Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I am still completely baffled by the USs lack of testing - I mean, I get it, as little Donny said often the more you test the worse it looks but I'm getting really fed up with people saying "oh, it's just a cold..." - when they have no clue.

At work (when I'll be back there after next week anyway) we have a new low threshold for any respiratory symptoms - and they get put back a couple of weeks unless it's sight threatening disease - then we have a pathway for that. I had a guy last week who answered yes to a couple of the screening questions - he'd had a cough for a few weeks. I asked if he'd had a test and he said yes - a month ago when he was going on vacation. Makes me mumble bad words.

And that's around here where there is free NHS testing all over the place and they hand out free rapid tests basically everywhere - in the US you have the added complication of tests being hard to get and/or expensive.
I am still completely baffled by the USs lack of testing - I mean, I get it, as little Donny said often the more you test the worse it looks but I'm getting really fed up with people saying "oh, it's just a cold..." - when they have no clue.

At work (when I'll be back there after next week anyway) we have a new low threshold for any respiratory symptoms - and they get put back a couple of weeks unless it's sight threatening disease - then we have a pathway for that. I had a guy last week who answered yes to a couple of the screening questions - he'd had a cough for a few weeks. I asked if he'd had a test and he said yes - a month ago when he was going on vacation. Makes me mumble bad words.

And that's around here where there is free NHS testing all over the place and they hand out free rapid tests basically everywhere - in the US you have the added complication of tests being hard to get and/or expensive.

You should’ve seen what it was like here last March/April. While most developed countries had testing centers set up every few blocks, I never once saw any signs or received any news of where to go get tested. I was fortunate enough to have the time and resources to track down where to go, but for people without cars or access to reliable public transportation (which is most of the US), I can see how hard it must have been to get tested back then.

Of course it’s easier now, but at least here in Chicago, reliable rapid tests are often sold out, and the free tests available at pharmacies don’t always have availability or give timely results. It’s a shame that people need to pay for a basic test these days when it used to be free earlier in the year.

The positive about the US is that vaccines are available damn near everywhere by appointment. People have no excuse to not get vaccinated when it’s so readily available, but an ignorant population that routinely drinks,eats, and overdoses itself to death thinks that the vaccine can’t be trusted…
it's been 3 weeks since cases started shooting up. cases are 10x where they were, hospitalizations are double, and deaths are:

NYC deaths.png

the vaccines work.
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my supervisor just texted me saying we have to wear a mask when walking around except when at our desk... before if you were vaccinated you didn't have to wear a mask... all good with COVID spiking I don't mind at all... the owner just being cautious... she also texted me saying we can work from home next week... I'm off this whole week so I'll pick up my laptop on Monday on company time... I'm not wasting my vacation to go to the office just to pick up my laptop lol...
my supervisor just texted me saying we have to wear a mask when walking around except when at our desk... before if you were vaccinated you didn't have to wear a mask... all good with COVID spiking I don't mind at all... the owner just being cautious... she also texted me saying we can work from home next week... I'm off this whole week so I'll pick up my laptop on Monday on company time... I'm not wasting my vacation to go to the office just to pick up my laptop lol...
Allowing masks off at your desk is so ignorant. That’s like saying you can only smoke at your desk. Aerosols spread in exhaled air much farther than your immediate vicinity.
^ while i agree with you but i dont want to wear a mask all day while at work... i did it for 1 day and it just wasnt comfortable... we wear it though if we are at our desk and someone is talking to us at our desk... then we wear our mask... but if its just you at your desk then no mask...what they should do is cut the staff and have half the company come in 2 days while the other half comes in the other 2 days...but i doubt that... they wouldnt even let me work from home and gave me a hard time even though i told them my pops just had open heart surgery
It's getting real dark lol

Government really needs to figure out a way to compensate people with kids. If you don’t have family and no longer have leave who is watching the kids? How can people afford this?!

Yeah my federal job had paid leave in place until the end of September, but now….nada. Makes absolutely zero sense, especially considering the bulk of it was available during last school year and the summer when a ton of kids weren’t in the Petri dishes called schools (less opportunities to catch/spread the virus).

Honestly I’m not even worried about the health aspect of COVID since I’m 3x vaxxed. I’m not trying to burn through my leave! I need these vacations, although Omarion will likely put a pause on those too…again. :smh::smh::lol:
Thanks man. So far just some fatigue, slight cough, and crazy sore throat past 3 days or so. Nothing like the first time back in April 2020.
That’s right I forgot you had been infected way back then. Assume you’ve also been vaccinated and boosted?
If prior infection + 2 doses + booster won’t protect you, none of us stand a chance against infection. Maybe I missed it, but do you know how you likely got exposed?

Employee holiday party about a week ago most likely.

I like to think I'm fairly healthy too. Do an annual physical. No meds.

I'm starting to think we don't stand a chance either. These vaccines aren't stopping transmission sadly. A room full of vaccinated (majority boosted) individuals and there's still an outbreak? Something isn't adding up.
Employee holiday party about a week ago most likely.

I like to think I'm fairly healthy too. Do an annual physical. No meds.

I'm starting to think we don't stand a chance either. These vaccines aren't stopping transmission sadly. A room full of vaccinated (majority boosted) individuals and there's still an outbreak? Something isn't adding up.
****** IS LYING, B!
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