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Has anyone gain their sense of smell back?


Recovering from the loss

The good news is that olfactory neurons are capable of regeneration. The bad news is that not everyone will return to his or her pre-COVID level of functioning. And, sadly, some of us might never regain our sense of smell or taste at all. According to some experts, patients with post-viral loss of smell have roughly a 60% to 80% chance of regaining some of their smell function within a year. Since the sense of smell usually diminishes due to age, the recovery could take longer and be less than complete for older adults.

Recovering from the loss

The good news is that olfactory neurons are capable of regeneration. The bad news is that not everyone will return to his or her pre-COVID level of functioning. And, sadly, some of us might never regain our sense of smell or taste at all. According to some experts, patients with post-viral loss of smell have roughly a 60% to 80% chance of regaining some of their smell function within a year. Since the sense of smell usually diminishes due to age, the recovery could take longer and be less than complete for older adults.
Not what I wanted to read but I’ll take my life>everything else. My 9 year old has it too but he has 0 symptoms thank god.

They forgot the clap at 7pm for essential workers.
I've officially become one of those people who drives around by himself with a mask on, but I only do it AFTER leaving a store or a public area where I touched something.

I've realized I have a habit of mindlessly touching my face, so my new rule is that the mask doesn't come off until I'm home and I've washed my hands.

Girlfriend gave me the stink face yesterday after I went inside the Greek spot to pick up dinner, but she dealt with my neurosis well enough. :lol:
I've officially become one of those people who drives around by himself with a mask on, but I only do it AFTER leaving a store or a public area where I touched something.

I've realized I have a habit of mindlessly touching my face, so my new rule is that the mask doesn't come off until I'm home and I've washed my hands.

Girlfriend gave me the stink face yesterday after I went inside the Greek spot to pick up dinner, but she dealt with my neurosis well enough. :lol:

🤣 I just keep a big squirt bottle of hand sanitizer in my cup holder. First thing I do before touching anything including taking my mask off, sans doorhandle.
Organizers of the annual World Economic Forum event in Davos, Switzerland, have again changed their planned venue for next year’s edition, announcing it will now take place in Singapore in May — a sign that the COVID-19 crisis has played havoc with planning.

Forum leaders in early October had said the elite gathering that usually takes place in the frigid climes of the Swiss Alps every January would be held in the Swiss city of Lucerne and nearby town of Buergenstock in May next year, delayed because of the pandemic.

“The change in location reflects the Forum’s priority of safeguarding the health and safety of participants and the host community,” managing director Adrian Monck said. “After careful consideration, and in light of the current situation with regards to COVID-19 cases, it was decided that Singapore was best placed to hold the meeting.”

"yeah, let's just risk the lives of asian people instead"

It'd be a funny headline if it wasn't so sad.

like most of his useless executives orders

for some context, we are discussing a $500B - $2.3T bailout package. spending a couple $B as a vaccine hedge is what most would call common sense when faced with the worst global pandemic in 100 years

especially given Trump's entire strategy was to deploy a vaccine instead of spread-mitigation efforts. to turn down this kind of offer from an established pharmaceutical company as likely as any to develop an effective vaccine is mind-bogglingly dumb and very on brand
If it makes u feel better I’m about on day 7-8 and I can taste a little bit today and the sore throat is gone.
Did you get your sense of smell back? I can taste sweet, salty, etc. but not the actual food. I can’t smell anything. I can smell hints of chemically made products. Shampoos and what not. It’s so weird. I smoke bud everyday, and I can’t even smell or taste weed. I haven’t gotten a Covid test. I do take it every other month before my surgeries. The weird part is, I cancelled all my surgeries for the rest of the year to avoid Covid. I’ve been ordering from door dash and I honestly think that’s how I may possibly have gotten it. So whack man...
Did you get your sense of smell back? I can taste sweet, salty, etc. but not the actual food. I can’t smell anything. I can smell hints of chemically made products. Shampoos and what not. It’s so weird. I smoke bud everyday, and I can’t even smell or taste weed. I haven’t gotten a Covid test. I do take it every other month before my surgeries. The weird part is, I cancelled all my surgeries for the rest of the year to avoid Covid. I’ve been ordering from door dash and I honestly think that’s how I may possibly have gotten it. So whack man...
Hope you have a speedy recovery. Hang in there and if your symptoms haven’t been bad yet, you might just be in for a mild case.
Were you throwing out all food packaging upon delivery and being careful not to touch the food inside with your hands?
I’ve always wondered at the possibility of it spreading by food but have read that it’s highly unlikely. Though I wonder if ingesting a contaminated food can lead to those stomach symptoms people have been experiencing
Not what I wanted to read but I’ll take my life>everything else. My 9 year old has it too but he has 0 symptoms thank god.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Wear a mask around your kid.If you are symptomatic. Luckily everyone I’ve spoken to who’s children have tested positive have had no symptoms and they recover quickly
Hope you have a speedy recovery. Hang in there and if your symptoms haven’t been bad yet, you might just be in for a mild case.
Were you throwing out all food packaging upon delivery and being careful not to touch the food inside with your hands?
I’ve always wondered at the possibility of it spreading by food but have read that it’s highly unlikely. Though I wonder if ingesting a contaminated food can lead to those stomach symptoms people have been experiencing
Could be a lot of things to be honest. I do door dash with my dad from time to time. He has bad eyes at night, so I help him out. We’ll be watching the workers through the fast food drive thru’s, and almost all the time, they don’t change their gloves. They make your food and use the same gloves while working the register... lol.

I haven’t been careful with the packaging, honestly. Last thing I did order was some chips and salsa. Only way to eat it is by hand. I did get a little fever prior to losing my sense of smell. As well as cough and cold. It’s pretty much gone now. Just can’t smell anything. Feels like my nose is congested. Thanks by the way
Did you get your sense of smell back? I can taste sweet, salty, etc. but not the actual food. I can’t smell anything. I can smell hints of chemically made products. Shampoos and what not. It’s so weird. I smoke bud everyday, and I can’t even smell or taste weed. I haven’t gotten a Covid test. I do take it every other month before my surgeries. The weird part is, I cancelled all my surgeries for the rest of the year to avoid Covid. I’ve been ordering from door dash and I honestly think that’s how I may possibly have gotten it. So whack man...
Nah I can’t smell a thing.
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