Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I think the idea is that homeless people are spreaders, that's why they're up higher on the priority list

I assumed it was because they are more at risk due to the fact that they don't have place to shelter and stay safe. Prisoners are also considered high risk because they are in confined spaces and simply cannot distance appropriately. Regardless of the circumstances that got either of these groups into their current situation, they are more likely to be offered the vaccine before most of us because they are in a higher risk group.
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This guy was likely posted here before
Great insights snd retweets. Too much to post here.
For the states refusing to shutdown, are they naturally decreasing on their own? Why aren’t things running wild in some area? I’ve always been intrigued by this. Wisconsin went from a top surge spot in America, same with ND. And their measures were minimal, if at all. Sadly we’re going to come to find NYC not peaking until after the holidays. Even with shutdowns, this one feels uncontrollable.

Some states on the declining list literally did nothing. And some went full on lockdown. Almost same result
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Breakdown of the first 170k doses coming to NY:

Of the 170,000 doses for New York: 72,000 doses will go to New York City, 26,500 to Long Island, and 19,200 to the Mid-Hudson region

Might be coming to NY as fast as this weekend.

Oh. And Cuomo wants nursing homes first.
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This guy was likely posted here before
Great insights snd retweets. Too much to post here.
For the states refusing to shutdown, are they naturally decreasing on their own? Why aren’t things running wild in some area? I’ve always been intrigued by this. Wisconsin went from a top surge spot in America, same with ND. And their measures were minimal, if at all. Sadly we’re going to come to find NYC not peaking until after the holidays. Even with shutdowns, this one feels uncontrollable.

Some states on the declining list literally did nothing. And some went full on lockdown. Almost same result
Yeah it's complicated and I haven't seen a succinct explanation to tie it all together.

Here's my take. I think there's a lot of factors, and it's very difficult to directly link one variable with the outcome because so many other things could be changing or at play.

For example, how much would a mask mandate help? It depends. If the population is already paying attention and workplaces, stores, and schools are already requiring masks, well it doesn't really matter if the city or state imposes a mask mandate.

Same for indoor dining. In March, everybody stopped going out to eat, regardless of whether restrictions were in place. People also stopped seeing friends or riding public transportation. Contrast this with November, when restrictions were put in place but people were still seeing friends and gathering.

The other big factor is the idea of critical mass. It seems covid-19 can smolder in a community for a while without causing much damage. However, once it hits the right superspreader, then it takes off and can go from 10 cases to 1000 cases in a week. Put another way -- normally covid would go from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 people. But throw in a superspreader, and it goes from 2 to 100, then that goes to 200 to 400 to 800. It makes sense then that, in a dense place like NYC, it's going to hit those superspreaders quickly, so we get a spike in March. In North Dakota, though, it may take months before it hits that superspreader, which didn't happen until September.

And then, when family and friends start getting sick and going to the ICU, it doesn't matter what the governor says or whether things are open or not. People start getting scared and people stay home. I mentioned this before -- the day Trump went to the hospital with covid-19 is the first day I saw everybody wearing masks... outdoors. These dynamics operate largely independently of mandates, and they evolve predictably once an area gets hit hard.

Whether a city or state is on top of things with restrictions and vigilance and masks and stuff, we're still going to see a peak, like those numbers climbing in New York, but it may make the difference between 800 people dying each day in April and 80 dying each day in December.
More than 3000 deaths reported today. I think we'll have many days in December that pass 3000.

Midwest seems to be coming down from its peak but the rest of the country, especially Cali, is still rising rapidly:

we're about to witness a bunch (more) hysteria and misinformation once people start getting the vaccine

every sneeze, cough, itch a vaccinated individual has will automatically be attributed to it
It is gonna be a **** show

Millions of people will take the vaccine and have no major adverse reactions, but the few people that do, it will be signal boosted everywhere.

Can't wait for the same people that argued Covid is no big deal because it has an under 2% death rate; then argue vaccines are dangerous when the adverse reaction rate will probably be a fraction of a percent best.

Fun times and tons of buffoonery ahead.
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Just listened to NPR’s consider this podcast and they said a studied claimed that it would take over 75% of the country’s population to be vaccinated to get this situation under control but that according to a PEW survey, 40% of those who took the survey are against taking it.
I just want to know how do we beat this virus, if people are careless with mask and not wanting to take the Vaccine.

I feel like this will never end man

Between those of us who want to be vaccinated and those who would rather get their immunity the natural way, it WILL end at some point. Until there is enough vaccine to go around, you just gotta be as careful as you can possibly be. It’s no time to be taking risks now that we know safe and effective vaccines are on the way...
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