Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Yup I've done away with handshakes forever and my mask game is stronger than avg.
Another one of the benefits of COVID times. No more handshakes, hugs, kisses on the cheek, etc. to distant family members and acquaintances.

Hate when random people touch me. Had to tell a few coworkers to keep their hands off of me before COVID was ever a thing.
Another one of the benefits of COVID times. No more handshakes, hugs, kisses on the cheek, etc. to distant family members and acquaintances.

Hate when random people touch me. Had to tell a few coworkers to keep their hands off of me before COVID was ever a thing.
I blame the colloquial hugging on F.R.I.E.N.D.S. These ****ers earned billions on syndication, while I was forced to hug acquaintances at get-togethers I didn't even wanna be at.
Another thing you won’t have to worry about is that RNA translates into a protein outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm so there’s no risk of integration. Your DNA remains safe.
Also important to note that the data from Pfizer is looking at the vaccine preventing disease, we don’t know yet if it can prevent infection. We only have the recipe to replicate the spike protein.
Its truly amazing how these vaccines work just by delivering a message to our cells and have them start building a protein.
As soon as I get vaccinated and we're mostly in the clear. I'm ditching the mask. Hopefully by summer.
Maybe I'll continue to wear it during cold/flu season and on a plane but I don't get sick often and when I do it's not even that bad, so I'm cool with operating the same as I was before.
I’m confused. If it doesn’t prevent infection then how can People walk around with no mask after the vaccine? Or how is it still unknown at this point if the vaccine has already been rolled out.
I’m confused. If it doesn’t prevent infection then how can People walk around with no mask after the vaccine? Or how is it still unknown at this point if the vaccine has already been rolled out.

Based on preliminary phase 3 trial results, the Pfizer vaccine prevented symptomatic infection in 95% of participants who received the vaccine. Since they only tested those who developed symptoms, there is no data to confirm whether the vaccine prevents people from contracting the disease or just from having symptoms. It is possible that you could still be infectious while your immune system is actively fighting off the virus and you never show symptoms, but there is simply no data to say for sure. As I mentioned previously, the Oxford AstraZeneca trial tested all participants regularly, but Moderna and Pfizer only tested those who showed symptoms.
Based on preliminary phase 3 trial results, the Pfizer vaccine prevented symptomatic infection in 95% of participants who received the vaccine. Since they only tested those who developed symptoms, there is no data to confirm whether the vaccine prevents people from contracting the disease or just from having symptoms. It is possible that you could still be infectious while your immune system is actively fighting off the virus and you never show symptoms, but there is simply no data to say for sure. As I mentioned previously, the Oxford AstraZeneca trial tested all participants regularly, but Moderna and Pfizer only tested those who showed symptoms.
So some of the people in the trial that received the vaccine could have been asymptomatic?
My boys mom was in treatment with David schwimmer. 10 years later dude is still turning up to family functions. :lol:

he’s legit.
thats awesome
My friend is a pro BMXer and one of his teammates went to AA meetings with the flute girl from American Pie.

He ended up smashing. :lol:
i thought this was a double post and ole boy smashed mr.schwimmer lmaooo :evil:
So some of the people in the trial that received the vaccine could have been asymptomatic?

Yes, but without testing we will never know. Hopefully that is something they are able to determine going forward. Obviously, it is most important that we prevent severe disease and death, but in order for full herd immunity so we can protect immune compromised individuals who are unable to be vaccinated (and those who think they're smarter than they really are and don't want to be vaccinated) the vaccine would also prevent asymptomatic disease where the individual is still infectious.
Yes, but without testing we will never know. Hopefully that is something they are able to determine going forward. Obviously, it is most important that we prevent severe disease and death, but in order for full herd immunity so we can protect immune compromised individuals who are unable to be vaccinated (and those who think they're smarter than they really are and don't want to be vaccinated) the vaccine would also prevent asymptomatic disease where the individual is still infectious.
Thanks for the info. Seems like not testing the entire trial group whether symptomatic or asymptomatic is a big thing to skip over.
I know there is still not much we know about asymptomatic spread of the virus but for someone getting vaccinated and still possibly getting infected afterwards as asymptomatic all the while not wearing a mask and possibly spreading it can turn into a big problem
Another one of the benefits of COVID times. No more handshakes, hugs, kisses on the cheek, etc. to distant family members and acquaintances.

Hate when random people touch me. Had to tell a few coworkers to keep their hands off of me before COVID was ever a thing.
middle east and Europe will be in shambles if they can't kiss 2-3 times at every greeting.
Thanks for the info. Seems like not testing the entire trial group whether symptomatic or asymptomatic is a big thing to skip over.
I know there is still not much we know about asymptomatic spread of the virus but for someone getting vaccinated and still possibly getting infected afterwards as asymptomatic all the while not wearing a mask and possibly spreading it can turn into a big problem

While I agree that it would have been ideal if they tested all trial participants on a regular basis, I'm not sure that's ever been something that has been a normal part of vaccine trials in the past.

Damn they got me waaaay in the back of the line

LOL, you're even behind the kids that they haven't tested a vaccine on yet!
Assuming these vaccines are reducing transmission, which is likely, if we hit 30-40% vaccinated (especially if it's been targeted to the hubs of infection like front-line workers) and throw in those who have immunity from prior infection and the benefits of spring weather, then the cases should plummet and I could see indoor dining and other things returning, even if you haven't been vaccinated yourself.

We could very well be reopening by Easter. 2021.
i was also way in the back of the line and had me wondering does that line take into account those that are anti maskers, covid deniers, and anti vaxxers? or are the under the assumption that everybody is going to want the vaccine? should shorten the line if we remove the dumbasses.
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