Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Those who got it, have mild symptoms and recovering at home, how do you eat? Is someone else dropping off the food outside your door? I can't imagine if you're by youself, how do you even cook/eat? You definitely cannot go outside.
Found one of my coworker’s conservative Instagram influencer page.

dude protested at a medical clinic in front of people getting covid tests because it’s a fake pandemic. His reasoning was that he got it and it wasn’t that bad.

this country sucks.

The problem is each person reacts differently when they get the virus. If this infection doesn't cause hospitalization or simply just like a flu, then I can relate to that statement. Your coworker is lucky if he didn't experience any severe symptoms. Unfortunately, that's not necessary the case for others. My coworker's wife showed symptoms, and of course he tested positive too, but he did not show any symptoms.
Those who got it, have mild symptoms and recovering at home, how do you eat? Is someone else dropping off the food outside your door? I can't imagine if you're by youself, how do you even cook/eat? You definitely cannot go outside.
I don’t leave my room and my son doesn’t leave his. Only for the bathroom. My girl somehow tested negative... twice. Sleeping in the same bed, kissing and hugging all on the kid and she didn’t catch it. She leaves the food by the door like I’m a prisoner or animal :lol: and is taking care of all my needs for real.
Found one of my coworker’s conservative Instagram influencer page.

dude protested at a medical clinic in front of people getting covid tests because it’s a fake pandemic. His reasoning was that he got it and it wasn’t that bad.

this country sucks.
i hope somebody is keeping receipts.

we can give a pass to children but everybody else who is denying science, spreading disinformation, putting others at risk, etc. needs to be on a wall of shame for life.

this reminds me of that guy in the movie Contagion who was selling a fake cure. this isn't harmless. this is leading to deaths. this is prolonging and amplifying the misery of the pandemic. this is ruining lives.

“Even with a 95 percent vaccine efficacy rate, some people will get COVID despite getting vaccinated.”

what’s the point of talking the vaccine if you can possibly still get sick

also what ever happened to the nose nose spray vaccine ?
did it ever get to be tested ?
what’s the point of talking the vaccine if you can possibly still get sick
If you were playing russian roullette and could decrease your chance of getting shot from 1 in 6 to 1 in 120, you wouldn't take it?

also, in the case that you do get infected, it seems to reduce the severity of the illness. so in russian roullette it would mean pointing the gun at your head with 1 in 6 odds versus pointing it at your pinky toe with 1 in 120 odds.

and the bigger point isn't to protect yourself. the point of herd immunity is that, if enough people take the vaccine, the virus will eventually disappear. unlike now, where it's spreading and infecting more and more people. so it's like pointing the gun at your head with 1 in 6 odds and every day somebody brings you a new gun until you die versus pointing it at your pinky toe with 1 in 120 odds and after a couple weeks people run out of guns.

“Even with a 95 percent vaccine efficacy rate, some people will get COVID despite getting vaccinated.”

what’s the point of talking the vaccine if you can possibly still get sick

also what ever happened to the nose nose spray vaccine ?
did it ever get to be tested ?
I've said this a million times over and people still don't understand it: you have a 95% chance of protecting yourself from COVID just by getting the vaccine, you have a 0% chance by not getting the vaccine; take your pick. If you're gonna refuse medical/surgical/pharmaceutical interventions because they're not 100% effective, you'd might as well throw all of modern medicine out the window.

I won't bother beating down on you with the concept of herd immunity since whywesteppin whywesteppin already beat me to it, but also factor in how this will impact the rate at which COVID will be transmitted to other people.
I've heard nothing about the vaccine at my hospital.

But at my sister's, she tells me that the employees signed up for a lottery. Half of the staff will be vaccinated at random per the lottery. She signed up and doesn't know yet if she'll get it.
lottery system is wild to me
my hospital it goes by priority of who is most exposed and who is high risk
I take flu vaccine every year, and I still got sick. BUT, I believe if I don't take the vaccine, I could get worse from the flu. Im hoping the same for the covid's vaccine.

My local county is officially at 0% ICU capacity. as of today Yet, I still see full of people at the skate park, playground, school practice. My local hospital is also stretched out on nursing staffs. Soon, we, the non-clinical staffs, would have to help out at some capacity. Damn, Im freaking out.
I take flu vaccine every year, and I still got sick. BUT, I believe if I don't take the vaccine, I could get worse from the flu. Im hoping the same for the covid's vaccine.

My local county is officially at 0% ICU capacity. as of today Yet, I still see full of people at the skate park, playground, school practice. My local hospital is also stretched out on nursing staffs. Soon, we, the non-clinical staffs, would have to help out at some capacity. Damn, Im freaking out.
Be safe bro
We're now averaging 200,000 cases every day. 2200 Americans are dying every day. And neither number is showing signs of slowing. 3000 dying on Christmas is looking likely. But it's ok. I hope that ******* unseasoned dry turkey on Thanksgiving was worth it.

lottery system is wild to me
my hospital it goes by priority of who is most exposed and who is high risk
If it were up to me. ER people get it first and whoever is taking care of immunocompromised ppl.

The hospitals that were hardest hit during the first wave should take priority over other hospitals.

During the highest peak of the virus, my sister's hospital was covid central and my hospital really didn't get a lot of covid cases. Her hospital was a high patient turnover hospital and my hospital actually slowed down admissions during the spring peak
I'm mad that that usa didn't buy 100m additional doses of the pfizer vaccine

The USA has bought 800 mil doses from 6 different manufacturers....but we don't even know if the remaining 3 vaccines will even work
I'm mad that that usa didn't buy 100m additional doses of the pfizer vaccine

The USA has bought 800 mil doses from 6 different manufacturers....but we don't even know if the remaining 3 vaccines will even work
To be fair, we didn’t know if any of them would work until a few weeks ago so it’s not unreasonable to diversify. Do you have the figures on which ones were pre-purchased?
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