Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'm still going to the gym, until they close it.

I just wipe down the equipment and wash my hands when I leave like I did before.

I'm a black man in this country bro, who grew up in the inner city, me going outside then and now is a danger.

And for the rest of you with the how could you. I'm not a glass half empty person, but that doesn't mean I don't think it's serious. Not everything is black and white and they aren't synonymous.

There's tons of benefits from going to gym that fight off infection, besides Vitamin D deficiencies from not going out.
You’re good bro
I’m still gonna go too
I’m gonna freeze my wife’s membership though :lol:
My gym closed and paused memberships while closed.
I know lifetime fitness won’t do this for anyone

only way to even pause a membership is if you have an injury and a doctors note :lol: plus they still chargeyou $10 a month
#allspammatters I even mess with luncheon meat if it comes to it :lol: If it's fried up it's all good

Saw some spam at the Asian grocery store, but they are almost $5. Check there if you are desperate :lol:
Spam and eggs over rice :pimp:


Looks good. My Korean homies mom makes Spam fried rice. It’s amazing.

EvergreenHealth doctor tests positive for coronavirus, in critical condition
whats wrong with that? I'm stunned you find that embarassing. Whatever she needs to do to get her though mentality is cool with me. I dont get it. WHy does that make you feel a certain type of way. And you work in the medical field? That lady put a scarf on her face and look at that as embarassing?

Come on man. This isnt time for any judging.

You think like this as a medical field worker?

Yes I do, because it’s I’ll missinformed and does nothing to actually protect her or others from her and this is how the majority of the population is dealing with this, including the whole “self quarantine” agenda....Get informed and do the right thing and stop walking the street looking like a damn fool.
No more eating at restaurants in MA. All schools closed for at least 3 weeks. No gatherings over 25 people, amended from 250 last week.

I'm seeing more and more anecdotes of healthy young adults in critical care. Losing hope man

where are you seeing this? Not saying I don't believe it but a lot of misinformation on social media of people reporting they work somewhere or know someone who works in X Hospital and are full of young people in ICU
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