Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and that I hope you all have a safe and happy time tomorrow. Please be safe and if you have to deal with someone who takes their facts from their FB timeline, just take a deep breath and move them along.

People who are filled with that negativity shouldn't ruin you or anyone's holiday.

Saw this on Reddit. Would yall still feel safe with someone in there? Idk man, maybe throw some tape or something on the zipper part. :lol: Def would still ask them to mask inside.

Saw this on Reddit. Would yall still feel safe with someone in there? Idk man, maybe throw some tape or something on the zipper part. :lol: Def would still ask them to mask inside.
Need more details. It’s definitely not sealed or she would die. Air is being exchanged somehow.
Need more details. It’s definitely not sealed or she would die. Air is being exchanged somehow.

Didnt even think about that. Its a full video on reddit but cant see an “outlet” or anything. Assuming theres a sealed hose to a window (like an indoor ac) would yall trust it?

EDIT: Poster responded and said there was an air filter in there and it was a quick thing just to open presents.
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Didnt even think about that. Its a full video on reddit but cant see an “outlet” or anything. Assuming theres a sealed hose to a window (like an indoor ac) would yall trust it?

EDIT: Poster responded and said there was an air filter in there and it was a quick thing just to open presents.
Sure. Chances are she already infected the rest of them anyway!
I don't have covid, I quarantined for a week when I got to Lucia, my entire family tested negative

But I still feel stupid for coming on this trip

I was just so scared I would never get to see my grandmother before she died and I booked this before Delta popped off.

But right now, looking at these numbers. Having the travel back through NYC on the 31st. I just feel I goofed hard

I feel ya bruh. I’m visiting Paris in 2 weeks. Booked the flight like 6 months ago, now I feel I dun goofed. We been holding out hope that things might improve but the reports have been getting drastically worse day to day. Might have to take this L and postpone the trip.
I would recommend postponing. We've cancelled a Mar 2020 trip to New Orleans for my bday when things originally started popping off in US, a trip to Japan in Jan 2021 (we bought tix Feb 2020), and now a trip to NYC for NYE due to omnicron. Everytime we've been refunded entirely (either our money back or equal credit with the airline)
The average number of days to symptom onset has been steadily reducing with VOC’s, which you would assume is a good thing for cutting presymptomatic exposure, but if people don’t isolate once they start feeling unwell it doesn’t help. To me, that indicates people are either knowingly going out while positive or are ignoring initial symptoms as “it’s just a cold” until it’s not. Likely a combination of both.

Average days to symptom onset
Wuhan: 6-7 days
Alpha: 5
Delta: 4
Omicron: 3
I bet there was a lot of this happening yesterday - denial I suppose and that middle class not wanting to spoil things.


My cousin’s wife (I’ve mentioned her I think - they’re anti-mask/anti-vaccine) once came to Christmas with the flu for that reason - so every one of us got it. That was one of the worst weeks of my life so thanks for that. Obviously that was just flu and we all recovered - this could be so much worse.
I got 5 tests from the store for us. Didn’t want to hog resources but wanted a few on deck. The test lines are hours here. My wife waited two hours to test outside. Me and my daughter just took the home ones.

We’re all negative.

Hella people have Covid that we know and have been around but it’s all just super mild so we tested.
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