Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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first time on a plane in forever. attendant came on the mic at the beginning basically saying not to mess around and wear your mask properly the whole time or else. couple people were double masked. my 2 year old had no problems with her mask. bad time to travel because we’re at quad digit positives/day but outer islands have less cases so hopefully we’ll be ok avoiding crowds.
NYS has 95% with first dose and 82.5% with 2+ doses… It’s not slow over here and there’s still a surge

That’s amongst adults, about 72% total population fully vax

Yeah but If you got it it’s da sniffles.

At this point if I get it it’s whatever to me.
Yeah, if its spreading but only minor symptoms then fine. This is gonna be life for the next 10-20 years.

I’m not sure about that yet - as I’ve said before I don’t think we know yet.

Even if it is less deadly the fact that it is so contagious means that so many more people get infected and more people die - it’s fairly simple math.

Vaccination is obviously vital and hopefully it does turn out to be less severe.
You can’t even get tested here until after the holidays. Everybody and their mom is gonna get this one.
That’s crazy, as I’m down in Rochester, and it was stupid easy to line one up with Mayo. Hell, I even get a text message from MN dept of Health on Sunday with a link to find where to go get tested.

Our precaution test from yesterday at 5ish already came back with results before I woke up at 7am this morning. Negative.

Glad to have gotten it done, as I was feeling a bit off the past few days(lower HRV, very slight elevation in RHR, and my Recovery hasn’t been that great either) and a sore throat yesterday with headache all day. Must just be from being outside in the damn cold too much with my dog, hahaha.

Feeling better today upon waking up. Slept in a different area in the house just in case.

Stay safe everyone, and if you can get together with family, enjoy!
I’m not sure about that yet - as I’ve said before I don’t think we know yet.

Even if it is less deadly the fact that it is so contagious means that so many more people get infected and more people die - it’s fairly simple math.

Vaccination is obviously vital and hopefully it does turn out to be less severe.
If most of the deaths from omnicron are the unvaccinated then i'm not gonna worry. If it starts killing a lot of vaxxed and boosted people then i'll start getting concerned.
That’s crazy, as I’m down in Rochester, and it was stupid easy to line one up with Mayo. Hell, I even get a text message from MN dept of Health on Sunday with a link to find where to go get tested.

Our precaution test from yesterday at 5ish already came back with results before I woke up at 7am this morning. Negative.

Glad to have gotten it done, as I was feeling a bit off the past few days(lower HRV, very slight elevation in RHR, and my Recovery hasn’t been that great either) and a sore throat yesterday with headache all day. Must just be from being outside in the damn cold too much with my dog, hahaha.

Feeling better today upon waking up. Slept in a different area in the house just in case.

Stay safe everyone, and if you can get together with family, enjoy!

my wife's boss was the one calling around trying to get them in. he might just be an idiot. :lol:

you always lived in Rochester?
first time on a plane in forever. attendant came on the mic at the beginning basically saying not to mess around and wear your mask properly the whole time or else. couple people were double masked. my 2 year old had no problems with her mask. bad time to travel because we’re at quad digit positives/day but outer islands have less cases so hopefully we’ll be ok avoiding crowds.

Planes require masks, then one hour into the flight, they go around with drinks all at the same time so people can take their masks off all at the same time and eat and drink. Make it make sense.

Fortunately, the one short flight I was on, about 90% of the passengers had the common sense to turn down the drinks on a 1.5 hour flight.
People get thirsty and also want snacks on a flight. Planes pack people like sardines, your face is probably less than a foot away from the face of the person you're sitting next to.
Wonder how vaxxed/boosted but immunocompromised are holding up with omicron lately.

Hey bud, I can answer that for you. As some know, I'm severely immunocompromised as I've had a Liver transplant, now 18+ years ago. Been boosted since mid August. I still wear a mask every time I go inside. And the people myself and my wife see on a semi routine basis (once/twice a week on the weekends as we're all part of a Cars & Coffee group with all the cool cars we all own) And everyone that meets for a trip to a car museum or a large area for lunch, are all vaccinated as is their families and inner circles. So far I've been doing good. Still got loads of sanitizer in my car and again, I NEVER go inside a place without a mask on. I'm feeling okay with the situation. And thankfully all our friends, like I said, are vaxxed. I'll get as many shots as my transplant department team tells me to get. 👍
I don't have covid, I quarantined for a week when I got to Lucia, my entire family tested negative

But I still feel stupid for coming on this trip

I was just so scared I would never get to see my grandmother before she died and I booked this before Delta popped off.

But right now, looking at these numbers. Having the travel back through NYC on the 31st. I just feel I goofed hard
Hey bud, I can answer that for you. As some know, I'm severely immunocompromised as I've had a Liver transplant, now 18+ years ago. Been boosted since mid August. I still wear a mask every time I go inside. And the people myself and my wife see on a semi routine basis (once/twice a week on the weekends as we're all part of a Cars & Coffee group with all the cool cars we all own) And everyone that meets for a trip to a car museum or a large area for lunch, are all vaccinated as is their families and inner circles. So far I've been doing good. Still got loads of sanitizer in my car and again, I NEVER go inside a place without a mask on. I'm feeling okay with the situation. And thankfully all our friends, like I said, are vaxxed. I'll get as many shots as my transplant department team tells me to get. 👍
Good to hear man.
I don't have covid, I quarantined for a week when I got to Lucia, my entire family tested negative

But I still feel stupid for coming on this trip

I was just so scared I would never get to see my grandmother before she died and I booked this before Delta popped off.

But right now, looking at these numbers. Having the travel back through NYC on the 31st. I just feel I goofed hard

You made the right choice fam. Seeing your grandma one more time is a blessing and something you will never forget.
I don't have covid, I quarantined for a week when I got to Lucia, my entire family tested negative

But I still feel stupid for coming on this trip

I was just so scared I would never get to see my grandmother before she died and I booked this before Delta popped off.

But right now, looking at these numbers. Having the travel back through NYC on the 31st. I just feel I goofed hard

Who knows how long this will last man, that’s a risk worth taking. You don’t need to feel bad about that.
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