Hey fellas... what if...

Dec 3, 2009
...it was 2020 or so and you're exactly the man you wanna be, rii....? You're charming, BALLING, and all that.. you're not a bachellor, you're Mr. Bachellor.......then you get into a car wreck... damn
 .... now they gotta amputate your best friend. Yup, say bye bye to your sex life...

But wait! There's hope

Being that it's 2020 and all, there's some radical procedure that would allow you to recieve a transplant. But of course, the transplant would be a different race and/ or not be the same size. Would you take the random transplant, or go the rest of youe perfect life without one?

Have fun with that one
I mean, I would miss the foot and what not (pause-able) ...and my swag would be reduced by like 30%, but its all good. At least I can.
where do ya'll come up with this stuff?

a member(even if it's not the one I was born with) > no member
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

DCAllAmerican's got all these people coming up with crazy @%* scenario's

 that dude man....most random threads ever.  I do find them interesting, and entertaining though 
Originally Posted by hellaones

where do ya'll come up with this stuff?

a member(even if it's not the one I was born with) > no member

:I was smoking out with my dudes sometime inbetween xmas and new year and it just popped back into my head as i was on here...soooooo... yeah

And I agree.
Nah winter always came up with random threads..no comment as far as an answer is concerned. I'd have to be in that position.
I would just get that foreign penis.....

The point of life is to have sex........ well that is really important.
Man, I dunno. Randomly? I don't want to end up with one of those boomerang looking dongs.
Straight up I'll probably never be the man I want to be, there will always be flaws and yearning for something more no matter how successful I get.

Life is to be lived by the moment and not by a picture of the future but if you live life by the moment you will have a significant future. Ya dig?
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

...it was 2020 or so and you're exactly the man you wanna be, rii....? You're charming, BALLING, and all that.. you're not a bachellor, you're Mr. Bachellor

Give me that asian penis...I gotta stick my pipe in something that gonna keep my girl coming back.

Slick talker + something between your legs = female company.
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