Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Just so we don't all get fooled into thinking every vaccine trial is going to go smooth, there have been 2 recently that did not. Unfortunately, it happens to be that one of them has $2.1B in Warp Speed funding behind it.
I just hope you guys who have been saying you don’t think vaccines could safely be made this quickly leave the first shots for those of us who have been riding for them all this time. It very well could be that the first ones (Pfizer and Moderna) out the gate end up being the best and those that take several years are less efficacious. Only time will tell.
What I honestly need help with understanding is......

We're in a worse place then we were in May.


I am now pro communist.

I dont trust yall to do anything right.

I feel bad for small businesses that are shutting down but people are selfish morons we could’ve been on the way to full recovery months ago but this country is full of idiots from the bottom to the very top. One step forward two steps backward because muh constihtooshun.
What I honestly need help with understanding is......

We're in a worse place then we were in May.


I am now pro communist.

I dont trust yall to do anything right.

all for it if them mf’ers would cough up a check.

Our government would lock us all in our houses and tell us to play that new mobile mega millions and EAD because they gotta fund space force.

Me... >D

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Being offered the vaccine at work, they’re asking for volunteers for this first wave. I’ll get it sooner rather than later, but I’m good on the first public batch.
Wonder how Florida is doing with the numbers since everything is open there smh.
numbers are high down here, in Florida, but not terrible in specific areas. I'm in Orlando. Hasnt actually been that bad. Pretty interesting, but people have been pretty responsible down here around this area. Masks everywhere, despite Desantis. And social distancing. For the most part, Disney is taking it really serious. Places are less crowded. Less tourists have been coming. So mostly locals. I've gone to the movie mad times. Typically just 3-4 of us in there at any given time. So it really depends on the area of Florida
We’re going to cross over 300k deaths today 😕
Needless deaths because the US refuses to treat patients and prefers to let them die than use existing drugs.

Several drugs are proven clinically effective in the treatment and prevention of fatalities, and hospitals refuse to use them i.e. Ivermectin.
Needless deaths because the US refuses to treat patients and prefers to let them die than use existing drugs.

Several drugs are proven clinically effective in the treatment and prevention of fatalities, and hospitals refuse to use them i.e. Ivermectin.


How about the federal government (Trump and his idiots) could provide a monthly check to the people, pay for more vaccines, and have a coordinated response with every state to tell people to wear a mask and social distance

If Ivermectin or Hydxroqolurine had clinical evidence that they worked, hospitals/doctors would be using them just like now it is standard to treat patients with remdesivir, convalescent plasma, and dexamethasone when in march these treatments were relatively unknown/going through a testing phase
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