Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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as we’re catching our short flight home, my wife and i notice how many people were wearing masks below their nose, there was a fat lady in the row in front of me with an old procedural mask that was snoring real loud and i could see her mouth flapping cause the mask was so loose. she also got up and pulled her mask down a bunch of times to blow her nose. the flight was full and we were at the back of the plane cause we changed flights last minute. i’m looking at us like sardines in a tin can thinking that if one person has covid, we all do now and started to wonder why we decided to vacation off island lol. we wore good masks but my 2-year old has a junky kiddie cloth mask. we’re gonna test tonight and through the week to make sure we’re good. i got a good stash of kits.
Praying the best for y’all. I read that the transmission on planes is not as high as people think due to the consistent air circulation (between outside and inside air). But I haven’t been on a plane since this crap broke out. Have already rescheduled two family vacations. Really hoping we can keep our one in Feb. :frown:

Pfizer. :smh:


Our study was not designed to reliably evaluate vaccine efficacy or protection from severe disease. However, a prediction of vaccine efficacy after a 22-fold drop in neutralization can be made in BNT162b2 vaccinated and vaccinated boosted participants based on data from randomized control trials using a model which relates neutralization level to vaccine efficacy16,17. Using this model and the fold-drop observed here on previous datasets (Materials and methods), we predict a vaccine efficacy for preventing Omicron symptomatic infection of 73% (95% CI 58-83%) in vaccinated and boosted individuals and 35% (95% CI 20-50%) for vaccinated only individuals, essentially compromising the ability of the vaccine to protect against infection in the latter but not the former group. We note that the predictions are similar to actual vaccine efficacy estimates recently reported in the UK.

Despite the extensive neutralization escape of Omicron, residual neutralization levels may still be sufficient to protect from severe disease. Other facets of the adaptive immune response elicited by vaccination and previous infection may increase protection. Furthermore, our observation that vaccination combined with previous infection neutralizes Omicron to a similar extent as vaccination without previous infection neutralizes ancestral virus, indicates that protection from symptomatic infection may occur when vaccination is combined with previous infection or boosting. This may explain why Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccination has been shown to substantially decrease the risk of hospital admission due to Omicron infection in South Africa and supports the use of further vaccination and boosting to combat Omicron.

Get your boosters.
My brothers gf tested positive the other day and he said he was feeling it last night and today.. hope he wakes up ok tomorrow. He said she’s pretty much better now. Neither got their shots
Said he was gonna take an at home test tonight.I wouldn’t be surprised if goes to work tomorrow too (landscaping) .. he’s kinda like that :rolleyes

2 of my bosses and their wives along with a coworker’s gf tested positive last week. Never knew this many people testing positive before. But they all seem ok

I went to Whole Foods on Christmas Eve and it was jumping. Had me questioning wtf I was doing :lol:
as we’re catching our short flight home, my wife and i notice how many people were wearing masks below their nose, there was a fat lady in the row in front of me with an old procedural mask that was snoring real loud and i could see her mouth flapping cause the mask was so loose. she also got up and pulled her mask down a bunch of times to blow her nose. the flight was full and we were at the back of the plane cause we changed flights last minute. i’m looking at us like sardines in a tin can thinking that if one person has covid, we all do now and started to wonder why we decided to vacation off island lol. we wore good masks but my 2-year old has a junky kiddie cloth mask. we’re gonna test tonight and through the week to make sure we’re good. i got a good stash of kits.
Little late now, but I know there are some XS KF94’s meant for toddlers. Let me know if you need some recommendations.
A lot of paranoid people out there
Yeah I agree. Believing the government is trying to implant microchips into your body with the vaccines, 5G conspiracy theories, suppression of treatments with no solid evidence of their efficacy, mask/vaccine mandates being a slippery slope to a totalitarian state, etc. Lots of paranoid people out there.
Double vaxxed, no booster (was going this week). In the DC area, where we are in a surge and I’m feeling chills and muscle aches. I think she finally got me :smh:

Testing hard to come by but let me avoid the fam and try to get one. Feeling okay overall.
Damn. Any idea where you were exposed? Only been 2 days since Christmas (still possible) but maybe Christmas Eve or a couple days before that?
Took a pack/box of n95’s and kn95’s form work today myself. Those N95’s are to tight for everyday wear tho
Agree, I hate the tight head straps on n95’s but that’s part of the reason they work so well. KF94 with adjustable earloops is where it’s at, IMHO.
Damn. Any idea where you were exposed? Only been 2 days since Christmas (still possible) but maybe Christmas Eve or a couple days before that?
Had to be either Christmas Eve or yesterday. Only time I’ve been around “new” people. Yesterday seems so soon even though it’s possible. Reading online it seems like you should actually a couple days to be tested?

I’d pay someone to walk on my back right about now :lol:
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