my sis, though..

Not saying OP has.

Wish the best for her and OP.
My little sister's been on this ish for a few years, anybody else got family members on this? Being hit up for money is fun, and if you don't come up with it, it's YOUR fault she sold her body.

and the people she brings around.....heroin addicts are the slimiest of all the addicts, we've got an epidemic up here in the Seattle area, all the 'cool' kids born in the early 90s are on it, a dude named 'Les' asked me if I had any 'dark' at an Earl Sweatshirt show, I was flattered he thought I was a drug dealer.

Seeing your sister at a strip club is interesting, fortunately I was already numb by then and well aware she was a sex worker for a few years at that point, my Dad now often refers to her as her stripper name which is a **** move but also lulzy.

You can't even help a heroin fiend either, My Dad disabled her car and she just ran away and got junkie friends to pick her up. Opioid rage is unbelievable, one day in august when things were coming to a head she pepper sprayed our Mom and then she called the cops before we could, cops picked her up on the side of the road walking holding her little Dachshund/Chihuahua companion dog, they took her to the hospital because of how bad she looked (she's a meth user too) she wound up institutionalized for a few weeks and then returned to groundhogs day, the never ending chase, do a buncha meth, be up for 3 days, turn a **** load of tricks, get a **** load of H/Benzos and sleep for 24 hours, wake up and do it again.

She's like a girl from a Weeknd song on steroids, all she does is lie, con, extort, steal, strip, hook and do drugs, she told the cops, me, my mom and my dad all sexually abuse her, we don't. She used to always threaten me she'd set me up for rape with DNA and pubic hair from my underwear, she's a viper. I doubt anyone will even believe this story....

and before any of you rich kids suggest it, we don't have insurance, we're broke and she's admitted she doesn't want to quit, heroin is her life.

It's obvious she only cares about herself and no one else, only herself. she treats you and your parents in the most disgusting manner, that's not love. :smh: it looks like it's time to cut her out of the family completely, it's for the best of the family, before she destroys all your lives. It's not like you all haven't tried to help her. She doesn't want the help or the love, all she wants is to take from and use you all, then she turns around and attacks her own parents and siblings when she doesn't get her own way, she has no morals. it's sad to say but she is that wrapped up in her selfish ways, she even seems to see her own family as mere "tricks" just another group of people to take advantage of and exploit. Get rid of her. You don't need people like that in your life |I
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Sounds like she only cares about herself and no one else, she treats you and your parents the most disgusting way, it looks like it's time to cut her out the family, before she destroys your lives.

when it comes to situations like this... it's very hard to say whether that's her, or the drugs.

yall need to understand how SERIOUS addiction can be, mayne... that **** aint no joke.
Yea she is on drugs, her mind can't be judged on a normal scale enough for you to say she only cares for herself.
all I can say is pray for her or if you get the fund$$$$$$$ to send her to rehab or know of any places where she would pull a 180 do it. but for the most part once your addicted to sweets there is no going back. just try to spend a lot of time with her and give her the proper treatment she needs. most of those people are trying to feel a void because someone isn't there for them so try to reach out to her before she od
Yea she is on drugs, her mind can't be judged on a normal scale enough for you to say she only cares for herself.

Look at her actions. I've known plenty of drug addicts. Heroin addicts, that would never dream of doing this to their family, they go away from them and live the life they choose to live, they don't make everyone else suffer for their life style/choices, they know what's right and wrong. They may do what they feel they have to do, but you don't treat your family like this, no exceptions. She is scum. Disgusting :x :smh: lay down with snakes and get bitten.
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Look at her actions. I've known plenty of drug addicts. Heroin addicts, that would never dream of doing this to their family, they go away from them and live the life they choose to live, they don't make everyone else suffer for their life style/choices, they know what's right and wrong. They may do what they feel they have to do, but you don't treat your family like this, no exceptions. She is scum. Disgusting
You are oversimplifying it man.

Her mind is altered. You cannot judge her decision making as if she is of a sound mindset.

Simple concept man.
Let me guess. She started on marijuana and moved up to stronger drugs over time? 
You are oversimplifying it man.

Her mind is altered. You cannot judge her decision making as if she is of a sound mindset.

Simple concept man.
also true.
Look at her actions. I've known plenty of drug addicts. Heroin addicts, that would never dream of doing this to their family, they go away from them and live the life they choose to live, they don't make everyone else suffer for their life style/choices, they know what's right and wrong. They may do what they feel they have to do, but you don't treat your family like this, no exceptions. She is scum. Disgusting
lay down with snakes and get bitten.
Yeah, other area addicts have even apologized to my Mom because they feel so sorry for her as my sister is a super mega alpha fiend/*****, even other junkies know she's next level, she used to be very attractive and that helped her get into such a deep hole, it's always the best looking ones that become lifelong fiends, too many free drugs, too much escorting $ from dorky Microsoft baby boomers.
Let me guess. She started on marijuana and moved up to stronger drugs over time? 
LOL, you must not do drugs at all, I'm the biggest weed smoker in the state of Washington and I've never even snorted coke, she was a big coke head a few years ago, before her looks went she was making good money escorting, coke was her gateway drug, coke is the real gateway drug, weed is child's play.
It's obvious she only cares about herself and no one else, only herself. she treats you and your parents in the most disgusting manner, that's not love.
it looks like it's time to cut her out of the family completely, it's for the best of the family, before she destroys all your lives. It's not like you all haven't tried to help her. She doesn't want the help or the love, all she wants is to take from and use you all, then she turns around and attacks her own parents and siblings when she doesn't get her own way, she has no morals. it's sad to say but she is that wrapped up in her selfish ways, she even seems to see her own family as mere "tricks" just another group of people to take advantage of and exploit. Get rid of her. You don't need people like that in your life
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